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Marianne Little

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Everything posted by Marianne Little

  1. Some buildings has a very nice baked shading in the corners/edges. So changing the texture makes it a flat one, but that is not so easy to see because I use a lot of furniture. Some mesh builds gives really wonky results when trying to texture them! It is the price to pay for low LI, I suppose. The walls in one room takes the texture as the other room, because it's the same face. Yes, I like the Flutter a lot! Small rooms is so easy to decorate to give the finished look, not just furniture spread around in a gym hall. For the bathrooms, I just put down a flat mesh prim and texture it with tiles. Maybe I'll just set up a lot of skyboxes and teleport between them, and landscape the ground to a park. No builds, no furniture on the ground will free a lot of LI.
  2. I was just walking through Redgrave Homes. Been there before. Even picked up footprints. I like them, but why don't I love them? Maybe the Luton Manor, but that has a "summer" feeling. Or the Lakeview. It's the tight entry there that's not just what I want... and the floors aren't all that. And the Roost houses. I have the Palm View up, and the Lake Side or New Port would work so well for the winter season. But the mesh... I can see they are from 2013/2014 and it's much more refined doors and windows in the new builds. And the Onsu Cucumber house, it's the one I love the first floor but not the second floor. The last house I bought was the Magick from Scarlet creative and I have the prims for it. It's the house where I love the kitchen area, but not the rest. I don't complain! I bought so many things in SL on a impulse. It's not the creators fault. I just can't find something that inspire me.
  3. That can be hard to do, but what you can do with shorelines is amazing. Like the sandshores and sandslides from Las Islas. Hm. Maybe that's an idea for me.
  4. I am so unsure and that's why I shouldn't rebuild? I have 2318 LI, but only 740 available and that's not enough for a build with surroundings in the sky. A skybox, yes. I took down a halloween build that was 600 something LI. I have houses, but no one begs me to set it up. The latest one.... I fell in love with the kitchen area, but the more I look at the other rooms, the more I dislike them. I have a house where I adore the exterior and first floor, but it has a second floor that I don't like. I have a house I like everything with, but it is too small, and the larger builds in the store is not "me". I have some houses that was totally a miss, I bought the houses as an impulse buy, but never tried to set them up. I look at new houses but it is something wrong with every one. One has only a big open room. Others have too many walls and a small entry. Some does not have so nice textures as I want. Some have too big doorknobs ... but to be fair, the houses with the doorknobs also have a crude mesh over all. They are often older, before the builder refined their mesh work. But the interior layout can be just as I want it, not too open, not to locked in. Me = picky. ? And then the house I have up now. I like it. I like the terrain around. I just want change.
  5. Sorry for the long title. I am a bit stuck, I always enjoy to set up a new house, garden, driveway, pool and all that exterior stuff. (You can just replace the words with castle or space station, or whatever you set up on your land.) Then I do the interior decorating. I use maybe 1/3 of things I own, and buy new things 2/3. I enjoy the freedom of it, because it is expensive and so much work to totally change a home in RL. And then, what? I want to do something else. But I see a pattern here: When I rebuild in the same spot, build2 is never as good as build1. I think it has to do with the fact that new land is exiting, and I look to optimize it. When I take down build1, it is just changing for the sake of changing, and so it's not turning out as good. (I am not leaving this plot that I own now.... before I always rented on some private sim) How often do you rebuild your land totally.... and are you satisfied? Do you think "yes, this is much better" or "this is ok, but the old build was just as good or better". And I am thinking of doing drastic change, not changing a part. Maybe I should not change before I am totally bored of the build and desperate to do something new. That may spark more creativity? I should say this is ground building I am talking about. Something about working on the ground is more satisfying. I have no idea about why, it's just me.
  6. I sometimes reply in groups, but I am not on duty there, and if I don't know the answer, why should I reply and say "I don't know"? I can be helpful, but only if I can help, and if I am in the middle of something that I have to give my full attention, that is my priority, not the group chat. I would think "rude" if I read that, but I would not bother to reply, just close the chat. And think that people get more and more demanding and impatient, not able to search in information posted online. And yes, the only way to read that is "sarcastic" or rude.
  7. Sorry for the late reply. RL is so stressful with work. So you got a Belleza - I assume body? I know that new people often get confused by all the different terms we use, and when you say shape, I wonder if it is a physical mesh body with hands and feet that you wear over the default body and hide the default body with an alpha layer. That is what I would assume when you say Belleza, but you say shape. I use the Marketplace a lot. Since you have a Belleza body, I would use Belleza as a search word, and then filter it apparel-womens-gowns. Blue is not a very popular color, you might need to compromise and use a sleeveless gown, or a white gown. This is blue, but darker and sleeveless. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Just-BECAUSE-Nadine-Gown-1Blue-Maitreya-Belleza-Slink/15356987 This is sleeveless too: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ZAHiRA-ice-2-style-dress/9909282 There are long sleeved gowns, but the sleeves I can see is more wide and the gown look more "princess" with wide skirts. The horns, there are lots of horns for sale in SL, https://marketplace.secondlife.com/products/search?search[category_id]=513 but many are very decorated with chains and trinkets. Many also curve down like ram horns, or out to the side like Baphomet horns. These horns is not so different from yours, but they curve more. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Maleficent-Horns/7720515 There are stores you can visit inworld, like Promagic and Plastik. For hair, it looks like it's pulled back in a ponytail? Perhaps this hair? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/rezology-Volpe-RIGGED-mesh-hair-SK-557-complexity/6946179 I don't think I can write more, it is half past midnight for me There is a monthly event called We Love Role-Play, you can browse the list of bloggers. They can be a help, even if you don't see exact the things you want, you can find stores that you like the items from, visit them and see if you like some in the store. It is thousands of items for avatars. http://weloveroleplay.weebly.com/
  8. Do you want/need to get naked? If the answer is "no" then you don't need a mesh body. Will you need Bento Technology = better face expressions, individual finger movements? If the answer is "no" too, you don't need a mesh head or hands either. Do you need 100% the same look, or could a light blue gown with long sleeves work, even if it's not just the same pattern? And the budget, how much do you want to spend?
  9. What can I do in the Betagrid, it is weird here. I am afraid I will loose something if I sort inventory here - when I'm in ordinary Secondlife, does changes go smooth over?
  10. I still have that group up, I just try to keep it far from other furniture so the size isn't so noticeable. I can talk up a sitting group that is modify, low prim and cheap. When I bought it, it was set to a lower price for group members in the store. The DDD wicker set. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DDD-Wicker-Set-Tex-Change-PG-Low-Prim-Multipiece/12178526 Since we talk about Kazza, the plaid and pillow on the right chair is from the one of two modify Kazza furniture sets. It drives me crazy that I bought so many no mod items from them when I was a bit bigger - or didn't I notice it back then?
  11. It's so sad that it isn't mod. It is too big for my avatars. Annoying, that Kazza's Tuscan Couch is mod, and another set. But every other blasted thing is no mod. It is nice and low prim. Their lighthouse is so great, but I can't unlink the trees I don't want.
  12. And as one who jumped the mesh body and head bandwagon early, I learnt a few things when he posted the mesh heads tutorials.... @Skell Daggeris a resource for help and support in SL.
  13. Do you have an unstable internet connection? Do you often have problems with scripted items? Maybe you need to relog. If the problem persists, try to rez the original container the head came in, and get a fresh copy from it. If you are missing the original container, there should be a redelivery terminal in the store. I am sorry that I can only give a generic answer, I never used Akeruka heads.
  14. You say in another thread that you use an Akeruka mesh head. You must buy an Omega Relay HUD for Akeruka. http://alaskametro-sl.com/user-guides-manuals/using-omega-appliers-second-life-mesh-heads/ Step One: Wear your AK Head. Step Two: Attach the “Omega System Relay – AK” Step Three: Wear and use your Omega appliers.. (make sure the Relay stays attached!)
  15. I think the Slink bodies has a neck "sleeve" that's a tattoo layer. You use this to get a smoother transition from mesh neck to system head. But I haven't used a system head in years, so my memory is a bit Fuzzy. Maybe the mesh bodies stop to offer it. The mesh body and system head as differnt number of triangles... is it that it's called? Anyway I remember it was discussed, it was so hard to get an invisible seam. I say you will "never" get an invisible seam with that default light you have. Try Nams skin and prim, or another even light. Of course others who use ugly light will see the seam, but you can't help it. If they will use fuglylight. This may be a situation when a subtle facelight is necessary.
  16. I'm thinking I could get a small modify gun from the MP and attach it myself. But it's so many amazing mesh creators, they could do a much better job.
  17. I know where to get a garter pistol, but I want an ankle carry pistol, like the one here: Preferably with black lace, but I can work with a plain option. Anyone makes it?
  18. If you use the furniture and it animates your face, the animation creator has to make the furniture so it does that. It is not something the casual SL user will do on their own, unless he or she want to learn how to create things. The face does nothing unless the furniture is made with expressions, and if it is made for the system avatar - does not work for any mesh heads. If it is made for the new Bento heads - does not work for pre Bento mesh heads or system heads. If you want my advice, I will suggest a Bento head. You can buy your own furniture. The furniture description should read something like this: " Full Bento (for bento mesh avatars - hands and faces animated) " You know that you get your animations, and if your partner has a Bento head and hands, their face will be animated too. (demo the furniture before you buy!) If you want to use furniture in other places, the only way to find out is to test them and see. Trial and error. And if you have found the furniture that does absolutely everything you want - but it's not animating your face - then you can play expressions yourself with a Bento expression HUDs that's either included with the purchase, or sold separately. This is an older video of one of the first male Bento heads. From 11 minutes, the blogger goes through the default face animations that comes with that head. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=682&v=rLFxvLqv4Fc There are other brands as well, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ns0iC_gNj0 and also in this video, the blogger start to show the animations at 11 minutes.
  19. Oh okay, and I read it as you meant the only correct way was to get a redelivery, and that me suggesting she could look in her inventory was wrong. I still think it is better safe than sorry, and so I keep the box. That's optional. Now that it is out of the way, the original poster sounded to me, like she 1: had no idea that she could rez the Maitreya container again, or 2: she thought it was empty after she unpacked it and could not be used again, or 3: when she deleted the Maitreya bag on the ground after unpacking, it is not in her inventory anymore. I wanted to inform her that she - Probably has the original pack and can get a fresh copy from it. - - Even when we rez or wear the Maitreya shopping bag, it is a duplicate and stay in the object folder unless deleted from it. - - - Deleting the bag on ground does not delete it from her inventory. So if the OP read here again, she heard that from me, from you and others that there is a redelivery station at Maitreya, that other HUDs can cover the Maitreya HUD.... It is then up to her to do as she please.
  20. Well we do it different, it is not one correct way. I sometimes have 3 avatars logged in the same time for photos and must go back and forth between them. Having one object unopened for backup is my way. Still I need a new hud once a year at most. But if thst hsppens when taking photos...
  21. But why not keep the original box, in case the Maitreya sim is down for a restart. Is is also much faster to rez the original pack where you are, instead of going there, wait for the sim to rez, and find the terminal. I am the kind of person who prefer to fix things myself, and if I need a new HUD every 4-5 month or so, it is not strange. It is what's worn 24/7 in SL.
  22. I feel there is a story here.... But I'm not a writer.
  23. Oh yes. That one.... been there.... It is so many HUDs, and they minimize to a small innocent button, but cover a large rectangle.
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