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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Dunno, that's why I said I'm not sure. I pop back and forth between Firestorm and SLV so much I can't remember what works where.
  2. Dillon Levenque wrote: For me, I figure if I look okay to me than i look okay. You definitely look okay!
  3. Hi Marcel, It sounds like that sim is only accessible to group members or whitelisted friends. If you really want access to the sim, you'll probably have to know someone on the inside who can pull the necessary strings to get you a backstage pass. Otherwise, there are lots of other fish in the sea. :-).
  4. Hi Ellie, We're residents just like you, so we have no special insight into the skill gaming changes. There's a very long winded thread on the topic here... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Skill-Gaming-Policy-Thread/m-p/2771090 I'll summarize my understanding of the change, but please don't depend on it. If you are running games in which residents can or do pay in (only the ability to pay in is required, even if people don't avail themselves of it) to a game which also pays out, then the game will need to be located on a gaming registered sim, and the game itself must be registered. I'm not sure what the fees are for doing that, but I did read that the "Reasoned Legal Opinion" that's required by Linden Lab before registration is granted would usually cost $100 or more. I think these RLOs are required to ensure that the game is not a game of chance, which is flat out not allowed in SL. If you are running games in which it is not possible for people to pay in, or there is no pay out, then you needn't do anything. I did not follow the discussions of external money flow, as in games where you purchase entry out-world and receive payment out-world, but it seems reasonable to conclude that if an SL game provides the mechanism for money to exchange hands externally, it would still not be allowed. But, once again, don't depend on my understanding of this. Linden Lab's change to the Terms Of Service to address skill based games is a response to legal requirements. I'm an engineer, and though I sometimes have to deal with lawyers and even have some as friends, it's been my general experience that those people are nuts. I hope you and your Hubby continue to enjoy a profitable time in SL, and have even more fun in whatever virtual world the Lindens are trying to cook up to lure us in the next couple years. In case you didn't know about that announcement, it's generated even more chatter than the skill gaming changes... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Linden-Lab-is-building-a-NEW-virtual-world/td-p/2753476 ;-).
  5. Hi Sniper (don't shoot! ;-), Some purchased items are packed in boxes (which needn't look like boxes, you get the idea). To unpack the things, you must rez the "box" on the ground in a place that allows rezzing. (You can wear the box, but it's not as easy to unpack if you do). If you don't have your own place, like a Linden Home, you must find a place. And the best places to go for this purpose are public sandboxes. Even if you do have property of your own, if you have a small prim limit, you may not have the room to rez a fancy box (I once had one that took 12 prims!). Again, you'll have to wander over to a sandbox to unpack the box. Here's more about unpacking boxes... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Opening-boxes/ta-p/700185 Have fun with whatever it is you got! ;-).
  6. How did I not know this?!
  7. Lindal's covered Firestorm, I'll cover the SL Viewer. Go to Preferences->Privacy and click "Block List". I think you'll find the blocked stream there (I've never blocked a stream, so I'm not sure). Good luck!
  8. It's a conspiracy, I tells ya! ;-). Okay Unknown, if there's a label above your head, it's being put there by a "titler". This is a script that resides in something you're wearing, probably a collar. For the moment, you'll have to remove all attachments one-by-one until the title vanishes. The last thing you removed contained the titler script. If the thing containing the titler is something you wish to keep, you'll either have to learn how to operate it (look for instructions that came with the purchase) or edit the titler function out of it. If you're going to role-play at slave auctions, you'll really want to know how to operate the gizmos! Good luck!
  9. Hi Monniela, Mouselook gives you a first person view of SL, through your avatar's eyes. You can enable that by typing M or zooming all the way in on your avatar. When in Mouselook, your mouse points the camera. Some objects, like snowball throwers that you wear, require you to be in mouselook for aiming and firing. Here's more information... http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Camera-point-of-view-controls/ta-p/700047 You can enable/disable seeing your avatar when you look down in mouseview by checking/unchecking "Preferences->Move & View - Mouse: Show me in Mouselook". Have fun!
  10. http://art.missouristate.edu/electronicarts.aspx http://programs.unisa.edu.au/public/pcms/Course.aspx?pageid=007708 http://www.csuchico.edu/art/programs/bfaElectronicArts.shtml http://catalog.rpi.edu/preview_program.php?catoid=9&poid=1936&returnto=206 http://www.linfield.edu/catalog/departments/department-details.html?dept=EART http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/catalog/current/cota/film/fea_ba02.html http://www.bard.edu/academics/programs/programs.php?id=749994&pid=760 I see a conspiracy by institutions of higher education to confuse our teens! ;-).
  11. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Do you find how a food looks affects how it tastes? I do. I also find that how a thing looks affects how it sounds... And with only two ears, we can locate sound sources in 3D space... And what we've already heard affects what we'll hear next... http://gizmodo.com/this-audio-illusion-will-make-you-never-trust-your-ears-1593113324# Ain't Nature grand? (Seeing/hearing may be believing, but it's not knowing). Maybe by the time the snow flies I'll have time to attend one of your Science soirées! ;-).
  12. LordHappycat wrote: Assumptions only get you so far. People are so conclusive as to assume what people's emotions are. I'd have to say, you're far off from thinking I'm even remotely angry. If anything, I'm mostly astounded that the community in these forums just take things out of context and still run with them. I have nothing to prove and show. I'm not responsible for your persception. If you wish to believe that I'm angry and if it helps make you sleep better at night. So be it. Because that's what everyone just generalizes when someone comes up with rational thought and is in the minority against the blunt majority. So I recall nothing and with that I'm pretty much done here. I've only acted that reflected one's obliviousness. So, enjoy that to think about. :3 Anger was your plausible deniability card, you should have bucked up and played it.
  13. LordHappycat wrote: "As for architecture, I'm glad to know that I can merely swap out parts to turn the Empire State building into the Taj Mahal." Then shut up and do it. Because that wasn't my point, idiot. Maybe while you're doing it, you'll have the crushing weight of a whole structure destroy your idiocy once and for all. :3 Recall that I said your anger would work against you, compromising your ability to reason. It has done precisely that, and in grand fashion. You'll be hard pressed to find anyone in the forums (or anywhere else, I suspect) that considers Parhelion an idiot, though there is a least one person who thinks I am an idiot, and might enjoy your company. I don't think I've ever met an idiot. I imagine they're rare. I've met people who are angry, sometimes as a result of encountering me. I've met people who are careless, often as a result of being angry. And that gives me the power to make people careless. It's not a super power, but it's useful. Your response to Par violates the SL Terms Of Service you claim not to have accepted. I won't AR your response, though you might hope someone else does. Rawr!
  14. Gawain Galtier wrote: It's working wonderfully! I will try to fine tune it as suggested. You're the best, and I really don't know how to thank you adequately. If you're ever in the market for a new friend, you have one in me! Thank you thank you and wishing you an awesome weekend, Gawain Rolig is the best, and can't resist a good puzzle. Keep that weakness in mind. ;-).
  15. LordHappycat wrote: What competition is there? IMVU? lol They're partially responsible for making that foundation shaky. So it is their responsibility to fix it, not abandon it. I will not simply try and accept SL as something that was hyped up to be everything it's barely even a quarter of. All for the expense of waiting 11 years to suddenly now decide to do something new? No, that's just blantly unacceptable. They're already delaying development as it is within themselves to make the current product better. Don't put this blame on the community that serves as some of the blood for those developers to give ideas and suggestions to that they haven't thought of. There have been instances over time where some of the same products still withstand the test of time and age well. I'm not saying this applies to everything. But I think it's a matter LL continually overshoots and underestimates year in and year out. We're talking about future competition, just as we're talking about a future VW from LL. Somebody is going to lure us away from SL, and that may be somebody we've never heard of. You are also thinking too narrowly. Facebook and good weather are also current and future competition for SL. Competing virtual worlds are likely to be built on more modern foundations, allowing more rapid improvement until they too run out of gas and must be rethought. Linden Lab has no responsibility to fix the shaky foundation. It's naive to think they do, particularly as they told you they don't in the TOS (Thanks, Coby!) and you clicked "Accept". If that's blatantly unacceptable, then are you blatantly self contradictory? Perhaps you blatantly ignored the TOS when accepting it? I did (and I bet we're not the only ones) and so I don't complain about it. You've shown me no evidence you understand software engineering, so I think your claim that LL can make the current system enough better to remain competitive is an uninformed opinion. Mine may be slightly better informed. There have been many discussions here about SL architectural deficiencies, from databases to graphics architectures to systems integration. Some of the technologies on which SL is based are no longer being actively improved by their originators and some have been surpassed by superior alternatives that cannot simply be swapped in. And none of us know what will be required to remain competitive next year, as next year's competition is not yet known to us. The concurrency charts suggest that SL has not been competitive for five years, even though they've been working on it. I think that's why Ebbe and the Lindens are willing to try something new. As for the longevity of technical products, Microsoft abandoned DOS, Win3.x, Win95, Win2000, and recently WinXP, which is about the age of SL. Apple abandoned 68K applications a decade ago and PowerPC applications a few years ago. They'll probably abandon the iPhone 4 this year. Analog TV and cell phones are gone, as is most magnetic tape and Intel Indeo (DVI) encoded video. HD-DVD lasted only a few years and Blu-Ray may not last 20. There's a long history of technology products being set out to pasture. Is all that blatantly unacceptable? I agree that LL has overpromised and underdelivered in the past. They may do so again in the future. That's also not unusual in the tech industry. Where's the flying car my Dad was promised? Your insinuation that I'm putting blame on the community has no basis in fact. I've blamed no one for anything. If change angers you, be aware that anger clouds thinking, placing you at a disadvantage in a rational discussion. Also be aware that I'm nefarious. ;-).
  16. LL can't take SL to where they want to go because the foundation is shaky. To build a competitive new virtual world, they have to start from scratch. Your request reminds me of the quote that Henry Ford never uttered. "If I'd asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said "a faster horse"." Your suggestion that they delay development of a new virtual world would surely please LL's competitors. The moment something better than SL arrives, many of us will flock to it. Why would you want LL to forfeit the game?
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: <snip> A few years ago, I accidentally discovered that taking my neighbor for a ride on my tandem bicycle qualifies as an "other thing". She asked me to pull over and stop because she felt "weird". As she fanned herself, I realized that "weird" was a euphamism. She never rode with me again. I continue to enjoy riding. A lot. ;-). Women are not the only ones who can get a weird feeling.
  18. Thomas Galbreus wrote: Drake1 Nightfire wrote: How do you know they are acting. How do you know they don't actually make those noises when they orgasm? You know, some people have experienced real female orgasms, so they have something to compare. If you are interested in experiencing real female orgasms, try other things with female bodies than using them like a sex toy. I don't think Drake is likely to ever experience a real female orgasm. He's got the wrong plumbing. I think I could make just about any noise imaginable, though this one remains on my bucket list... A few years ago, I accidentally discovered that taking my neighbor for a ride on my tandem bicycle qualifies as an "other thing". She asked me to pull over and stop because she felt "weird". As she fanned herself, I realized that "weird" was a euphamism. She never rode with me again. I continue to enjoy riding. A lot. ;-).
  19. Hi Darkinian, I'll guess you are trying to use your e-mail account password on the page where you change e-mail addresses. That's NOT the password the page is looking for. It wants your SL account password, to verify that you're really the owner of the SL account on which you are changing the password. The web page is poorly designed, so confusion is to be expected. You should never enter your e-mail password anywhere other than when logging into your e-mail service. If you really are using your SL password on that page, it may be a browser glitch. Try using Chrome or Firefox, SL doesn't like Internet Explorer Be careful!
  20. Hippie, I told Val she should sit in the back seat while I drove her to market cuz it's safer. But she didn't want to sit back there by herself and started tugging on my tail. Now I can't reach the steering wheel... I think we'll need a li'l help. Happy Friday, Kids!!!
  21. Hi Clara, Rolig's right. Second Life requires a computer that meets these requirements... https://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/ There is a way around this that may work with your Chromebook. SLGo is a service of OnLive that runs the SL viewer on a remote computer in a closet somewhere in California. That computer then (hopefully) streams video to your Chromebook. You can find out more about it here... http://slgo.onlive.com The service costs US$9.95/month and there is a free seven day trial. Good luck!
  22. Go get some caffeine... http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Texture_Console http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Image_System http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Talk:Texture_Cache
  23. Now that Val's nursing a busted paw, we're gonna have to take turns pushing her all over creation, Hippie... Happy Thursday, Kids!!!
  24. Hi buzz, If the person you sent the money to doesn't wish to return it, there's nothing you can do. To avoid mistyping the name in the future, copy and paste it from another source. I keep an electronic notepad on my computer for just such things. Be careful!
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