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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. fantasywannabe27 wrote: well you know what they say, Life is just a game, but i'm not playing lol. but yeah i know the difference between real life and fantasy, along with the whole virtual saftey thing. Have known it for 15 years I think I know the difference between real life and fantasy. That's not the same as actually knowing. ;-).
  2. ChanceHart wrote: SL is NOT a game. People say that about RL as well, yet there are people living it as such. I hope you don't encounter one.
  3. Aethelwine wrote: In my experience those that wrap themselves in theit flag and condemn everyone else for being unamerican reject the very same values that attracts everyone else. Yep. I'm puzzled by Americans who wrap themselves in the constitution, yet have never read it. Hell, I read the li'l tags on my undies before I put them on.
  4. What do the British do with all that daylight time they're saving? I visited in 2000, and I don't think I saw even half as much daylight as we have at home here in Wisconsin. Are you all hoarders?
  5. carolinestravels wrote: There is two type of people in the world, americans and non-americans. Nooooo, the two types is American and Anti-American!
  6. Marigold Devin wrote: I think I was more galled by the fact they had a better eye for decorating and therefore a better home than I Doesn't that just chap your hide? I just spent the weekend dealing with asshats that have better taste than I do.
  7. irihapeti wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: augmersion immertation It's a good thing we live in different hemispheres. I don't think one is big enough for the both of us.
  8. Hippie Bowman wrote: Did you get a lot of loot? I did, and I'm glad you did too! It was strange this year, only two families came to the door (typical for my rural neighborhood), but this year both of them brought treats. So I ended the day with more stuff than I started. I gave away some science kits, and I got a little raspberry pie and a plate of cinnamon chocolate chip cookies in return. Happy Saturday, Kids!!!
  9. Hi ImShayla, I imagine you're on Windows, which I don't know much about. On a Mac, the Preview tool is capable of opening up most documents (image, word processing, etc) and exporting them in various formats, including JPG. On a PC, I think Windows Photo Viewer is limited to opening only image files, including GIF (but not animated GIF). But it may also have the ability to export in other formats, including JPEG. Give it a try!
  10. Hi tungfu, This happens sometimes. Try typing Esc or Esc+Shift a few times, or type Ctrl+9. If that doesn't work, try: Advanced->Show Debug Settings, type CameraOffsetRearview, click Reset to Default Advanced->Show Debug Settings, type FocusOffsetRearview, click Reset to default If the Advanced Menu isn't showing, type Ctrl+Alt+D. Good luck!
  11. Hi MrCameronE, You're not the only one experiencing this problem. In addition to all the requirements mentioned by Ms. Lane, there have also been reports that special characters in the SL or RL biography sections of either person's profile can prevent a partnership. That said, a recent sufferer of this problem reported clean profiles for both people and accounts in good standing, yet no ability to partner. If either of you is a premium member, I'd recommend hitting live chat to ask for help. And if you do find a solution to the problem, please lets us know!
  12. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Halloween! Have a great day off Val! Peace! It's snowing outside! I struck a "come hither" pose in my doorway, hoping to attract some sexy ghouls. All I got was a kid in a tablecloth... Happy Halloween, Kids!!!
  13. irihapeti wrote: probably best to not mix up your augmentation with your immersion at this early stage in your planning Yeah, it's best to leave augmersion to the pros.
  14. Lindal's right, this sounds like a ban issue. Those come in two flavors... An IP ban blocks any computer using a particular IP address. This is a rather blunt tool, as multiple people may use the same IP address, and many ISPs re-assign IP addresses on a regular basis. So it's not unheard of for innocent people to find themselves banned from SL because of an IP address reassignment. If moving your MacBook to another network allows you to log-in, your home IP address has probably been banned. The second type of ban is a MAC address ban. This ban applies to the hardware network address of your particular computer. If moving your computer to a different network results in the same error message from the viewer, then your computer was used for SL activity that resulted in a permanent ban, and LL blocked it. Your only recourse will be to have the ban lifted by LL (Lindal explained that) or to get a new computer.
  15. Hi Quantum, How far do you get in the log-on process? Do you get an error message? Come back to your question and edit it (via "Options" over there on the right) to include this additional information.
  16. Poenald Palen wrote: I thought this was about a HUGE object. Something everyone could stand behind. Everyone on earth. Like one of those things where they say "the intestines are SO long they could wrap around *insert name of a huge object* 10 times!" and we all are more intelligent and entertianed. So, should I pull a cat apart and wrap it around the earth a few times and take a pic? That sounds to gross. I lack anything to post here other than my disapointment.
  17. LL has been inconsistent in their handling of passwords across their various properties. If your log-in password is longer than 16 characters, some pages will ignore the excess. The viewer and some web log-ins allow non alphanumeric password characters, the Contact Information page does not. Make sure your password is 16 characters or less, all of them alphanumeric. You can change it on the Change Password page, then try changing your e-mail address. If your current password meets the criteria I've described, I'm afraid I've no explanation for your inability to use it to change your e-mail address. Good luck! ETA: I think I got this slightly wrong. To be universally accepted, passwords must be 6-16 characters in length, and may not contain spaces. It may be okay to use special characters, I'm not sure. Still, I'd avoid them. Here's the JIRA bug report I started a few days ago, relating to this issue. See Whirly Fizzle's explanation... https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-7631?
  18. Linden Lab fez alguma manutencão no grid SL esta manhã. É detalhado aqui ... http://status.secondlifegrid.net Você deve ser capaz de log-in sem problemas agora. Quando coisas estranhas acontecem, verifique a página de status da rede em primeiro lugar.
  19. Hi Angellina, Linden Lab did some maintenance on the SL grid this morning. It's detailed here... http://status.secondlifegrid.net You should be able to log-in without issue now. When strange things happen, check that grid status page first.
  20. Hi Horatio, We're residents, just like you. The only way to gift money to others within the confines of SL is to send them L$. They can then sell those to obtain US$ with which to pay SL fees.
  21. Hi MissGost, It's possible this is causing you grief... http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2014/10/29/post2408/ Which says: [Posted 12:05 PM PDT, 29 October 2014] We will be performing scheduled maintenance tomorrow, Thursday, October 30th, beginning at 6am. During this time, some residents may experience login issues and residents in-world may be logged off or experience degraded performance. Additionally, during this time Group Chat may fail. Please refrain from rezzing no-copy objects and making L$ transactions during this maintenance. Please check back here for updates. When you have log-in difficulties, check there first.
  22. Phil Deakins wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: There's something else afoot here. The game is afoot, my dear Maddy - or it's those things on the ends of legs with little wriggly bits on the front. The future is getting crowded, The game is getting hot. Please put a dollar In Mr. Deakins' pot. There's a good girl As an erstwhile rock musician, I'd have thought you'd want your pot unadulterated. Just look at what capitalism has done to you.
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: Ohjiro Watanabe wrote: Isn't it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? Are you insinuating that there aren't fairies at the bottom of the garden? The next thing you know, he'll be questioning the existence of Martians.
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