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Cali Souther

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Everything posted by Cali Souther

  1. Formal or Holiday attire ~ I was told ~ encouraged but not required !!!
  2. Come all ye' friends old and new! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Allana/213/19/26
  3. Sorry to hear you are feeling this way.... many of us have taken a break over the years - maybe you need one?
  4. hahaha @ biscuit! I'm hungry at the moment, so the biscuit really sounds good but.... I would LOVE in world weather. I LOVE to stand in Minecraft and watch / listen to it rain and snow... that would be absolutely wonderful if it happened in Second Life !!!! In my humble opinion, of course.
  5. Agreed, and I wish this would include enlarging the overall interface so increased font sizes didn't get cut off or overlaid on the screen..... at least it's an option in Firestorm... Black Dragon I can barely see/ read anything in the settings. @animats I tend to agree with @Gabriele Gravesabout changing clothes - would be super nice if it didn't show anything and your new outfit just popped on all at the same time. lol Tho... @Maitimo makes a good point --- if you see nothing .... and there is lag - you might keep trying to change things - thinking nothing was happening - That wouldn't be good. As far as modesty goes, I wouldn't mind being a pink cloud until I am fully rezzed... though, I've gotten over the embarrassment of being naked - since everyone else is too. Getting off chairs and such could certainly be improved with more grace.
  6. Well phooey!~ I did that for nothing then. Thanks!
  7. My account was recently hacked and LL notified me of suspicious activity immediately. I was on vacation and sick with Covid, so it took a few days to see the email. Once I opened a support ticket, they were quick to put my account on hold. They worked with me to refund my lost lindens/dollars, and suggested the MFA security. I plan to set it up soon. There's really only so much LL can do, just like any company. Be sure to change your password often and set up MFA. Sorry this happens to anyone - such a PITA.
  8. Thank you .... The headache, cough, chest and sinus congestion, along with difficulty breathing has been going on for at least 10 days and counting..... Cinn ~ sounds like you had a less invasive experience. This is my first round, and hope it's my last!!! LittleMe ~ sorry to hear .... seems to be same for me.... Rolig~ very sorry to hear about your son, it's always worse when it's our child. hugssssss Peeve: Losing interest in things you like because you just don't feel well....
  9. Peeve on steroids: When your SL account gets hacked while you are sick with the flu (while you were supposed to be on vacation)..... and they buy $150 usd worth of lindens and transfer them to some account and you have to put everything on hold and wait for LL to investigate. When even your SL dashboard won't open because it says the page is not secure ...
  10. ^ That has been my experience. I've also lost boxes ... must have deleted by mistake, losing lots of houses and stuff. (shrugs)
  11. Not to derail, but can you create an alpha to hide, say, the hair under a hat? I don't think so - but thought I would ask. You never know.
  12. I was referring to clothing, yes. If you create from a template, you have to ad a prim and link to make it "yours" --- so if you sell it as mod, it would certainly mess with that part. I don't know that much about it - and I didn't realize so many were so big on mod abilities. I do like it when I can change the color of something tho --- just can't seem to keep that option open without leaving everything else open as well.
  13. 2-4 pm SLT would work for me, but I am flexible if someone else has a tight schedule. 😁🤗
  14. Brilliant idea! 😉 I wonder if we can talk Ghosty into djing?
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