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Cali Souther

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Everything posted by Cali Souther

  1. Peeve: People who ask for help, but are already so frustrated with the process they don't really want help - they just want to rant and be unhappy.
  2. Impressive - I have one big folder for "Holiday" - and everything else is by brand (mostly) with a separate folder for shoes, accessories, undies & stuff life that... I really really need to organize my inventory!! 😉
  3. To an extent, yes I do - when I'm human. It feels a bit funny to wear a winter coat in SL, when you can fry an egg on the pavement outside (in RL). That being said, since it never really gets cold here in So. California --- I sort of go along with the traditional seasons. It also really just depends on my mood. 😃 I also enjoy dressing up for the holiday seasons - like Fall, Halloween, Christmas, etc.
  4. I was not in the mood to respond to this yesterday and in hindsight, I should have just ignored the snarky response. I will admit, now - I feel the need to make my point. The question - Should LL communicate to it’s residents inworld vs. a third party app? My point is, one size does not fit all. Why not do both? Second Life has been marketed as the place to gather and collaborate. Too many loud voices, you say? Well, as I said – shouldn’t LL be able to overcome this? I’ve been to several in world gatherings put on by designers and artists that were very well attended, and the audience was not out of control. It is, at the very least, something LL should consider - since many residents feel it would foster a more intimate connection. Attending inworld and watching on You Tube are very different experiences. Others prefer to watch on You Tube; it’s convenient and fits their needs just fine. There is no reason they can’t do both – except maybe the lack of suitable technology at this point. The OP asked for feedback. I believe it’s important to allow everyone to voice their opinion, whether I agree with them or not. Diversity of ideas is essential for growth.
  5. hahahahahaha!!! Thank you for that, I've really had one of those days and that made me literally laugh out loud. 🤣👍
  6. I am usually in SL as a pretty hot female avatar.... I don't get very many unsolicited IMs .... (shrugs)...... I get more when I go in as a cat, or a unicorn, or a lion.......... etc. Just another dolled up female isn't much of a draw it seems. 😉
  7. Peeve: When I forget what my peeve was, because I had 4 pages of peeves to catch up on, read them all and forgot my original reason for coming to the peeve thread....
  8. How very interesting!!! Thank you I went to a busy place to try this out. The highest complexity avatar was someone who's body continuously moved - as if under water or something. A bit odd/not as cool as it may sound. Inspection revealed an unbelievable list of attachments. Also noticed, the person just seemed to be standing there - not shopping. I aim to keep my avatar under 100k or lower. I don't wear my animals to go shopping or to big events. If I go to a club and everyone has their pets out; I do whip out my doggie. What the heck, right? OP - good luck to you!! That is a cool avatar. Hope they offer an update to reduce the complexity [it was certainly a bit on the expensive side] or hope you find something less complex that you like just as much! Good of you to be complexity conscious. =D
  9. This is sooooo pretty - everything matches perfectly !!! Well done !!!! ♥
  10. I asked a question, you gave me your opinion. I didn't say it should. I don't need to explain myself to you.
  11. I don't see why it couldn't be both in world and saved / posted on You Tube? As for the audience [specifically the loud ones] - Can't LL shut them up? Maybe they only take pre-submitted questions? Just curious...
  12. Peeve: When they close a thread that the OP didn't, but several of us did make it about Second Life..... still they killed it.
  13. SL has given me hours of enjoyment, and friendships I would not otherwise have ~ so yes, it has improved my real life.
  14. That's a good idea !!!! 🤣 I think it helps! At least if they zoom in - they'll see the ring and not a dark spot LOL
  15. Peeve - trying a demo only, buying a skin and finding it has a flaw.... Dark spot on left nostril ... yes, I'm being picky but it drives me nuts! It looks like I have a bugger or something!
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