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  1. Hi everyone, I decided to finally post here and see if I could get some help with an issue that i can't seem to resolve. For a while already I've been wondering why I run SL way slower than i should be (IMO) Yesterday i was in a fairly busy sim, and i couldn't get higher than 9FPS. The thing is, my wife runs at 15 at exactly the same place, i zoomed the same way, and i just don't get it. I have a 760GTX, she has a 460. I'm on a desktop, i7, 6GB ram, SSD, plugged directly into my router using CAT6 cable, running on 100Mbps fiber She uses a laptop, i7, 6GB ram, on wifi. Granted she runs at 1600*900 where i run full HD, but it just doesn't explain it to me. I should probably be twice as fast as she is at this point. As far as gaming goes, it seems ok, i can play stuff like ACIV at the highest settings with no issues, so i'm pretty baffled. We both have the same drivers, same viewer version, same graphices settings (we use firestorm) Any idea as to what it could be or how i could troubleshoot this? Thanks! Oh and i just logged back, same place but no one, and I still run at the same FPS...
  2. Thanks all for your answers. I figured as much but i wanted to be sure. Just to be clear, not that it really matters, i took 320 as the extreme example, but i always stream in 192. However, unlike Alicia said, i never heard a difference in quality between external and SL, and i play on a fairly big sound system. Anyway, it clears my doubts, thank you
  3. Hi everyone, So i have been told recently that SL was playing the music back at 128kbps maximum. So basically it doesn't matter if you stream your stuff at 320, listeners will never hear it at this quality. I tried to verify that information but with not much luck. Anyone knows about this? And i mean just not "know" but has an actual proof? Thanks!
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