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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I like it too. I know this is probably not the kind of response you're looking for. Did you get this from a machine, or from a reseller? I'm always leery of buying resold gacha.
  2. More information and, even better, an image, would make your question easier to answer.
  3. All of you, your avatar piloting and control centers are all so clean and organized. I'm impressed.
  4. Ask around and find out if anyone wants you to go swimming with them.
  5. I put on my mermaid avatar this morning, and other related accoutrements. I was happy to then receive an update to my mermaid AO. It's great when creators take care of us like this.
  6. That is the most important thing. And I still think you look really good in blue.
  7. I hope you earn real money editing photos, because Holy Cats!
  8. I remember it seemed like forever until I could find a walk that wasn't a really exaggerated, hip-swinging, runway animation. I wanted something normal. To use the words of Elastigirl, "Can you see me, walking like this at the supermarket?"
  9. llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_FULLBRIGHT, 0, FALSE]); This statement should do the trick. As you said, 0 is the shade face. Just use a method to change FALSE to TRUE and back again when you turn the lamp off and on.
  10. If the lamp is all one mesh, then the whole lamp, and not just the bulb, casts the light as an object. The light emanates from its geometric center. It is the faces of a prim that are set full bright and to glow. I realize that it's possible someone has already PM'd you about this. Fortunately it's easy to do.
  11. Dystopian themed sims are fun to walk around in, making up stories for yourself as you go.
  12. I'm sure you have many sides. Like.. just turn around, so we can see another one.
  13. "Coffee first... then clothes." A mantra to live by.
  14. So yeah, a recent forum discussion got me to thinking. I want to have a picture done. I was just having trouble creating or deciding on what to do. The discussion was about mermaids. So I decided, I'm going to get a good snapshot of Iva in mermaid form for a drawing. We can discuss specifics when I get the snapshot done and when it's convenient for you.
  15. Rhonda, it's a great ice breaker. I don't know how big the note cards are. We were getting quite a few repeat questions. But in all George was a lot of fun. Oh, and yes, your ideas sound great.
  16. I'm dancing with a crush. No photo because... well, because my hands are full.
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