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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I'm old as the hills, but I'm friendly.
  2. Tonight I'm wearing a new jumpsuit and bingeing on David Bowie.
  3. This thread got poked a little bit ago. And so, I saw this photo again. You are gorgeous. Oh.. I see there are some flowers there too.
  4. Ok. Got three colors. Now I'll stop. (booty versions. lol)
  5. Just when I told myself to stop spending.
  6. Yayyyy!! I will only add that I think you should get stacked paychecks for both jobs until they do fill the old position.
  7. There are different appliers. Skin appliers use the body skin layer only. But you probably already know this. It may interest you to know that the skin layer is permanently set to ignore the alpha channel of any texture you apply. A clothing applier will usually ask you to which layer you wish to add the article you click. And I guess tattoo appliers will add to the tattoo layer only. The only layer management the main hud does is toggling or clearing the different layers, including socks.
  8. Good luck Churches. Of course, no one will blame you if you can't resist checking in now and then.
  9. In other news, our cat has become as focused as the rest of us by the spinners we have in the house. She actually paws at it to make it spin.
  10. There is a real mind and there are real feelings behind every avatar. Conduct yourselves accordingly.
  11. Ugh. I got to sleep later than usual last night. I have coffee now and that should help for a bit. Fortunately I'll have a mid-day nap opportunity. And I can go to a coffee house and stare blearily at people.
  12. No epiphany, just thoughts. I do appreciate the lights though. I think I may be able to see a little more clearly now. Thanks.
  13. Contemplating risks and the unknown, success and failure, self expression and self doubt.
  14. Photographing mermaids is hard. They move around a lot.
  15. Your eyes are saying "Mmhhmm, yeah, ok." and you keep staring.
  16. I have a hard time accepting that all the wonders of our world happened by chance. It has always seemed like too much coincidence. At the same time I admit the possibility, given the basic premise of evolution and the amount of time involved, an amount of time, that, like the infinity of space, I can't really comprehend in any practical way. Yet another part of me quietly whispers from the shadows in my mind that all of religion is simply an invention of some really smart people who wished to prevent mankind from destroying itself, and/or power hungry people who wanted to control everyone else. So, maybe there is some supreme being. I don't know. Maybe I'm blessed. Maybe I'm just lucky. I don't know. I'm not going to tell other people how to live their lives or conduct their affairs beyond this: Don't hurt people.
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