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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. Hey Suess! It's hot outside. Well, I survived. It actually got up to only 104° today instead on the promised 107. It's 102 right now and 90 in the house. I have a lime La Croix on ice and a grape popsicle. Today was my Friday. I have four days off in a row. I'm all set for falling temperatures in the coming days. Pity me.
  2. The group I took to the zoo today has called it. I'm picking them up again at noon and taking them back to their schools. Then I'll return the bus and go home to The House of Hotness. The House of many Fans. La maison de la transpiration tranquille.
  3. There will be six of us. So access to a convertible is probably out. However, we are doing this.
  4. ".....Maui, eight days.... Maui, eight days...." *tries to distinguish induvidual trees on nearby hilltops...... fails*
  5. This is something you really like doing. So of course it's important.
  6. Wait... what didn't last long? I think I missed something. Did it zip over my head like a supersonic metaphor?
  7. Good to know. If you can't find it tomorrow morning, look under your pillow.
  8. I prefer clickysit for most things. It makes the technical aspect of using furniture less intrusive, making the experience, on the whole, more immersive. I've been seeing more furniture that allows an adjustment save to be applied to all poses. It probably literally does what it says, but because of different animations having different offsets, it doesn't do what it implies.
  9. They're just kidding Donovan. Look at the crowds! They're there to see you!! Go go go! No! Wait wait wait...... where's your helmet?
  10. At least she's not sticking her nose into your book.
  11. I like everybody, some more strongly than others.
  12. I really like that hair color with that top. It works.
  13. I was looking at this with my phone earlier. Now I'm seeing it better and it's really close to the other photos I've seen of you.
  14. Oh man, these colors. This really makes me want to go to the beach.
  15. Interesting place. Fortunately, while I was there, the cats ate the pigeons.While I do like the way the rain there looks, it's another strong case for better particle weather. The difficulty in camming with animated prim texture weather is distracting.
  16. It's going to be 105° here today. It's going to be hotter tomorrow. Give me a marshmallow. I'll just hold it up in the air. I'm not looking forward to this. /me chants to herself "Maui, nine days. Maui, nine days.... Maui.... nine days...."
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