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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. If this were happening to me, loving SL as much as I do, I would embrace the strategy of accepting IMs and other resident to resident communications only from those on my friends list. I haven't done this myself. Does anyone here know what happens to those missives that are blocked by this method? Do they even enter any kind of queue, or are they dismissed to oblivion? Would the creep receive any kind of "naff off" reply? This doesn't have to be a forever measure Cara. While in effect, it would present a very effective wall of NO. You could add something to your profile to let nearby residents interested in talking know that local chat is the way to start. And lastly, please add me to your list of friends the next time you are logged in. I promise to accept and to drop you a line from time to time. /me hugs you.
  2. I think you already have a lovely model. With these images, in all their magic, you have an appealing Audrey effect happening.
  3. You will need a modeling program that allows you to delete unwanted faces from primitives. Blender and Wings are the two that I am familiar with. They can both do the job. If mesh studio has a setting that allows the creation of a mesh object with custom placement and orientation of faces, then this may work for you. Unlike the two other solutions mentioned above, it is not free.
  4. A hud can be created using mesh so that it only has faces in one direction, for instance, the -X side, which is the default ZERO_ROTATION for a newly attached hud. This side can have all the buttons you need for the function of your hud, including a minimize button. The minimize button can be made to rotate the hud, using llSetLocalRot(), 180°. To serve as your maximize button, occupying the same screen space position as your minimize button, place one small face on the +X side. The advantages of this method are that when the hud is minimized, only one small button is showing. Everything else, having no faces presented to the user, is completely click-through, and will register no touches. There is no need to move any hud elements off-screen. It will also not interfere with your use of the camera.
  5. Even without the footwear, you'd be looking cheeky.
  6. We lost Elvis, forty years ago. Of course, I don't remember the event. I was eleven.
  7. I only have mai tai fixings. Is that ok? (I can also squeeze a bit of lime in.)
  8. Мода состоит в том, чтобы написать несколько слов.
  9. As strange as many people might find that combination of pink and green, I've always liked it.
  10. Perhaps this was brought on by borrowing someone else's video card and having had to give it back.
  11. Here I am in a tropical paradise. But Hippie still gets to see the sun rise before I do.
  12. I don't think I've been where you are in this photo. I'd have happily joined you on the couch.
  13. I think that quilt looks amazing. Was that at fireworks?
  14. Nothing can compare to the hours upon hours I spent listening to my babies' cooing, splorting, squeaking, and wet little raspberries. Face to face, they with their words and me with mine.
  15. @Clover Jinx, you got me. You're right. Love is a more important than communication.
  16. I had breakfast on our lanai this morning, serenaded by the calls of zebra doves and wild parakeets. I hope you guys all had fun.
  17. I've also been trying to figure this out. I love customizing things like friend requests and teleport offers. It's nice to be able to put one's self into all the individual modes of communication.
  18. Since I'm on vacation, I won't be online much, to say nothing of posting any snapshots. I will be checking in here, keeping an eye on all you guys. I'm not worried though...... you seem to be behaving yourselves.
  19. /me gives you and Rhonda both shiny, sparkly new mermaid cards.
  20. I've worn a house by accident. It took me longer than it should have to figure out why it was moving. With the advent of mesh bodies and concomitant plethora of clothing sizes and options, accidentally wearing an entire folder can be an ordeal.
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