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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. I..... am in Maui. Contrary to popular cultural depictions, I did not get leid while exiting the airport. I have to admit, I was disappointed. I'd always heard the people here were very friendly.
  2. Ex longtime lurker that I am, I remember this.
  3. Oh, he won't stop. He's hooked. Scripting fever has him by the..... Well, it has him.
  4. Ohhhhhhhhhh... Mairz ee dotes an doze ee dotes, an liddle lams ee Divey!
  5. Oh sure! Just go ahead and show us a bunch of gorgeous leg while you're at it! You big showoff.
  6. That's a lot of errors Maddy. How do you find time to read them all?
  7. They've also made us less anonymous. Now those who don't have a forum photo will have their first initial shown instead. I want to see a post by someone with no photo, and with a symbol beginning their name. Or a number... that'll work too... maybe....
  8. You can add me as a friend. I can be pretty gawkward sometimes.
  9. They say travel broadens the mind. So, I went over the falls in a barrel. I found the North Pole in a field of ice. And in the land of dreams I found you.
  10. When you wake up from a dream in which you were in SL, really there, and doing things with someone else there that you would never disclose in a public forum.
  11. I know you a little better today. I'm glad of it and better for it.
  12. I have a huge crush on this whole thread. It makes me so happy. You guys make me happy. And to think I had actually debated creating it for a few days.
  13. I've never met @Scylla Rhiadra. But I have loved her name ever since I first saw it. It always made me think she was probably not someone to be trifled with.
  14. These are just looking better and better all the time.
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