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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. We need to stamp our feet and hold up signs "What Do We Want? Midis! When Do We Want Them? Nao!"
  2. It's a pity @Madelaine McMasters is entirely too busy to take on a Mole role.
  3. I love you dear. I’m so glad to see all these nice friends you have around you.
  4. I’ve had this too. Not as frequent as you, and not every night. I get pain in my hips sometimes at night. I don’t know if it’s because I stay in one position for too long or what. I have found keeping a Bucky pillow between my knees helps.
  5. Not having adopted a mesh head, I consider myself a system makeup orphan. As I shop the various fashion events, I don’t recall coming across creators of makeup packs that include system layers. Instead of giving up however, I’ve started making my own. The more practice I get, the less dependent on this particular facet of economics I will be. Of course, for everything else, I’ll still be supporting other creators.
  6. Other improvements? Hmm.. now my curiosity is piqued. Something I’ve long thought would be lovely is a moon disk that actually glowed properly.
  7. Lasting for 15 years, with continual improvement and in the face of negativity, both from outsiders and parts of its own user base.
  8. If you trap some air between your tongue and the roof of your mouth, when you press upward with your tongue, and pay attention to the sensations, you can feel the air warm. When you release that pressure, you can feel an instant of cooling.
  9. This happens to me all the time when I go to the beta grid to test something. "Well, the mesh is good, LI is good, materials are good. But why can't I get the touch event to work? Hmmm..."
  10. The OP, in the first screenshot, stands, and has rezzed the object, in a sandbox that has scripts disabled.
  11. Giz Seorn is apparently having a 50% off sale. I didn't know about it, and I haven't gone to it. I might though. In the mean time here's a nice jacket/top combo @Rhonda Huntress got for me when she was there. I like it a lot. And I had the almost perfect skirt to go with it. Thank you Rhonda, thank thank you Rhonda!
  12. I wish I didn't have to treat hard candies with so much caution while eating them. I usually end up with little cuts on my tongue.
  13. Do you have an AO with an enabled default sit animation?
  14. If any of your friends can edit your objects, they can also take a copy of an object, providing the item can be copied. Permissions can sometimes change in these instances, leaving you with an object that does belong to you, and which you created, but which you can't edit. Check what permissions exist for you on these objects which you can't seem to edit.
  15. I want the things people sell in SL to be their own original creations, or, I want them to have the actual creator's permission to port them into SL for whatever purpose. I agree that event organizers, setting rules for admission, should be expected to enforce those rules proactively, investigating and vetting each submission. That this isn't happening is neither an outrage, nor a surprise, but a disappointment. After all, with the exception of a few, possibly exemplary individuals, the only oversight that exists for this type of thing is public opinion, which requires public awareness. I want to add that my faith in humanity is constant, eroded by some, and bolstered by others. People still surprise me.
  16. Yep... that's Portland. His name might even be Kirk, assuming that's a kilt. Ahh, no. Brian is his name, Never mind. He's a got a cool last name though. Kidd.
  17. Since it's you, I'd crank it up. Just let me get my supercooler ready.
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