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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. Clover Honey (Apologies for before. It was meant to be Private Investigator.)
  2. A rare appearance courtesy of a bunch of electrons.
  3. I believe in magic. It's always the people who keep me here. It's many of you who keep me here. And it's not like, Ruthless People keep me here. It's like when I have waffles for dinner, or have coffee Friday evenings because I don't have to get up the next day in the pre-crepuscular gloom to get ready for work. It's like calling in sick at work when I'm not really sick. I want you to keep me here. Thanks.
  4. This is something my husband does. He's an instructional designer and course developer. I do think it would be of benefit for LL to have some kind of centralized, cohesive and quality training people could go through to learn this stuff. But who would create the training? What application(s) would be used? Who would be the SMEs? In what media would such a course compiled and accessed? Notwithstanding, there will always be the issue of incentive. People don't do difficult things if they don't have to.
  5. Yes, this does seem in line with other lsl functions involving the avatar and it's position.
  6. Until I read through his thread, I'd always assumed those footstep sound makers used a collision event in each shoe, or foot attachment. That's probably a lot less efficient though.
  7. There is a tradition some people follow on their rezdays (or at least used to follow). Jump from a very high place, naked, and holding an umbrella. Take a photo, for your own purposes of course. Happy Rezday!!
  8. I had the spare tier, so I grabbed one. I like that you can choose between any of the houses and color it from among the decoration choices. On the 1024 parcels, the house footprint to yard space ratio is pretty high, 5.5 in my case. Inside the house feels like a comfortable amount of space to me, like I don't have to fill it up with a lot of stuff just to make it feel lived in.
  9. And at least give him a slice of bread at least. Right?..... Right?
  10. If the alpha mode drop down box is grayed out, then your texture is in fact not 32 bit and it has no alpha channel.
  11. Well, if it's a 32 bit file, and your alpha channel has white for everything you want to glow and black for what you do not, and you've enabled ALM, and you've set the object diffuse texture alpha mode to emissive, I don't know what else could be wrong.
  12. Are you sure your graphics editor is saving it as a 32 bit file? Photoshop asks when I save as tga if I want 32 bit or 24 bit.
  13. The title of this thread could actually be edited to read: Is there virtue in being a thief who steals happiness and contentment from others? To me, the answer is obvious.
  14. I like your photos. You always have a sophisticated, pensive look. Calm and introspective.
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