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Ivanova Shostakovich

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Everything posted by Ivanova Shostakovich

  1. The title of this thread could actually be edited to read: Is there virtue in being a thief who steals happiness and contentment from others? To me, the answer is obvious.
  2. I like your photos. You always have a sophisticated, pensive look. Calm and introspective.
  3. Malcolm Crowe doesn't exhibit any feline qualities.
  4. Was Schrödinger wrong? I ask because doesn't the cat always know whether it's alive or not?
  5. If anyone views my use of SL askance, telling me "Oh I heard about that. It's all about sex." I'd love to answer "Try it. You may be surprised to discover that it can be all about whatever it is you actually look for."
  6. I talk about my SL, and its various aspects, with my immediate family. They've all known about it from the beginning. While dancing with friends at a club or hanging out at the weekly Breakfast gathering I attend, I'll sometimes relate something funny that was said in local chat. Even some of the things that happen here in the forums sometimes become a topic of discussion with one or more of them. I may detail current building or scripting projects in which I might be engaged. My closest friends are aware of my involvement in SL. No one among them thinks it strange or unusual. But then nearly all of us have played together, off and on, in a few table top role playing games for a long time.
  7. Remunerated Denumerator. This came to me as I still waking up this morning. My apologies for making up a word. I was stumped. I've been thinking about this one, off and on, pretty much since you posted it. What I had in mind for cake shooter was trifle rifle. I know it's a stretch, there being very little cake in trifle. Tart dart was cute. pillow talk >>>?
  8. I'm seeing a lot of things with straps around legs this month in different event offerings. I started wondering if it was a theme some were trying to follow. But It's probably just a trend.
  9. Ermehgerd! I have an alt at Truth. Looking for different styles. My height is 1.67. There's a dude next to me who's nearly twice that. Why?!
  10. I notice you say you've checked the color option. Does this mean you checked the face colors in the SL editor? I've recently had uploaded mesh be colored grey. It turned out that Blender colored it. I was able to change it to white in the Viewer edit tools color picker.
  11. Ward Moore wrote a favorite of mine in 1953, Bring the Jubilee.
  12. I am part of a control group. I may or may not know what's going on here.
  13. romantic hispanic celestial constitutional Marvelous animus What I had in mind for midsummer acknowledgement was July Reply. @Madelaine McMasters, your answer is more dramatic. cake shooter
  14. Sometimes, just falling is all you need to do.
  15. madera madeira midsummer acknowledgement >>>?
  16. What I had in mind when I created this one was Mendacious Oasis.
  17. Yesterday I was sitting at my desk, as I am now. Suddenly there were some suspicious sounding banging and clonking noises from outside. I got up and went to look out the window. There was a woman in a small, black BMW something or other. It was new, with no plates and only the temp permit stuck in the back window. She was in the middle of the street, but perpendicular to it, and trying to turn around. I heard engine revving, gear grinding, and tire chirps. She had tracked mud in the street as she maneuvered her car, picked up from, I now noticed, the green strip between the street and the sidewalk. Somehow, she had run up over the curb (bump!), onto the green strip and across part of the sidewalk in an arc, and bumped into our tree (smack!). She narrowly missed my car. I have the urge now to place a sign on the tree for the landscape boys who come through our neighborhood every week."It wasn't me!" This street, in front of my house, is wide enough for me to do a slow U-turn with my outback. This woman was doing seven point turn-around, in this tiny car. She was doing it very slowly and giving the impression of both not knowing how to drive that car, and being completely lost. Finally she managed to get pointed in the direction she apparently wanted, and drove off at the speed of a brisk walk. I thought to myself 'What is her problem? Is she really that inexperienced driving this car? Any car? Is she drunk? Does she have impaired vision?' Then, in the back of my mind and with an inner chuckle 'Maybe there's a sim crossing running down the center of the street.' At any rate, I now have some souvenirs from this event. Tire tracks ripped through the grass (It wasn't me!), small scrapes in the bark of the tree, and a small piece of black plastic that used to cover something underneath the front of that car. It broke off, probably when she drove up over the curb.
  18. The middle pillow is for the obviously missing mediator.
  19. Ooooh, three words. Are we stretching the rules a little now Cheri? sad mad dad desire salmon gossip >>>?
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