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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Theresa Tennyson


    It sounds like you've translated your question into English from another language using a translating program. Unfortunately it doesn't make sense in English. Try asking it again in your native language - there are people from all over and someone should be able to read it.
  2. Skin looks to be Curio - they run 900-1000 apiece if I remember correctly. The tattoo is almost certainly a separate add-on, makeup might or might not be. Shape looks to be pretty generic "modelface" - you'll be hard pressed to NOT find a shape that looks like it.
  3. Relax - it'just takes getting used to - fortunately you're fearless ; ) It sounds like you're still trying to wear the boxes. When you "opened" the boxes you created folders in your inventory. Your new avatar parts are in these folders. If you go to the "Inventory" panel (click the button that looks like a suitcase to open it) you can see the folders. Some of them may be tucked away in inside pre-made folders like "Clothing" or "Body Parts" but they're probably sitting between those folders and the one labeled "Library." It sounds like you may now have multiple copies of these folders - that's okay; you can delete the duplicates later. Look for a folder that sounds like the name of the avatar you bought. Look in it - there should be several items. The two that are most important are the one that has icons that look like a short and tall person standing next to each other - that's the "shape", or the body shape of the avatar - and the one with an icon that looks like a person's head and shoulders that's half pale and half tan - that's the "skin", or outer appearance of the avatar. Right click on both of these and select "Wear" or "Replace". This will change how your avatar looks. Depending on what kind of avatar you got you may have other parts like hair or clothes. The thing that looks like a head in profile with brown hair is called "hair" but it's an old-fashioned way of making hair that's now only used to set the shape of your eyebrows. You can wear that one or keep the one that came with your student body. Other things look like pieces of clothing - they're simple types of clothing that will sort of be "painted" on your body. Then there are orange box-looking things - those are "objects." They're used for a lot of things - high-quality hair and shoes, and 3D parts of outfits like skirts and pants cuffs. Pick each item and select "Wear" or "Replace" (If you're already wearing things "Replace" will usually behave more reliably.) I hope that helps and if you need more help try looking for me on-line later - I like helping new people. Good luck and welcome to Second Life!
  4. By "Graphics card: On processor" I assume you're using integrated Intel graphics. That won't work well for any serious 3D application like SL, especially with graphics on "High." I also noticed your motherboard has features to try to tweak graphics performance. That may be counterproductive with SL because it uses OpenGL as a graphics language and I imagine any hardware tweaks would be trying to improve DIrectX performance because it's more common.
  5. Many hair makers offer free hairbase tattoos in all colors. I know Truth, Amacci and Analog Dog/Point B have them. Most are intended for women so the hair looks a bit longer. Jaryth's Barber Shop (not sure on the name) has a number of hairstyles that include a tattoo layer if you're looking for very short hair.
  6. My left hand doesn't know what it's doing its ownself sometimes. Sometimes I'll look around to see where I put my keys or other small objects when I'm holding them in my left hand.
  7. Noticed something else about objects taken back into inventory - previously, they "remembered" the location they were in when they were in-world and they don't seem to do this on the RC regions anymore. The Dolphin viewer has an option to return an object in inventory to its previous in-world position. This works on non-RC regions even for objects from inventory that were last in-world long ago, but when I try it on Magnum with both objects that were placed long ago and very recently (i.e. both before and after this RC version came out) the function always tries to return them to 0,0,0. Dolphin got this function from Firestorm so I assume Firestorm will be affected the same way.
  8. Every non-mesh shape in SL starts out as the shape that pops up when you select "New Shape" in your inventory. The sliders that edit it in your viewer are the only tools shape "creators" use. If you choose to pay for a shape you are only paying for the experience and aesthetic ability of the person who you bought it from. Try creating a new shape for yourself and editing it to your liking.
  9. All traditional shapes (i.e. non-mesh) are based on the shapes that pop up when you select "New Shape" in your viewer and the sliders there are all that anyone uses to edit them. You can find free skin PSD/GIMP files on the Internet to practice on (but I'm not too familiar with male skins like this.) Try a Google search for "Eloh Eliot", who has a number of free open-source skin templates you can practice on. Eyes are basically a texture that's a colorful circle t in the right place, with maybe a little detail in the "whites" added. You shouldn't have too much trouble finding a template that shows where to put the eye graphics.
  10. There have been issues with search lately. Last night I couldn't find people I knew were on SL and who I'd found in search before but I can find them today. Try searching for her again today.
  11. The L$1000 is paid after you've been Premium for 45 days. The weekly L$300 is paid on Tuesdays - you should get it by the end of the day tomorrow.
  12. When mesh viewers have "lighting and shadows/deferred rendering" on they currently don't support the old "invisiprims" that were used to hide things before alpha layers came out. If you are wearing shoes/feet that use invisiprims and you don't have an alpha layer on they can see the deformed foot part of your shape/skin. You can get around this by wearing an alpha layer. If the shoes didn't come with one you can probably find a similar one somewhere. Boots and flats are easy, pumps aren't bad. Open-heeled sandals are usually a problem finding exactly the right "alpha" though.
  13. Are you using Phoenix, Firestorm or another viewer that creates a "bridge"? At least in the past you needed to be on land that allowed you to build for the bridge to be created, and if it doesn't get created with a new avatar that avatar doesn't rezz until you either DO go to a place that allows building or log in with a viewer that doesn't use a bridge.
  14. The most common crash mode I've found is the viewer running out of memory. It has problems releasing memory so memory use gradually builds and the viewer will crash when it is up to about 1.5 gigabytes of memory. This most commonly occurs when using the camera movement controls in crowded areas. If you open the "Develop" - "Show Info" menu and bring up "Memory" you can get information on the amount of memory the viewer is using. A workaround is to use a viewer that's "Large Access Aware" like the 64-bit installer version of Exodus.
  15. The problem on the 26th was caused by a networking hardware failure in a data center. It was basically unpredictable. This was the Second Life equivalent of a hurricane or earthquake. Unfortunately your conference found itself in the position of a RL conference scheduled for New Orleans toward the end of 2005. In general the overall grid is pretty reliable lately. You're most likely to find disruptions on Tuesdays and Wednesdays when individual regions are restarted to install updated software.
  16. Go to a location that allows you to "rezz" objects (sandboxes are the best known ones, but many stores and other locations do as well - look for areas that DON'T have a cube with a red "NO" symbol next to it in the address bar at the top of the viewer.) Drag the object with the clothes in it onto the ground and right-click it. Select "Copy to my Inventory" and the items in the box will be copied. "Copy and Wear" can cause you to add more items of clothing than you really need. If the box now has "Take", "Take Copy" and "Delete" highlighted when you right-click it then it's safe to delete the box. If the only option is "Take" and there are still items left in the box that you'd want to keep a copy of you should take it back into your inventory.
  17. Your graphics drivers look to be very old - can you update them?
  18. mgjackson wrote: Thanks, others have been here before me with the same ideas :-) These are my views as a week old user and views change as expeirecence does, so thought worth posting my initial observations. We've all started there - gradually formed from next to nothing and then thrust into a hostile, incomprehensible world, struggling even to walk. Many don't survive, succumbing to mysterious problems that they can communicate only in a plaintive wail, often unable to put their problems into words more useful than, "OW!!! HURTS!!!" The survivors may be the strongest or only the luckiest. So much is left to chance - is that stranger going to help me or only use me for their unimaginable purposes? But somehow we manage to stand on our own feet and eventually learn enough of the language and customs to begin to make our way on our own. We start to find where we are in this world, becoming our own individuals and starting to see at least the beginnings of a path to travel. The possibilities are endless! We set out on our own, possibly with friends to join us. For indeed, there are others. Some prove interesting. "Oh, you think I'm nice? Attractive, even? Well, um... you are too *blush*." Connections are made of many different kinds, some with many and some with few. For some of us, one other soul stands out. Someone to share everything with, including ourselves? That's the dream many have, and can come true or end in betrayal. We don't know how the story will play out. With capability comes frustration. Irritation at the petty annoyances of the world and those running it. "The FOOLS! Why don't they do the sensible thing? Why do they stick to worn-out conventions? Why don't they listen to ME! I'll show them! I'll run away and find a new, BETTER way of living for me and those who see things clearly!" An honorable instinct, but results haven't been impressive yet. Maybe someday. Many just settle down into a comfortable way of life, however, with friends and maybe a little place to call their own. Others have a vision and take it by the horns, trying to create something unique or powerful, or both. The boundaries of this world are set only by the imagination. Many fail, but some succeed beyond their wildest dreams. All find themselves at the mercy of forces beyond their control that can suddenly disrupt or destroy everything they've built and that respond to their pleas and threats with an enigmatic silence. Nothing to do but to start over again (or give up, but somehow this life breeds a remarkable tenacity.) What will the future hold though? Will we continue to push forward or will we find themselves lamenting the lost places of our youth as we see our friends dropping one by one? Some see themselves surrounded by disrespectful newcomers (little better than animals, really) who reject or ignore the traditions that literally built this world. "My ways were always good enough - why am I being left behind? Why should I respect, much less participate, in this new foolishness?" Others seek to share their wisdom with the hope that their civilization will prosper even under changes. So, that's what you can expect. Welcome to Second LIFE, MG. I wish you well. Let us know if there's anything else we can do to help.
  19. Domitan Redenblack wrote: I have my own shape for a long time, but suddenly my nose sits in a crater in my face! I have tried about 10 others shapes, many from Linden Library, and about 1/2 of those show the nose pushed back into the face, forming a crater around the nose. Often the nostrils are not visible, the nose is pushed back so far. Any ideas what's going on? ty Have you worn any mesh clothing lately? I've heard that some people have had strange things going on with their eyes after wearing certain mesh items; the nose may be similarly effected.
  20. Innula Zenovka wrote: I may have dreamed this, but I thought Kelly said a few weeks ago that the code had been changed so that a snapshot of the sim is taken after all the avatars are logged out, in order to avoid losing stuff that had been rezzed too close to the restart. If I didn't dream this, then it doesn't seem to be working. I've just had some complaints from one of my tenants on Freedonia that he lost some no copy items he'd rezzed about 10 or 15 minutes before the restart. I told him there was a reason why LL warns against rezzing no copy items during restarts, but I thought I'd raise it, because of my (possibly false) recollection of what I think Kelly said. ETA -- He's just told me that, in addition to this, he'd taken a no-copy bed back into his inventory before the restart and now discovers that it's reappeared in his skybox, while he still has it in his inventory too. So something odd seems to have happened. Was it the regular scheduled restart or one that came up at another time? What you're describing is what happens when a sim is rolled back to a previous saved state. It sounds like the sim may have crashed or received a non-scheduled restart and was rolled back.
  21. Radio is set by "parcels" and there's no way of dividing space by altitude - it's always the footprint on the ground. If the skyhouse is directly above the ground house they'll get the same radio. If you can move the skyhouse so it's not directly above the ground house you can make a new parcel under the skyhouse and set the radio separately for it, but you'll still hear it on the ground directly under it.
  22. Melita Magic wrote: There was a German creator that had a wide array of avatars that had realistic skins on them, and shapes that seemed more like normal people. I can look him up if you want. I don't know if he sells the skins alone or even if he's still around. I think you're talking about Armin Rickena and/or Eetu Dezno, who used to have a store called Maschinenwerk. That store is closed but he/they have a new place called SANTO which has basically the same skins.
  23. Try Ruby's for older skins. They have a variety of them.
  24. Creative Insanity has a wide range of specialized AO's that are very reasonably priced, including some "creature" ones.
  25. I've been meaning to post something like this for a while and this is a good place as any. HOW SECOND LIFE NAMES ACTUALLY WORK: All SL accounts have names in the same format. They are in two halves - The "First Name" is a text field that can have around 30 letters, upper and lower case, with no spaces. The "Last Name" is a NUMBER. This number is looked up in a database when your last name is displayed as a word. Basically, it's closer to a ZIP code than a name. 1 corresponds to Linden, 42 to Powers, 4823 to Mayo, etc. My last name is one of the last official ones and the number is 10910. All "single name" accounts have 10327 in this field, which is normally suppressed but returns "Resident" when a script specifically requests "LAST NAME". Because of this it's a major process to have a custom last name as it needs to be added to the central database - it would be the equivalent itof incorporating a new town and having the Post Office give you a new ZIP code. Meanwhile, I have seven alt accounts with single names. None of them has a number in their username and if you'll look at their display names you'li see their completely legible, properly capitalized first and last names which I chose for them myself. I doubt I'd have made those accounts if I had to pick last names from a list. I think you'll find the "Johnny563273"'s of today are the "john1978 Lastnames" of yesteryear, and they probably won't stick around that long.
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