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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. I don't think you can but realistically you can do anything you want in a Moderate-rated private residence. "Adult" is largely a category for public places.
  2. Redgrave's eyes are literally photographic and the best ones are remarkable but the look varies. Amacci's new eyes look nice but I haven't seen them on an avatar yet - they have a very wide range of colors and the highlilght looks very natural. MOPY has the best true black eyes I've seen.
  3. 1.) It's still stickied at the top of the "Technology" - "Viewers" forum like it's always been. The reply forum posts should still be around but may have fallen off the first page of that forum section. 2.) See above. 3.) Whenever you like. Nothing in the changes has any effect on this. You may have been confused by references to "multiple attachments" which was a reference to an old viewer called Emerald that used different attachment points that wouldn't show up on other viewers. That viewer hasn't been used for a couple of years and the current multiple tattoo and clothing layering options now are completely standard. The purpose of the changes was to make sure that things that everyone interacts with (especially things on the servers) would basically stay under the control of Linden Lab. They don't want things that users encounter out in the world to only be usable by people with third-party viewers. They don't care anything about internal mechanics of the various viewers that only effect people using them, and there are no features in current third party viewers that Linden Labs wants to remove other than "true online status."
  4. Update your drivers if you can, and try going into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and unchecking the box that says "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." That's a setting that causes problems with a lot of ATI/AMD video cards.
  5. If your alt's IM's go to E-mail you could try IM-ing your alt from your main account, thereby pinging the appropriate E-mail account because the alt would be off-line. Other than that, you'd have to contact support.
  6. friscolives wrote: I don't know if its just laptops, but I've been having some problems with SL as of late. I had been using a Toshiba laptop--newer model, maybe a year old. I was always getting big black splotches that would pop up on the screen every minute or so. They only lasted a split second, but got annoying after a while. I tried it on my other laptop, a brand new Samsung, and so far no splotches. However--and this was just last night--things were really slow moving, you couldn't walk the avatars properly, etc. Maybe it was a bad time or the site was just slow. Were they doing maintenance last night? The black splotches sound like a problem that recent SL viewers have with a lot of ATI/AMD video cards. Try to get the most recent video drivers you can and if that doesn't help go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and uncheck the box labeled "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." As far as things moving slowly that's usually a symptom of an erratic Internet connection or problems with the server for an individual region. Each region (named square map area) in SL is separately handled - if it's just one area that's usually a server problem and if it's everywhere that's usually a connection problem.
  7. There are a number of sites with training programs, with both formal classes and self-led training areas. Caledon Oxbridge has a very nice self-led tutorial area and classes and New Citizens Incorporated (NCI, not sure about the "Incorporated") has a schedule of classes. There are other similar areas you can check out. The Destination Guide has an area for them if I recall.
  8. Feldspar Millgrove wrote: Cincia Singh wrote: It's small wonder a significant percentage of new residents just throw up their arms and walk away from SL. The best solution would be for everyone to learn at least the basics of using the default SL viewer so they could answer the questions from new residents before they start suggesting additional downloads. When an old resident says to a newbie, "Sorry, I don't know how to work the Viewer you are using - can't help", their SL account should be terminated. Another possibility would be for the system to make users who are using TPVs invisible to those who are running the official Viewer and vice versa. In general, Linden Lab should modify the TOS to make it against the rules for older residents to communicate with newer residents. New users should be figuring things out on their own, anyway, and bringing their own unique and fresh perspective to SL, and not be contaminated by oldbies using strange illegal Viewers. The problem with new user retention on Second Life is definitely the oldbies. Existing customers are just ruining everything, especially when they try to interact with the brand new customers. I guess another idea would be to simply terminate all existing SL accounts that are more than two weeks old, and ban all TPVs. The future of Second Life is the Linden Realms and other high quality games that will be developed - and played - by an entirely different customer base. Clean off the grid and get rid of the troublesome customers. It's time for all-new customers and all-new experiences. It's time to relaunch Second Life. That would be mean. I think it would be much nicer to set aside an area of SL for certain older residents that would be just for them with applesauce and nice blankets where they woudn't have to worry about scary things like mesh or profile feeds and there wouldn't be darn kids to get on their lawn.
  9. I didn't even know that could happen. Go into "Preferences" - "General" and try changing "I want to access content rated..." It might be a factor with the rating of the sim you're in too.
  10. 74Theo74 wrote: ahh i understand...so how do i find these sl feeds? also, is there an unofficial forum out there that is active ? Log into "my.secondlife.com" under your username and click the "Trending" tab. There will be a variety of things but most good wrassling matches should turn up when they occur. You'll quickly identify the main wrasslers after digging through things, and then you can watch them and even join in.
  11. The forum used to be more active but some running arguments inspired a wave of banning. Some of the juiciest conversations take place on the SL feeds now.
  12. When you look in the main skin room the ones on the right are older than the ones on the left, if that's what you mean. Be careful with the ones on the left - if you want demos you have to click on the gray "Demo" button on the top and it can be hard to see.
  13. Okay, here's the timeline as far as I can determine things: 1) Oskar announces testing, puts up test regions on Aditi asks for JIRA with problems. 2) RLV developers test things on Aditi, discover that things break. 3) RLV developers do not file JIRA, instead comment in forum thread that's many pages of non-technical comments. 4) Code gets promoted to RC channels. 5) Stuff breaks. 6) RLV developers file JIRA.
  14. Ayesha Askham wrote: @Theresa So, you say that: 1) we had an ample opportunity to test it? or 2) The tester didn't notice glaring inventory errors when testing an inventory API? I'm unclear on your stance here. I don't know exactly what code was put up in the test regions but they were up for at least a couple of weeks and they asked for people to come in and test it. It's really difficult to catch an error in something you do yourself or are very familiar with. It seemed to me that that more people crossed their arms and said, "No sir, I don't like it" to the general concept than actually went in and experimented. Regarding the errors: The RLV problem is serious but it's with something that isn't part of the standard code and it sounds like the methods RLV uses to send things to specific folders go pretty deep into the nuts and bolts of things. It would be hard to find if you're not familair with RLV. I can see the problem with notecards, etc. not opening automatically but that doesn't strike me as "glaring." And the problem with changing outfits flat-out doesn't happen for me where it does for others and I've been TRYING to make it occur. There are things that need to be fixed in this release. That's why it was sent to the RC channels.
  15. I"m a Professional Dancer, Performance Artist and Facilitator of Fantasies. Okay, I'm a stripper and escort. However, the shorter description isn't necessarily more accurate. A lot of what I get tipped for is non-sexual - just being friendly and sometimes flirting while giving people something pretty to look at. Yesterday I discussed Japanese cherry trees and castles on the Rhine while dancing on the pole. Of course, a lot of it IS sexual but some of the most generous payments I've recieved had nothing to do with sex - I was just being a friendly companion who was partially a created character and partially the person behind the keyboard with a vivid imagination and who was genuinely interested in other people's lives.. I don't like EVERYTHING I'm asked to do but I can refuse to do certain acts and most of what I do is really pretty fun for me.
  16. Ayesha Askham wrote: @You know Lydia bangs on about poor testing, and some of us think she goes over the top, but this is a classic example of what she means. How on earth could something like this be missed in QA?? Answer: 'cos it wasn't tested inworld. If it was, the tester was incompetent, end of story. Yeah, they should have put things up on Aditi and given people a couple of weeks to test things there. OH WAIT - THEY DID
  17. If you had IM's going to E-mail on that account you could send it an IM from the account you're using now and it would send an E-mail to where it was set to.
  18. ariadenise Bellic wrote: I need help finding a Country themed scenic place thats pretty for snapping photos. I am haeing no luck at all. Please help Thank you Look at the Calas Galadhon sims, especially the "southern" ones.
  19. Some items are only no-mod because they contain no-mod scripts. They can often be re-named by rezzing them, going into "Edit" and editing the name of the object.
  20. Okay, pet peeve here. In the last few months I've met a number of people just starting out who were told to use Phoenix because it's "easier and better." If you're used to the Viewer 1 interface I'm sure it's a lot easier. However, someone just starting out will find any interface equally easy or difficult to use. Hungarian is an extremely difficult language to learn as a second language for most people but that doesn't stop two-year-olds in Hungary from picking it up. When older residents suggest new residents use Phoenix they're having them use a viewer built on older tecthology and one that ITS OWN DEVELOPER wishes could be phased out. It strikes me as being the equivalent of someone coming into an elementary school science class and saying, "You know, the Metric System is lame. Here, have a yardstick and a set of teaspoons."
  21. "Linden Homes" are a specific type of dwelling that Linden Lab has created. What you're looking to do is build a regular SL house. It's theoretically possible that you could BUILD the entire house for free but the land it sits on will always require a continuing outlay of money. The really important thing about having land is the number of "prims" it supports. A "prim" is the basic building block of SL, like atoms and molecules in RL. Every object is made up of one or more prims, and the more prims you can place on a piece of land the more it will cost you. To build a house like that you'll probably need a pretty big piece of land, and much larger than the "Linden Home" lots or the small plot you're elegible to get as a Premium Member. If you're a Premium Member you need to pay more each month for a larger lot. You can also rent land from someone else if you dont' want to get a premium membership. I'd suggest you look at the prefabricated houses that are available first to give you an idea how many prims a house the size you want would use. Personally, I find the building system in SL to be painfully non-intuitive so it willl be quite a while before you'll be able to build something that ambitious.However, you can find all the items you want in your house SOMEWHERE in SL as prefabricated items. Mountain ranges are available but not too common. To try to find mountain land go to your "world map" and select the box that says "Land Sale". Lots that are for sale will be highlighted in yellow. Then find an area with mountains and see if any lots are for sale. Large land structures like mountain ranges are easier to find on the Mainland (which is only for sale to "premium members" than they are in private estates.
  22. When it comes to creating a "family", it'll just sort of happen when you meet people with similar interests that you connect with. Just start going to places that interest you and see who else is there. If you want land you'll have to pay SOMEONE a continuing fee to use it, either directly to Linden Lab or to the owner of a private estate. You don't really need land for a while, or ever. Shelter is low in the heirarchy of needs in SL. That being said, it's very cool to get a piece of land and put up things that make it feel like a home, both items you buy and items you build. You can pay as much or as little as you want to get new things. I'd advise you to avoid paying a lot for pre-made human avatars on the Marketplace. There are actually very nice things you can get for free, but to find them you should stay out of "freebie stores." Many designers, especially ones in the mid-range of experience, will give away free items to put their name out there. FabFree Station is a place that's gathered a lot of these good-quality free items. Free Dove isn't quite as nice sometimes but it's much better organized if you're looking for specific items, and Savoir Hair has lots of free hair. Also, many stores will give away free items just by joining their group. I've found that Japanese stores tend to be especially generous. Check out Magi Take, Shiki and Heaven's Gate Neo.
  23. Ayesha Askham wrote: @Oskar I am not sure how significant this is, but since the restarts I have noticed that although my inventory is set to open when I receive a new item, (Notecard, landmark or object) and accept it, the inventory stays closed even though the item is received, and in the correct folder. So I guess it is not expected behaviour, but it is hardly critical, from my viewpoint. I run Firestorm 3.2.2 on Windows 7 64 bit FYI. Would this behaviour be related to the inventory handling changes in the software update? Sim is 21071 LeTigre Woods of Heaven. I went to NCI Kuula (a Le Tigre sim) just to test things and I clicked on some notecard givers. I got the notecard fine but they didn't automatically open the way they usually seem to do. Viewer 3.2.8 for me.
  24. If you're talking about part of your foot showing outside your shoe now this is a side effect of recent graphics changes that effect older shoes. The new viewers no longer hide things behind "invisiprims" when lighting and shadows are turned on. When they're turned off they still should look fine. You can try to find an "alpha" layer you can wear to do the same thing the old invisiprims did, and then you can still wear the shoes. Boots are easy, pumps aren't bad. Sandals with open heels and no prim foot can be tricky though.
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