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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. You can only post pictures to your feed directly from the snapshot menu. One way around it is to put the picture in your inventory on a large prim as a texture, zoom in on it and take a snapshot of the prim and select "Post to My Feed." It IS free, though.
  2. What happened is that other people see the version of "you" that's stored on the servers - they can't directly connect to your computer. Normally when you make a change your viewer sends that change back to the servers, which update the information and then send it out to other people. Sometimes the update from your viewer gets temporarily lost or the server doesn't get usable information so the server can't figure out what you're actually wearing and it sends out a default shape and hair to other people. When you relog or take various other steps to update the servers like "rebaking" or changing your active group that can clear out the defaults they're seeing.
  3. What you're describing sounds like some sort of connection issue. There may be compatibility issues with your router. Do a search for "Second Life" and the brand of your router and see if anyone else is having issues with that brand. Some ISP's use various throttling schemes, etc. that will cause problems with Second Life. Also always connect directly to your DSL router with a cable instead of using wireless.
  4. Nobody can delete your items (unless you give them special permission). They can only "return" them, which means they'll be gone from where they were in world and end up in a "lost-and-found" folder in your inventory. The same thing would happen if the rent doesn't get paid - when the landlord takes back the land the items on it will be returned, not deleted.
  5. Try logging in once with a viewer that doesn't use the Phoenix/Firestorm bridge. I think Firestorm is trying to create the bridge but doesn't have the necessary permissions and it's being treated like an outfit with missing pieces, which typically won't rezz.
  6. Several people have been reporting similar problems with rezzing in Linden homes lately and there are bug reports in on it. Try various locations in the house - probably as close to the center of the lot as you can. You can always move things where you want after they've rezzed. It's sometimes hard to predict where things will actually pop up when they're rezzed and Linden home lots are so small it's easy to accidentally have part of the object try to rezz over a neigbor's land. This may not have anything to do with it, but go to "About Land" and see which of your groups the land is listed under and then set your active group to that one before you try rezzing. Keep your eyes on the forums to see if there's any more information on this problem.
  7. Is your home lot on a slope and does your house follow the slope? "Can't rezz for an unknown reason" often means that something is trying to be rezzed below the "ground" on the lot.
  8. I'm pretty sure Zooby has records of all their babies on a server so if he's gone they can get him back for you. Look at your support information and it should tell you what to do. I had a friend get her monkey back that way and I hope they keep at least a good track on their babies.
  9. What, if any, error messages have you been getting when you try to rezz things? A lot of people have been having problems rezzing things that somehow try to rezz over neigbors' property lately, especially if they're on small lots or Linden homes. When you rezz things try to do it as close to the center of your property as you can instead of where you want them to be as a final location. Try clearing your cache - I tried to rezz a no-copy item that failed and disappeared from my inventory but it returned to my inventory after I cleared my cache.
  10. I have several accounts and many of them have multiple avatars and/or age variations of the same avatar. They are all more-or-less "characters" - many being "relatives" of my main account. Each one is an individual with their own traits and life history that I develop gradually. Once I establish a "fact" about one of them it will almost never change, especially after they start interacting with others in the "world." It's similar to meeting a new person in the real world. The longer I'm around them the more I "learn" about them. Their physical appearance is fairly fixed but I may upgrade certain parts to get closer to the concept I have of them, especially because I don't spend much on each character until I get to "know them better."
  11. I think you're losing detail at the side seam. Remember that this is going to be wrapped around a rounded object so you don't have to do all your "roundness" with shading. If you look at the texture from the template the center of the legs is lighter but that's just the wear pattern that jeans tend to get- the side seams return to being light because you'll actually see that flat against the sides of the legs. Try flattening out a pair of RL jeans and basing your shading on that.
  12. Are you trying to use a third-party viewer's "Restore to Last Location" function? Those functions no longer work unless you personally have build rights at the 0,0,0 corner of the sim since recent server changes and that's the error message they're producing.
  13. When you open up your snapshot menu one of the options will be to post a picture to your profile feed. Right now there's no easy way of posting a snapshot that's already in your inventory there, but it's free to post snapshots to your feed.
  14. It sounds like you were using a scripted vendor that malfunctioned. That can happen if the sim is laggy. You probably won't have an order number or anything but you should have a record of the payment in your transaction history on your "Dashboard." I don't think you would have gotten an E-mail. If there's no other way to contact the seller listed send them a notecard in simple English explaining what happened. Most sellers can understand some English or put it through a translation program.
  15. Aethelwolf wrote: Well about a month ago, i bought a gun, hoping to use it in some roleplay combat places, and the item was never recieved. Did not appear in objects as a box, not in regular inventory as an already accepted folder, not in inventory search either for the name of said object.I didnt even receieve a popupbox asking if i wanted to accept it. I wouldn't mention this but it cost 650L so it was slightly more than just nothing. Any ideas on what i should do about that? First time using the forums so i thought general discussion might be a good starting place. Also, is it against Second Life terms of service, law, rules, whatever, to animate another characters avatar without their consent to make them perform inappropriate, unstopable animations, just instantly having them perform the animation, even without a popup asking if i wanted to animate myself? Re the gun: Did you get the gun on the Marketplace? Delivery failures like that are fairly common and most merchants understand them. Look up your transaction history and find the transaction number and name of the seller. Look up the seller's profile - often they'll have instructions on how to contact them. Contact them in the method they request (usually by IM or notecard) and explain what happened. Most merchants will send you a new item, especially if it's copy/no transfer. The month delay might surprise them; explain that you're new and didn't know the proper procedure. Re: being animated. Yes, it's definitely against TOS to be treated like that but there really aren't too many places you need to worry about that happening - generally the public sandboxes and "welcome areas" which attract people who enjoy abusing others. What may have happened is that you unwittingly gave them permission to do something at a previous time - that's a trick that's sometimes used. It can only be done to you on the sim you gave that permission on. There may be other ways for that to happen but I'm not familiar with them.
  16. Search for "In Good Taste" in a sim called Vignette. There are several small buildings there. One of them has good quality free shoes, including unisex combat boots. Another place to look at is SANTO. I think they have free combat boots if you join their group.
  17. You will get more land that you can put a bigger house on but you won't be given a new house in the same way you were assigned a Linden Home. Actually the first "level" up from the free house/land you are entitled to with a premium membership isn't a major increase because with a LInden Home you don't need to account for the house in the number of prims you can rezz on the land because of how they are set up. With larger plots of land you have to include the structure of your house with your prim total.
  18. You need to have Quicktime installed on your computer and also possibly a version of Flash that's NOT for Internet Explorer. Check with the instructions that came with the TV to see if there are any other plugins you need.
  19. Erik Vrandic wrote: What ways are there to 'track' an alt? I thought the only way outside of cracking SL's servers is to track IP addresses. If it looks like an alt, walks like an alt and quacks like an alt, then it's probably an alt, especially in an ongoing conflict. When someone's running two accounts in the same situation it's often easy to guess correctly.
  20. This JIRA might be related: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/MAINT-628
  21. If you want to create a look that you can live with for a long time I'd start with the skin. It's a big ticket item that has a huge effect on how you look and few people starting out have the resources and ability to make or edit one on their own. If it comes with an modifyable shape you like so much the better, but shapes can be created and edited by anyone so I wouldn't invest a lot in one. If it's a budgeting thing then look for an AO because it's hard to find good cheap male AO's. Next would be hair. Personally I try to look consistent - if you do too, find a hair maker that you like and gradually acquire different styles in the same color. Clothes are clothes - you can accumulate them gradually and put together multiple outfits, and it's entirely possible to rely on a free or very inexpensive wardrobe for a while..
  22. Even an inexpensive graphics card would help alot. I use a Nvidia 430 that I got last summer for around $100 and I'm pretty happy with it. Nvidia works better for SL than ATI/AMD right now. Meanwhile, try reducing your graphics settings. I'm not sure what shaders Intel graphics supports but you should DEFINATELY turn "Atmospheric Shaders" off if it's on.
  23. It looks like Curio doesn't sell on the marketplace. They are a very big name in skins though and have a large in-world store.
  24. Theresa Tennyson


    It sounds like you've translated your question into English from another language using a translating program. Unfortunately it doesn't make sense in English. Try asking it again in your native language - there are people from all over and someone should be able to read it.
  25. Skin looks to be Curio - they run 900-1000 apiece if I remember correctly. The tattoo is almost certainly a separate add-on, makeup might or might not be. Shape looks to be pretty generic "modelface" - you'll be hard pressed to NOT find a shape that looks like it.
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