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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Putting "13" in your username may not have been a rocket-scientist move either, you being "19" and all.
  2. So what are the facts about the members of the band called the Residents? Are they Residents? Inquiring minds want to know.
  3. You can bypass it. Open your "Inventory" and scroll all the way to the bottom to the folder with the green name saying "Library." Click on it to open it, then click on "Clothing". You'll find lots of avatar folders in there, and in the "Initial Outfits" folder you'll find more - I think those are the avatar-picker ones. Click on a folder and drag it onto yourself. It'll take a couple of minutes but you should be re-born as a new avatar. After that you'll have to promise me that you'll go out and learn how to pick your own skin and clothing so you can get away from the generic avatars.
  4. Solar Legion wrote: Simple - I'm not "discussing" anything nor are there "opposing points" I am sticking to what is factual - not to the marketing ploys and imaginations of those who fall for them and perpetuate them. Please, before asking something so silly, do a bit of thought first - were I interested in a debate, I'd have started a thread to discuss the philosophy surrounding the mistaken use of the term "Resident". Being that I have no desire to discuss the philosophy behind it and insist upon the use of the correct term (users), there is no debate to be had here. Whatever you say, Humpty Dumpty.
  5. Mr. Legion: de·bate v. de·bat·ed, de·bat·ing, de·bates v.intr. 1. To consider something; deliberate. 2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points. 3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument. See Synonyms at discuss. 4. Obsolete To fight or quarrel. Could you explain how your replying in opposition to Mr. Paine in this instance can NOT be considered debating?
  6. WolfBaginski Bearsfoot wrote: Blue Steel and Le Tigre maint-server release: The change to the explicit ban-height seems crazy. I see from the limits page that maximum altitudes appear to have been increased, but this could be awkward for anyone using an aerial vehicle. I know of one parcel I am banned from (the reason is irrelevant) and it's on a region edge. They didn't tell me I was banned, and I found out the hard way when I was flying a 'plane. There's a potential for abuse here. There's a balance in these things, and I think this change gets it badly wrong. You guys do realise that 5000m translates to over 16,000 feet altitude? Where has this come from? https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-2546 Personally I fly an airplane and I don't have anyone banned from my property, but this still doesn't seem like a problem to me.
  7. There's nothing in the name or description of your photography business that makes it uniquely identifiable - everything is a generic term that there are countless other businesses and locations using.It would be like calling a real-life grocery store "Food." I usually only use search to find a business I already know at least part of the name of but I couldn't find yours because there's no "hook" that search can caatch to make it unique.
  8. Hover over the pause-play button in the upper right corner and a menu will come up. Click on the button that says "more" and you'll get individual controls for music and media. And I'm almost certain you ARE mistaken about media on a prim. Since FIrestorm is basically the same as Viewer 2/3 under the hood it should offer it.
  9. Newer viewers tend to open more Internet connections than older ones because of different ways of handling profiles, etc. A common example is the helper ap "SLplugin.exe." Do you have a firewall? It may be blocking some of these connections.
  10. Anything ordered a Magic Box goes to "Objects." "Recieved Items" only works with DD. Works the same way for gift recipients.
  11. Kukla Lavender wrote: i'm so lost by all these... (i'm not good with tech stuff!!!!) here is the info for my comp... the virewer is so laggy that it missese letters when i type as well as major time between clicking an item and having it pop up or load... i'm so frusterated! Firestorm 4.0.1 (27000) Mar 19 2012 16:21:21 (Firestorm-Release) Release Notes CPU: AMD Turion II Dual-Core Mobile M500 (2194.46 MHz) Memory: 5885 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc. Graphics Card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0010.1119 OpenGL Version: 3.3.11566 Compatibility Profile Context RestrainedLove API: (disabled) libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: KDU Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000 Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) Voice Server Version: Not Connected Settings mode: Hybrid Viewer Skin: metaharper (cool_ocean) Font Used: Liberation (96) Draw distance : 168 Bandwidth : 1500 LOD factor : 6 Built with MSVC version 1600 Kukla - try lowering your draw distance (Firestorm has a slider for it, if I remember it) and your LOD factor is very high - I've never raised mine above 4 and my computer is more powerful than yours. If you haven't already, go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and uncheck the box next to "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." Also, never try to run SL on a laptop on the battery alone. Power saving is the last thing SL needs.
  12. If you're using shoes that require invisiprims to hide your feet they won't work if "Lighting and Shadows" is enabled. They work fine if it's off. This was a change that was made intentionally by the developers but there's a possibility that it will be re-visited. In the meantime, try to use shoes that have alpha layers if you want to turn "Lighting and Shadows" on.
  13. My understanding is that the deformer will deform mesh avatars that allow it as well, but it is always based on the standard sliders. For instance, if the standard avatar breast size sliders range from AAA to DD then a large-busted mesh avatar might end up with a range from D to FFF. Any mesh clothing to fit a non-standard mesh avatar would need to be designed to fit a "base" version of that particular avatar that would correspond to the SLIDER POSITIONS of the default standard avatar, but then that clothing would automatically fit a user-customized version of that mesh avatar.
  14. LL recently changed the way SL handles empty "system" folders. They aren't displayed if there's nothing in them. As soon as you create or recieve an item that would normally go in one that folder will appear. (I'm not saying it was a good idea; that's just what they did.) There may have been a time factor in how this policy works that makes your older avatars stiil have that folder.
  15. Gifting now works with Magic Box and Direct Delivery items. I tried sending a Magic Box item earlier tonight - the process was laggy but worked. Just sent a Direct Delivery item and it was very smooth.
  16. If you've already logged into the beta grid before and just need your account refreshed you can reset the password to your account (I think you can even "change" it to the same thing.) That will update your presence on the beta grid as far as inventory, etc. It will also change the amount of beta "play money" you have.
  17. If the Macs have AMD/ATI graphics processors go into "Preferences" - "Graphics" - "Hardware" and de-select the box saying "Use OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects." If they're laptops and have automatic power-saving switching between built-in Intel graphics and a separate graphics processor, make sure they're always running using the separate processor. Copy and paste the information from "Help" - "About Second LIfe" from both Phoenix and the newer viewers into a reply and someone may be able to spot something else.
  18. I"m guessing that the migration to Direct Delivery is placing an abnormal load on the inventory servers (which are separate from the servers that hold region data.). I've been getting intermittent problems with slow or failed clothing changes but re-logging usually fixes them.
  19. You can fly up there or if it''s too high you can "sit" on an object and edit it to the height of the platform. You can also try just sitting on the platform. To go back there, make sure to set the land so that you can teleport "anywhere" (it's an option in "About Land") and then create a landmark when you're up on the platform.
  20. Pregnancy isn't a feature of the standard "off the shelf" avatar.She needs to have a special attachment that you can buy from various suppliers like Tantra, Mama Alpa or Pooterbilt. The various systems will have information on how they work.
  21. Lots of balloon rides out there. Some I know of are at Calas Galadhon, Africa in SL, Wolf Mountain Ski Resort and the Grand Canyon. Driveable balloons are not bad either. They have one at Aero Pines that you basically just have to point in a direction and it will drift without further input. Solitaire has a sort of funky self-directed dirigible and very cool submarine rides.
  22. Please go into "Help" - "About Second LIfe" and cut and paste the imformation there into a reply in this thread. Also go into the "Advanced" menu (Ctrl-Alt-D) and go to "Rendering Types." Make sure that all the entries have a check mark next to them. If they don't, select them to put the check mark there.
  23. Open your "Friends"/"Contacts" list, highlight a name, hold down your "Ctrl" key and highlight other names, and then click your "IM" button. You'll all be able to IM amongst yourselves.
  24. You need to only stand up in areas where the landowner allows things to be rezzed and has a fairly generous auto-return time. Look for the lack of the "no object entry" symbol at the top of your screen or if you want to invest some lindens Triple Labs' "Ban Line HUD" will show rezzing areas in any sim as well as a lot of other information like ban line locations that makes boating and other vehicle operations much less frustrating.
  25. DId you buy a motorcycle and try to transfer it to your daughter? If it's transferrable it's probably no-copy and it is a VERY BAD IDEA to have a non-copyable vehicle in SL. Things happen to vehicles all the time and her single incidence of the bike could be hung up somewhere or lost forever very easily. It would be safer to give her the money as a gift and let her buy a copyable bike herself.
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