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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Rex Cronon wrote: The correct short answer is: ll's viewer and firefox don't play nice with each other. p.s. Your comment is illogical. Why would u say "The user was at fault"? R u trolling? Think about it. If you open every faucet in the house you won't get decent water pressure out of any of them. You were opening so many connections at once that Second Life, which uses a lot of them itself, didn't have enough resources. And my reference was to your saying, "Support always says the user was at fault." In this case your problem was fixed entirely on your end - therefore...
  2. If you go with land instead of a Linden home, the land isn't COMPLETELY free - you need to pay for it up front but after that the land tier is included in your membership fees. The simplest way to find land is to open the World Map and turn on "Show land sales." Land for sale will be highlighted in yellow and will generally show its price if you click on it. The sad truth is, though, if it's in a "cool and popular" area it will probably be pretty expensive up front, just like in RL. Waterfront areas and lots in Bay City are most expensive and after that older regions and sometimes locations on roads, etc. You can find a lot of abandoned land for sale for L$1 per square meter and there are private sellers selling it for even less.
  3. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Want to share what the problem was and how you fixed it? He edited his initial post to explain. Short answer? "The user was at fault."
  4. Temporary uploads were always an unsupported trick that used a side effect of the old avatar baking system. With the new server-side baking system this trick isn't available anymore on regions that have server-side appearance enabled (currently Magnum and LeTigre regions.) You can still use them on other regions but they will probably be gone there too in a few weeks. The alternatives are either to use local textures (ones on your computer which only you can see) or use the Beta grid for free uploads.
  5. Storm Clarence wrote: and it is being fought everywhere. The five most abused words in this new war are: terrorist (speeding along i95 and you can be charged with vehicular terrorism) bully (disagree, and you are labeled a bully) hero (save two cats from a California wildfire and you are a hero) journalist (Jullian Assange?) corporation (the word alone strikes fear in most) Oooh, oooh, I thought of another one! "War."
  6. There's no "aging" system built into SL like there is in things like The Sims. If you want to have a different-looking avatar you need to buy, build or somehow acquire the new look separately.
  7. Any time you try to use a poseball ("dot"), it will ask for permission to animate your avatar the first time you use it. There will be a notification in the upper-right corner of your screen. If you don't notice it at first the notification will shrink into a picture of an envelope - click on the envelope and allow the animation to take place. If you don't your avatar will just play the regular sit animation. Since the notifications shrink it's easy to forget about these notifications, especially if you're new. I think that's what's happening with you. Dark blue/light blue and werewolf/vampire mean nothing to the permission system - you're probably just seeing coincidence at work..
  8. Intoxicate wrote: I know all of this. The person I was responding to was suggesting that my system hair could be the cause of an issue that I posted about in another, separate topic, I was responding to that. Anyway, I logged in using a different viewer and found a prim attachment in front of the teeth, that had an invisibility script running. So thank you for letting me know that invisiprims don't work in advanced lighting, that explains a thing or two. What I still don't understand is why an invisiprim would cause such a distortion with advanced lighting, but -only- after an alpha was added to the same area. As I showed in the 1st post, even with advanced lighting enabled, only the invisiprim was affected. It wasn't until after I put the alpha on that it caused the distortion. Is it possible that the combination of the invisiprim with the alpha is the cause of this? Invisiprims were basically a bug which proved useful for certain things so the bug was tolerated for quite a while - alpha layers were meant to replace them. The bug that allowed invisiprims was removed for advanced lighting. It was kept in for Famous Original Lighting to reduce the BAWWW level their complete disabling would have caused. Transparent textures that are in front of each other frequently cause strange effects in a variety of 3D computer graphics applications - it's more noticeable in Second LIfe because other applications tend to be controlled environments put together by professionals so the problems can be hidden.
  9. Sharie Criss wrote: Not sure what went down today with the rolls, it looked very small BUT, as of this afternoon, I can no longer TP more than once without the TP failing and logging me out. Whatever got broken, please revert. For the peanut gallery, no, it's not my connections or computers (I've tried multiple tested connections and multiple computers,) but thanks for playing. The peanut gallery giggles to itself, wondering how Linden Lab can revert something that didn't change: the roll only affected 10% of the grid and actually took place the day before the "problem" happened. Then they go teleporting all over without problems.
  10. Intoxicate wrote: I keep seeing references to materials viewers, and I'd like to see for myself. Anyone know where I can download them? The standard Linden Lab viewer is materials-enabled. The technology is still very new to SL and the viewer has some glitches graphically which are being worked over on the development end but it will let you see how it works.
  11. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: I've noticed something. People with older avatars look more like a noob than any of us. They tend to keep the old style of skin/looks instead of converting to the new looks and new new new. Why is that? You might be seeing a selection bias. Generally anyone who would wear extremely old technology would have been around back when it was typical - now they are conspicuous so you look at their profiles and see they were indeed in SL that long ago. Someone in SL equally long who keeps more current wouldn't attract your attention so you wouldn't bother to note their original rezz date. I've got friends from 2003 and 2005 who you'd never think of as having an "old-fashioned" avatar.
  12. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: Melita Magic wrote: But see that's the thing. Why is it that people so often mention "Christians who have done evil things" when it's simply humans who have done evil things. Only Christians sometimes do evil? Only relgious people sometimes do evil? Never an agnostic? Never an atheist? You haven't been going to the right wingnut web sites or watching the right wingnut "news" programs where all MUSLIMS are evil. And all atheists are evil because communism!!! She's probably referring to these forums, which skew disproportionately toward athiests, libertarians, argumentative contrarians (raises hand) and Those Utterly Lacking in Social Skills.
  13. Erik Verity wrote: I'm pretty sure that inability was recently changed - you should now be able to return encroaching objects when it did not used to be possible. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Parcel_encroachment It sure works - my neighbor returned my house because the very edge of the back roof eave was over the property line of his (empty, 512 square meter, surrounded by ban lines) lot.
  14. Teagan Tobias wrote: I am using the latest LL viewer from the download page. If you go to the download page and you click on 'Release Notes' you are taken to a page with more viewer versions listed, some newer (sometimes), most older. The newer viewer versions do not say beta, if I download and install it, will it just overlay the current release of the LL viewer, or will it install like a beta and be another install of the viewer? Can I install them, newer versions, as soon as they are posted? And could this be a problem? Here's Inara Pey's description of the new viewer process - t should answer most of your questions: http://modemworld.wordpress.com/2013/07/12/new-viewer-release-process-implemented/
  15. Bree Giffen wrote: Hold on. This whole thing is flawed because there is no God. The word "God" can be appiled to too many different concepts for that to be a safe statement. It would be like someone asking you "Where's Peter Pan?" and you were to say, "There IS no Peter Pan." If you were replying to a young girl who was wondering why an ageless boy hasn't flown through her window you'd be on safe ground. If you were asked the same question in a bookstore, a bus station in Massachusetts or the peanut butter aisle in a supermarket you WOULDN'T be because there are very real things called "Peter Pan" in all of those places.
  16. 1) Teeth - it looks like they're overbright with advanced lighting - either a facelight (make it go away - just make it go away) or they're internally lit (make it STAAAHP.) Older items often have added light sources to make them look "better" with the older, simpler lighting but when seen under advanced lighting they might look like tiny light bulbs in your mouth (because they ARE.) 2) Hands - best bet is to see if your skin maker has an "applier" which will map the actual texture of your skin to the mesh hands which will ensure the best possible match under any lighting. Usually advanced lighting isn't necessary to match attachments though - typically advanced lighting should look the same as having it off but using atmospheric shaders. Still, I'd make peace with advanced lighting. It really looks better than the old way if you work with it instead of using the kludges from older lighting schemes, and you'll need it when "materials" catch on. The big difference is it will accurately render every lighting source - many lights that were jacked up to compensate with older lighting look too bright with advanced lighting. If you know anything about music recording and are older than dirt, it's similar to recordings that were given RIAA equalization for phonograph records that were dumped directly onto CD's and sounded like nails on a chalkboard because you could hear the high-frequency boost that was added to compensate for LP's reduced ability to reproduce high frequencies.
  17. They certainly are. If you're paying for a non-mesh shape you are ONLY paying for the skill (or lack thereof) of the person manipulating the sliders.
  18. Phil Deakins wrote: Usually, it's no big deal when a profile fails to load but there are times when it does matter. One of them is when you want to TP someone you are in an IM with. The obvious thing would be to right-click the name and select 'teleport' from the options. But teleport isn't an option, so you have to select to view the profile instead and teleport the person from there. If the profile won't load, as often happens, you're reduced to doing a search for the person and taking it from there. Bloody ridiculous design. Huh? You've always been able to teleport someone from the Viewer 2/3 IM panel. It's a right click option siince at least the CHUI viewers and before that there were buttons in the side panel under the large icon of the avatar.
  19. Linden Lab is apparently still running a test comparing the old Destination Islands and the prototype Learning Islands as new-user experiences. You're assigned one or the other randomly with a new account.
  20. Arielle Simondsen wrote: I'm having a terrible time getting skins and clothing to rez on my avi too, I switch from viewer to viewer and no improvement. Its really aggrivating! I get to the point of giving up putting an outfit together at times. I never had a problem before this but its sooo laggy now. I havent tried different areas but would have to find someplace I could dress!any suggestions of an area to try? thanks! Its extra frustrating as I am a clothes designer and it makes setting up the models take AGES!!!! I have tried every rebaking trick in the book as well. to no avail! You're probably seeing a side-effect of the SSA changes that are mostly visible on NON-SSA regions. Before when you changed something on your avatar the viewer would make the change on your avatar which would be visible only to you, and then send the changes to the servers. After a while, the server would send the "official" version that everyone else sees. This is why your outfits kept going blurry and then (hopefully) sharpened after a while - that was the viewer changing from the local version to the one on the servers. With SSA the process of getting things from the server on regions that use it is so much faster that the SSA-enabled viewers don't bother rendering the local version of your outfit unless you open the "Edit Appearance" panel. This way you always see what everyone else sees. However, this also means if you're on a non-SSA region you're seeing exactly how slow things always were for everyone else. As a work-around you can make your changes in "Edit Appearance" - they'll still show up instantly that way.
  21. Storm Clarence wrote: I enjoy the Lola craze. I hope you enjoy, as well. Existing in SL are some really fantastic builds, but Lola builds, imo, really keeps me "coming back for more." They (I write 'they' because we rarely settle for just one) are pixalated wonders. I would appreciate, in this thread, us talking about the desire of female avatars to 'show off' their Lola's, and why men like me enjoy them so much. Any takers? Maybe you have Swiss blood? That's the only reason why I can imagine someone enjoying a woman who has a pair of chubby Matterhorns attached to her chest.
  22. It varies somewhat but one of the most common sex bed systems will have a button labled something like "SETUP" or "CONFIG" in the first menu you see. As the owner you can select this button. You then usually see a menu with buttons labled "BALL USERS" and "MENU USERS." These buttons can be set to OWNER, GROUP or ALL.(Actually "Ball Users" is usually just GROUP or ALL.) If you and your partner are in the same group you can set it to GROUP and still have some control over who uses things, otherwise set it to ALL. The button usually works as a toggle and will tell you the setting in open chat. Keep clicking the buttons until you see the right permissions. If you use the GROUP option it's to the group the bed is "assigned" to in the edit menu - you can change this in the regular SL edit menu if necessary. Then your partner needs to have that group active. As I said some beds may work differently but that's a common system.
  23. The beta process has changed - there's no single "Beta" viewer any more. There are actually multiple release versions - a main one and a few "release candidate"t ones that are the equivalent of late betas from a handful of different projects. When you update a beta now it often APPEARS to be the main release but it's actually one of the release candidates. It will LOOK like the main viewer and use the same icons, etc. but if you go into "Help - About Second Life" you'll see that the version number is slightly different. That's probably what's happening to you. Just as a general rule, there has never been a "Beta" viewer that's always been somehow significantly different from the release viewer. Each beta in turn becomes the new release and the new beta will basically be the release viewer with a few (or sometimes many) updates that are in testing.
  24. MikeM2011 wrote: Every urban sim I've been to prohibits flying. Is this LL's policy or something? LL doesn't have a policy either way - the sim owners probably set that up so things would seem more realistic.
  25. If the sim owners who banned the person also sent abuse reports on that person to LL and they thought the abuse was bad enough it's possible but simply being banned from sims shouldn't be a factor.
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