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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Phoebe Avro wrote: Inworldz have much larger regions A lot of comments I see remind me of some old cowboys looking at the front bumper of a newfangled horseless carriage and saying, "Heck, you could never hitch a team to that thing - even one horse would pull it right off." REGIONS ARE A BAD IDEA. If you have regions you have avatar limits; you have region crossing issues; etc. And Inworldz has their share of those too. Regions only exist because an engineer decided it was the best solution to making a virtual world back in 2002 when some of the beta testers of Second Life were still on dial-up connections.
  2. Medhue Simoni wrote: Phoebe Avro wrote: I hope LL are going to wave region setup costs for those wishing to move because I am sorry but it does not cost $1000 to set up a region its takes like 30 seconds the software is there it just takes a name in a database ohh and grid coordinates so lets say it takes an hour whats that like $100 tops my company used to charge my out at £80 an hour as an analyst i think Good point! That set up fee is ridiculous. I likely would have gotten more sims, if not for that. Plus, it is not a very profitable fee. Yes, it's alot for basically doing nothing, but how often does LL sell sims now? The deterent the fee creates costs LL more money than it helps. At least in my opinion. The current SL architecture makes virtual land extremely inefficient for the Lab. Every 256 x 256 meter chunk of the world needs a separate instance of server software running and calculating everything on it at least 8 times per second even when its completely empty, which most regions are at any given time. Meanwhile, I can't get to the one 256 x 256 chunk I want to get to this afternoon because it's full of avatars. I've seen nothing that says to me that the Lab is remotely interested in having more regions added to the current grid. The setup fee is there only to dissuade people from creating new regions and instead get them to existing ones to reduce churn. However, a new architectural system may well make land a much more efficient proposition - one comment I saw from Ebbe was that a new approach could be done today with only 20% of the computing infrastructure necessary.
  3. DesperadoReprise wrote: Yep I am an alt and I am hiding my identity because I do not want my customes to know that I am going to stop doing any quality control on the products I sell them that I am no longer going to be available to support them when they have problems that documentation is going to be frozen so they'll have to work out for themseves how to fix problems that arise because of viewer upgrades and feature fixes and I am not going to worry about sustaining the reputation I have built up over half a decade for providing good stuff and standing behind it. I am just going to grab whatever I can get while I can from the naive users most of who don't even know they are sailing in a sinking ship and take the money and run. Maybe I'll set up shop again in SL2, maybe I won't, but LL won't be benefitting from my involvement. Sales tax is a voluntary donation to the government as most of those who operate in the black economy will confirm. Do you know any dealers who pay tax? Oh and if you think the above strategy is despicable then think on. It is exactly what Ebbe is intending to do and in fact what LL has been doing for some time now. Your business model is shot Ebbe. The only way you are going to sustain revenues in the dwindling.virtual economy that your naive marketing has provoked is by managing to persuade some gullible advertisers that they should hand you some cash. Actually the sort of organisations that are likely to be attracted to SL will probably want to pay in kind so I hope you enjoy a good butt plug. "Is there going to be anything left?" I see you've already stopped doing quality control on your punctuation.
  4. thefox1 wrote: So far the giant wings on teh sides make it look like it sticks out instead of being nestled...where it goes. And if I try to use any states on it, I see the very top and bottom with my cheeks in between them. As of right now, this is one of those "Im sorry I bought it" items. Please help! Avatar attachments will always stay at the same place relative to the location they're attached to so, depending on the position of the rest of your body, they may or may not appear to be in the right position in certain poses. The only thing you can do is to put your avatar in the pose you'll be in most when using your new part and adjust it with the "edit" tools until its in the right position in THAT pose. (Editorial comment: Can't. Stop. Giggling.)
  5. MBeatrix wrote: Thanks, Perrie. For a CEO, I believe that "leak" was a dumb thing to do. I mean, how can they expect now that people put money into SL when something else is coming? Especially a system that won't be compatible... Also, how can we expect SL being improved when only a small maintenance team is working on it? Dumb, dumb, dumb. The didn't say it won't be compatible; they didn't say it will be compatible. What they said was they won't make the new platform worse than it could be only to guarantee compatibility. There may be a fair number of objects, etc that can transition over and they've talked about connecting accounts. However, they won't jump through hoops to make sure that every full-bright poseball museum of a sex club that hasn't been changed since 2008 will work the same way. To which I say, "Halle-frickin'-lulia." There are many, many things about Second Life that really need complete revisiting twelve years later and can't be fixed on the fly. I came to Second Life from the Sims series, starting with the original Sims game. The standard Maxis/EA practice is to expand each release with packs of new features until the game engine starts clanking audibly and then develop a new version which they tend to announce quite a while in advance (the Sims 4 is coming out in September. It was announced in May of last year.) In the original version of the Sims had a fairly large Sims community (by original game standards) and several expansion packs. Maxis/EA announced the Sims 2 a fair amount of time before it was ready. I was reluctant to change because I knew some of the features I built my neighborhood on wouldn't be in the new platform yet, if ever, but when I saw how much better the Sims 2 was than the Sims 1 I not only re-created my community, I made it much deeper and more developed. (My organizational chart reached about six pages of graph paper. I really don't want to talk about how many families I juggled by the end.) However, when the Sims 3 (the Rod Humble version, incidentally) came out, I explored the new system but decided it wasn't good enough of a change to recreate things, and in fact for my particular way of doing things it was a step backwards. I stayed with the Sims 2 for several years and only stopped playing through my neigborhood because I found Second Life to be much more interesting by then. I wasn't the only one by any means. The basic engineering of Second Life is a contemporary of the original Sims game (i.e. when my Sims ran around in an isometric 2D world, basically) and the engine has always clanked audibly - we've just gotten used to it. The forum mantra is always "Don't change things - just fix the bugs!" A lot of the bugs in Second Life can't be fixed without making major changes to everything and it will be far less disruptive to make the changes in parallel than to grab the entire grid, turn it upside down and shake it and see what still hangs on, which is what they'd need to do to make major changes to the existing grid. As far as the timing, I'm sure the current level of BAWWWWW would be exactly the same if developments on the new system continued in secret until it was sprung on everyone full-blown without anyone being able to have any input in it.
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Gacha items are usually set no copy/transfer partly with the idea that people in th eMerchants group will swap different varieties. If you get two blues and no reds then you might look to swap with someone who got two reds but no blues. But the way the permission systems is set up this means you can also sell them with no foul, even if that was not the Merchants intent. Gacha has actually become big business since the "Arcade" events - a large number of good designers offer gacha ranges that include rare items which can be very nice. There are people who buy up gacha items until they hit rare items which they sell for a substantial markup while selling common items at face value. This benefits the merchant as the gacha machines are hit often, the gacha middlemen/women/creatures who can make a profit on rares and break even on commons, and the ordinary citizen who can get a specfic color gacha item they want or a rare item without dealing with random chance.
  7. Velenu wrote: I have a small store and I got an invitation to join an event as shopkeeper. I was really interested, they offer 3 different spaces, two of which you can have a Gacha. Now I was in the Market Place and found a store (Gacha YardSale) that offers products for sale, Gacha products. They are products from Belezza, Birdy, Zaara, Truth ... How can such a thing happen? It is copy-bot or just a huge hole in Cacha system? The items are transfer, but it allow people to sell it there? Gacha items are allowed to be sold and Belleza and Truth, at least, have had gacha items in the Arcade. Assuming that these products are the gacha products, there's no reason why they can't be sold on the Marketplace. The fact that gacha items can be resold is the reason "yard sales" exist at all.
  8. leGustav wrote: Would this http://cpuboss.com/cpu/Intel-Core-i3-4360 smoothly run content creation programs for second life, i am not sure what is the most used, but I have read about 3ds Max. The i3 is the budget processor in the Intel family. If you're looking to run 3D modeling software the CPU is no place to cut corners - it will use every bit of the processor it can. Have you taken a look at how much a legal copy of 3ds Max costs? It's not really intended for people who need to pinch pennies.
  9. Matthew Weiger wrote: yes I am running if its possible not saying it is just wondering if its possible to run second life with one gig of ram at all would 512 mb on a windows pc work to run second life? I believe you could get the viewer to launch and allow you to sit around in a location with very little data and very few avatars. If you tried to actually "live" a Second Life you'd get into memory issues almost immediately. Officially the minimum is 1 GB and even that's marginal.
  10. AndrewJonathanFine wrote: Hi, My team is trying to develop a photoshoot using multiple avatars. I'm in charge of dressing them properly. We created at least one test account to share, but it seems only the account creator can use it. Is the log in tied to a specific computer? How could we log in from a public library, for example? Or is there some workaround? Or is sharing an account, even with permission by the holder, no longer allowed? Thanks in advance, Andrew I don't think there's any mechanism that can detect whether or not two different humans are accessing the same account. I access my accounts from two computers and from multiple locations without problems. My best guess is that the account creator accidentally sent the other users an incorrect password. DISCLAIMER: I'M NOT SAYING WHAT YOU'RE DOING IS OR IS NOT ALLOWABLE, JUST SAYING WHAT PROBABLY HAPPENED. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. YOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY.
  11. IxtabThoreau wrote: i was buy clothes in SL market and several time say system present problem then the 3 try say me i don't have found and check my account transaccion history and and i have _5000 linden and i have 14.500L transaccion history say this: 2014-06-19 10:37:51 c1ddbb2e Destination: SYSTEM Linden AdjustmentL$20000 L$-5437 help Your other post says that you got a "gift from a friend" of L$20,000. Apparently Linden Lab determined that your friend got those Lindens illegally so they were wiped from the system so they couldn't be converted into RL cash. There's nothing you can do about it, any more than the police will reimburse you after they seize stolen goods from you even if you didn't know they were stolen.
  12. Parthenea wrote: I can see how many prims are owned by me and others but I cannot seem to get a listing of what I own that is on my land. I think I have a stray object or 2 taking up a 100 prims but cannot find it. It would be nice to list all the prim items on my land with their sizes that way I could see if I am correct. Go to the "Build" menu and then select "Pathfinding --> Linksets..." That will show you all the objects on your land, their land impact and will let you locate them.
  13. ZeeZa Wrydan wrote: I was working in the RachaelScarlette Evensong avatar mode and had purchased some new stuff. When I was ready to try it on and then put into inventory I realized that the received items folder was not there... Not sure how the heck I did that.. Is there anyone that can help me get this back or do I have to scrap poor Rachael? Thanks ZeeZa (she is my first avatar on second life and kinda the momma to all of them) There have been a few reports of this happening latey - fortunately it appears to be non-fatal. Here's a BUG report about it: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-5874 A quick thing to try is to buy a demo on the Marketplace and see if it makes the panel reappear. The BUG report has more specific information.
  14. Sonja Kowalski wrote: My linden home, the parcel not show me name/group anymore. In me house lots furniture mesh is gone. when click it its there but transparant ? And after a while standing in me house i get logged off from sl. My linden home is in Wuya A love home http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wuya/120/212/62 It looks like that region was just restarted with the new server release for today and it's having communications issues. Sometimes it takes a while for a region to be running well right after a new server software release. Try waiting an hour or so and if it isn't behaving better request that it be restarted again.
  15. Karmadeso0 wrote: I just started Second Life. Downloaded it, and the graphics are fine. The only problem is that my avatar and other players are completely messed up. I chose different avatars, but it's the same problem. Sounds like a problem with an AMD video cards - some of them are known for creating the effect you're seeing. Go to "Preferences" - "Graphics", click the "Advanced" button and un-check the box that says "Hardware Skinning." There may be other ways of fixing this but that's the most reliable way. If it's an AMD video card/chip it might be a good idea to go to their website and download their current version of "Catalyst" (their driver/control program.) It's helped with a number of problems with AMD cards in Second Life. (ETA - I mistakenly called the "Advanced" button the "Hardware" button before.)
  16. king47 wrote: just curious how one goes about renewing premium membership...my rezz day was yesterday and haven't recieved a notice to renew... Thanks It renews automatically - you should get an E-mail that says you've been billed.
  17. There are triangular polygons on either side of the nose of the default avatar head that are angled in such a way that they'll stand out if you look at them very closely under certain angles of lighting. There's little you can do about those triangles short of using a mesh head (or not staring yourself in the face with one eye from a foot away.) It's also possible that, since they're demo skins, the lines skin makers use to deface their demos are unusually noticeable at that exact location. Also, if you're seeing them when you're doing something like "Edit My Appearance" most viewers automatically change the lighting from the region default when you're looking at your avatar so that may be another reason you're noticing them on yourself and not others.
  18. Epiphany Carnell wrote: Ever since getting this new computer (which isn't amazing, but should be able to handle SL on the lowest of settings without crashing constantly!) I've been crashing pretty much non stop as soon as I tp to somewhere with more than a couple of other avatars, sometimes there are no avatars, but it's a furniture shop so there are a number of textures to load, it'll be laggy as hell and then a message will pop up in the bottom right of the screen which reads "textures discarded due to insufficient memory" from then on I know, no new textures will now load, and shortly after that it will just crash me to desktop. Funny thing is before buying this PC I used an older PC for SL, (much older) and although it was laggy, it didn't crash every two minutes with the textures discarded error. The graphics card I had in the older PC is a Nvidia 7300LE, which is a poor card, the one I have in the new PC is a AMD Radeon 5450 HD with dedicated 1GB of memory. I've tried turning off OpenGl vertex buffer effects, tried turning off HTTP texture fetching, tried tweaking many sliders, tried turning on texture compression, tried just about everything it seems and nothing works. Here's my PC spec: Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130828-1532) Language: English (Regional Setting: English) System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard System Model: hp workstation xw6200 BIOS: Default System BIOS Processor: Intel® Xeon CPU 2.80GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.8GHz Memory: 4096MB RAM Available OS Memory: 3328MB RAM Page File: 2981MB used, 3669MB available Windows Dir: C:\Windows DirectX Version: DirectX 11 Card name: AMD Radeon HD 5450 Manufacturer: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Chip type: AMD Radeon Graphics Processor (0x68F9) DAC type: Internal DAC(400MHz) Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_68F9&SUBSYS_304A1682&REV_00 Display Memory: 2426 MB Dedicated Memory: 1018 MB Shared Memory: 1407 MB Current Mode: 1360 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz) Hoping someone can shed some light on this really annoying frustrating problem The problem isn't with your video memory, it's with your system memory and it's coming from your having a 32 bit operating system. Second Life can easily use more memory than a 32-bit operating system can allocate to it if you're running at high graphics settings, especially in a crowded area if you use the camera controls a lot. If you go to the "Develop" menu and select "Show Info - Memory" it will show you how much system memory SL is using and you'll soon find the number that means a crash is coming on your particular computer. You need to reduce your graphics settings - RenderVolumeLODFactor is a good place to start. There aren't too many objects that really require settings over 2.5 any more and even that may be too high for your system if you're in an area with a lot of avatars. Also try reducing your draw distance.
  19. Gaaelyin7Ajalon wrote: Hope this doesn't sound too elementery but I'm not very social media or computer savvy! I downloaded the Second Life program which lets me get into the Knowledge Base and other tutorials including being able to post this question. But I can't access the SLURLs or destinations. When I click a Destination it says I need to "associate Second Life with a program" Do I need to download the Second Life Viewer separately from the initial Second Life program? I thought the Viewer would come with the Program - I just want to make sure before I download something that isn't necessary. But basically - I can't get past the Welcome Page. Thanks so much for any help you can give! Gaaelyin7 Yes, in order to do anything in the 3D "world" you need to download a viewer, which will be a standalone program. I'm not exactly sure what you downloaded but it sounds like it's only giving you access to the web services like the forum.
  20. Keela Baily wrote: HOW DO I ADD APPLIERS TO SLINK FEET (STOCKINGS) HAD NO INSTRUCTIONS ON PURCHASE, THANKS IN ADVANCE SLInk feet take appliers for the skin and stockings separately. To use an applier, just "wear" it - it will show up as a HUD - and click on it. Some appliers only are good for one texture and some give you a choice of several. To apply something to the stocking menu, find the "Feet Utilities" HUD in the SLink directory and wear it. Then select "Show Stockings" - your feet should appear opaque white and look like they're wearing socks. Then you can wear the stocking applier and click it. If you have multiple versions of the SLink feet, (flat, mid, high) you need to use the applier on each version separately.
  21. WreckitWally wrote: Today is my 1st day on Second Life and I have a problem. When I spawned at the Welcome place, my AVI was badly distorted, missing one leg and the lower torso. The parts that were supposed to be the leg and torso are sticking out behind the AVI in a cone shape, and I have no idea how to fix it. It also hinders my walking speed. I've tried logging out and back in, but to no avail. How can I fix it? That's a known problem with certain video cards, especially ones by AMD. The most reliable way to get around this is to go to "Preferences", select "Graphics", hit the "Advanced" button and de-select the box labled "Hardware Skinning", which is to the right toward the bottom.
  22. Tari Landar wrote: The second part is...the interest for teens is simply NOT there, not to the extent you, and others, seem to suggest. I have a hard time believing anyone actually thinks this, or has any sort of interaction with teens on a regular basis, to be honest, lol. I do (and before anyone thinks that creepy..just stop, not everyone in the world is a perv). Most teens are NOT interested in places like sl. Places to interact socially with others, yes, including online. Sl, absolutely not. The interest is just not there. The learning curve is rather steep, and anything teens(or anyone) would want to do as far as social interaction, already exists, in all sorts of places. Yes some teens have some, limited, interest in sl. But it is rarely long lasting, and is most definitely NOT on the minds of the majority of teens. So, I suppose I could ask one question, and maybe it would better help me to understand this position people seem to have. What exactly is it about sl that people seem to believe teens find intriguing that they do not get elsewhere? This statement is very true and perceptive. For the record,though' it's also equally true and perceptive if you substitute "adult" for "teen" everywhere it appears.
  23. Chuckey Jigsaw wrote: I just stumbled upon this post because I was trying to find a solution or even an answer to THIS exact problem. My Avatar looks fine, but all the textures around me are constantly reloading. I was on Singularity for some time and never had this problem, but since I switched back to Firestorm it became a daily routine... It's sooo annoying... :matte-motes-sour: Do you have either a Toddleedoo or Wowmeh mesh avatar and wear the HUD often? When you wear those HUD's there's a good chance they'll contain so many textures that they'll cause what you're seeing. If that's the problem, detaching the HUD and only wearing it when you actually need it will fix it.
  24. Yuette wrote: An internal error prevented us from properly updating your viewer. The L$ balance or parcel holdings displayed in your viewer may not reflect your actual balance on the servers i just got in -1 and i lost 302 L What the heck is going on??? That's because... wait for it... "An internal error prevented them from properly updating your viewer. The L$ balance or parcel holdings displayed in your viewer doesn't reflect your actual balance on the servers." In other words, there was a communication error and the viewer displayed L$-1 because itcouldn't get the proper information. The money should still be there in your account if you go to your account dashboard. That problem sometimes happens after you try to do something like buying something on a busy region and should clear up quickly. You never really lost any Lindens.
  25. ZyklonBee wrote: Price doesnt make a difference. Most of the shapes have problems in the "south area" The models seems to "tear" or "glitch" into multi-polygons while dancing. Im looking for high cost, realism. Any one have suggestions? PS . The shape is being used for Dancing. So a nice butt is also a nice touch (Ive heard good things about LAQ, But there shape demo's arnt working atm.) All items that appear as a "shape" in your inventory are technicaly identical and the exact same thing as what you get when you select "Create New Shape" in your inventory. You're only paying for the ability (or lack thereof) of the person manipulating the sliders, which are exactly the sliders you manipulate when editing a shape. The tearing you see is a problem with all default shapes (ncluding ones in the stores) because the avatar mesh is old and not very well done, and it can be aggravated by many animations. It sounds like you'd be a good candidate for a mesh shape. They can be made much more smoothly and can use the same animations - I'm familiar with WowMeh shapes, which are much better looking in the body area but can be resized like a default shape and can still use the default head-customization sliders because they use the standard avatar head. Unfortunately WowMeh shapes are temporarily unavailable due to a dispute between the maker and another party. I'd advise your waiting a month or so before getting any mesh body because both the Slink hand/foot creator and the maker of Belleza skins are planning on releasing new mesh shapes soon and they will probably change the playing field considerably.
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