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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. madjim wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: Well, you just proved you know nothing about economics, as nobody needed saving Yeah, right. Medhue Simoni wrote: The average guy, would not have been affected at all by the crisis. Yeah, right. (Note the correct use of a comma.) Medhue Simoni wrote: What the central banks did was save all the criminals and gave the public the bill In the case of the UK, I think you are confusing the Bank of England with Her Majesty's - pragmatic - Government. I can't speak for your less enlightened administration, but Mervyn's strategy mitigated what would have been a Depression, and left us here with a very manageable recession. I realise that places like Italy and Greece - and the rest of the begging bowl of Europe - may have had problems, but that's nothing new. The US, despite causing the problems and refusing to do anything about them initially, eventually listened to what Mervyn was saying, although Buffy St Marie's sentiments do apply: Medhue Simoni wrote: housing prices should had fallen greatly after the crisis. They didded [sic] in the UK. Medhue Simoni wrote: because of all the money that was printed. Ah, I see you are a Friedmanite Monetarist. His theories only apply in the context of a relatively stable economic situation, which make them rather useless in "crisis" times. If you are talking about "quantitative easing" increasing the money supply, then you should know that King considers that a confidence tool, the actual injection being inconsequential in comparison with the message it sends - it does no real harm and also placates the Chicago School of critics. Medhue Simoni wrote: Where did I say that confidence means anything at all? That only applies to fake products, not real 1's. Hmm, it's interesting to see you bring in the concept of "fake products" when referring to inessential "luxury goods" traded in a virtual market, in which customers are entirely dependent upon confidence in the seller, as they have no effective legal recourse when those products are not delivered, are defective, or are unilaterally deleted by LL following some unsubstantiated complaint - or, as is the current situation, rendered useless by a change in technology or a forced platform migration. Medhue Simoni wrote: Real products aren't affected by confidence at all. Yeah, right. Medhue Simoni wrote: People either need or want the product or they don't. Nobody needsa [sic] virtual product. Medhue Simoni wrote: it might have some affect [sic] As with Mr Altberg, your inability to express yourself accurately diminishes any claim you may have to using that same defective brain to make a cogent argument. I hope, for your sake, and while the less well informed element of the market is still making useless investments in soon-to-be-obsolescent products, your animations are less subject to errors. Although I must praise your continuing Canute-like one-man campaign to stem the tide of economic failure in SL, I should point out that the Bay City Rollers may have sold a lot of records at one time, but like Justin B, their product was execrable and they quickly descended the slippery path to physical and moral bankruptcy. Father "stick to your knitting" Jim Meanwhile, your services are in such high demand that you can spend much of your day trolling forums (and typing badly.)
  2. harrishawk wrote: i keep seeing the phrase "creating bridge this may take a few moments" every time a log in right now im an orange cloud please help im loosing my mind over this I see that you just started yesterday. The Firestorm bridge can only be created on land that allows scripts to be run and its very possible that the starter areas for new accounts don't allow scripts to be run. This means that the bridge can't be created. However, since this means that you're technically wearing something that can't be found (because it doesn't fully exist yet) you'll never rezz. I take it from your use of Firestorm that you've been on SL before - go to another region that allows scripts and the bridge should form. You can also go into preferences and turn the use of the bridge off - personally I think its more trouble than its worth.
  3. SLAddict Allen wrote: You wanted evidence, I said I would find it. http://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2008/09/second-life-con.html So the evidence you have to back up your statement that concurrency was in the 80,000's,, passing 90 thousand at times, is a statement that the actual cuncurrency peak was just over 70,000? Looks like you've found evidence all right - it just proves you were wrong.
  4. Mirina92 wrote: So, I just got back onto SL after not being on it for a while, and I'm attempting to change her clothes. Except I can only use objects that have the little orange box next to them, and none of the shirts ever have that. And sometimes even when it does have that, it still doesn't work. Also my pants aren't showing completely. Could it be a graphics video card issue, or is this something other people are having as well? Sounds like you're using one of the new mesh avatars that aren't compatible with the old clothes you're used to. Select one of the "classic" avatars instead.
  5. Medhue Simoni wrote: Gavin Hird wrote: Medhue Simoni wrote: People that buy Apple products, are, for the most part, ignorant, and care more about being trending, than what is smart. It is interesting that you, as a developer, find a user base of 750+ million uninteresting and stupid, despite their willingness to pay, and pay more for your potential product. But that is perfect with me – one less competitor ;-) Gavin, please try to be honest here and don't rephrase things to fit your argument. Well, there was no argument, but you know what I mean. Where did I say anyone was STUPID, or even worst UNINTERESTING? I said that, IMHO, people that buy Apple products are IGNORANT, which is not the same as being STUPID, or UNINTERESTING. I'm ignorant about all kinds of things. Heck, my father is a mechanic and I can't even do my brakes by myself. I live in Detroit, and don't know a dang thing about hockey. I could go on and on. We are all ignorant about many things. If I know I'm ignorant about something, I will seek out someone who is less ignorant about it and take their advice. Would it also be a sign of ignorance to decide where to buy a product - say, something like an animation - by going to the store listed first by a search algorithm?
  6. Neveril wrote: I've already tried to talk with her. She just threatened to kick me out of the land now and that she would give back only 50% of my old rent back. She was not given me any explanation, she only said she throws me out and, then, she said I cause problems because I own a shop in the land (the land is COMMERCIAL!). Maybe one or more of the eleven newbs clustered together on a big sheet of plywood under your store that has a traffic count of over 17,000 may have been causing problems?
  7. Tex Monday wrote: Please forgive me if I'm wrong on this, but I think what Kayleigh meant by leaked is the that the news did not come in an official SL press release. The way residents and third party developers found out is from that meeting where Ebbe "happened to mention" there was a new platform coming out. It probably wouldn't have caused less outrage, but might have been better (IMHO) if an official press release was put out stating that LL is developing a new platform that will co-exist alongside SL..blah blah blah. Even the third party developers, Jessica especially, had no idea this was coming and felt blindsided. That's why all these forum posts are out there and why some in the community were panicing as to the future of our world. And they were the basically the first ones outside of Linden Lab to hear about it, weren't they? They'd have been even MORE blindsided if it had all been announced in a press release.
  8. Neveril wrote: But our rent is never expire, she change the price when we have 2 weeks yet You are thinking of a situation that's called "rent control" in real life, where your rent never goes up as long as you're renting continuously. That's only the rule in a very few locations (at least in the US) and in any event doesn't exist in Second Life. If the price actually increased and you don't want to pay additional you can stay there for the remaining two weeks because its prepaid and then move somewhere else.
  9. mirbaz wrote: First question: If I buy stuff from marketplace how do I add it to a bare boat? Second questionL If I rezz two exac or different t furnished boats can I move some stuff from one to the other? Third question: Will the stuff added slide off when the boat is driven? If you want to make any changes to a boat that aren't already provided for as options you need "modify" rights on the boat. Very few vehicles are sold as modifiable because they're very complicated and have to work a specific way and the builders don't want the customer support headache of buyers accidentally breaking something when they're modifying it. If you want anything to be added to a bare boat the boat needs to be modifiable and the objects have to be linked to it to make it a single object. There are very specific requirements as far as land impact if you want to use an object as a vehicle and you'd have to be comfortable with fairly complicated editing settings. From your post I think you'll want to become a bit more familiar with SL editing and building before you try anything like your proposing.
  10. Neveril wrote: Hi everyone, Is from almost 5/6 months that i have a land, i always paid this land 870L$/week (with 10% off if i pay 4weeks). I always paid the rent before it expire, today i was going to pay the rent when i saw that the price is 1,025L$/week, and i think is not correct because nobody told me nothing. Is it legal to change the price if i rent that land when the price was 870L$/week? Because when i rent this land the first time i was accepting the 870L$ price and is not correct that now i have to pay a different price of 1,025L$. Thank you Not only is it legal in SL, it's legal in RL in most locations after the initial lease expires.
  11. Symphonae wrote: Hey there, I'm sort of new to the site, so please bear with me and my silly questions! I've purchased a few items from the store, but am having issues wearing them. I've selected all the items of clothing in the set, and even though the bits on the wrist and over the stomach are showing up, the fabric that's suppose to be covering her chest isn't. Like, the flesh is showing thorugh completely and obviously I don't want to wander around flashing everybody. Any help would be appreciated! <3 You've joined SL at an awkward time - avatar technology is changing rapidly. Many of the starter avatars use a more recent technology than much of the available clothing and it isn't compatible. If you got one of the new "mesh" starter avatars you'll need to switch to one of the "classic" avatars to use the clothing you bought. "Classic" avatars actually are quite a bit more versatile anyway, at least compared with the starter mesh avatars that have been issued.
  12. Tamara Artis wrote: Simple, do you use the in-world viewer search and how often, and if so for what mostly do you use it? I am playing with it for a while now and slowly starting to think maybe only people who are using the search are people who are interested is their place showing there lol I use it to find a specific place or person whose name I know already. I may very occasionally use it to search for a category that's quite specific, like "World War I Uniforms" but I'd never search for, say, "Animations" or "Dance Clubs." I used to use it to find land but now just use the World Map and see what's for sale.
  13. VoteboxRepairMan wrote: So the point of the votebox is a valid one...of course, being too lazy to sit for 10 minutes on a sim to earn some money is down right despicable. Why??? Are you some sort of masochist? Do you hate free time? Sitting on a sim for 10 minutes is down right retarded. Take the money and run. Edited to remove a not so nice remark **bleep** :smileyvery-happy: You could use your sitting time to make some new alts or troll some forums. Multitasking is the future; nay; multitasking is today.
  14. Medhue Simoni wrote: Gaia, in my honest opinion, 1 of the core problems is calling the New World SL2. If LL had never describe it in this way, then there would be less crazyness. I see this New World projects as never, ever being SL2, as it is just not possible. Not without just cloning the platform we have now. When exactly DID Linden Lab describe it that way? They said it would be "in the spirit of" Second Life. Every virtual world that came after SL can be described in this way - the press made that comparison with Vivaty, which was incredibly different from Second Life?
  15. lBladeMasterOfHardstylel wrote: Hello everybody! Today I wake up, I'm going to a video source, and search the name ''Second Life'' and emerges four videos with the title: ' ' Second Life Additional Depot Range ' ' could someone tell me if this additional content would be reliable? the Link: Edit: Link removed by suspicion of being malicious. Probably not too reliable, given that Second Life doesn't have "depots."
  16. heavenlei Lexenstar wrote: I'm pretty lucky. I have two issues, Open GL errors, AND artefacts not rendering (see pic below). I've had both for awhile...since 2012. I have an Asus G73JW series and it worked like a charm for the first year and a half...2011 and part of 2012. Luckily I have a pc, so I've just been using it for SL, but now i've moved to a smaller place for the summer, and would like to be able to use my laptop. So I"m trying yet again to fix these issues! I just spent $135 bucks getting my system restored along with the Tech guy trying to fix the issue. He played with the settings, increased the TDR, installed old card drivers from 2011 (prior to when I started getting these issues) I can't say how much of my own time I have spent trying to fix them. I've done a clean install of graphic drivers, played with the settings, hired someone, increased TDR, tried 3 different viewers, researched, installed ASUS Gamer OSD and uninstalled it, system restored the laptop, prayed, cursed and almost threw the laptop against the wall! (that's still an option) If anyone has any ideas on how to fix these issues, let me know. I have an Asus G73JW Grid: Second Life Built with MSVC version 1600 CPU: Intel® Core i7 CPU Q 740 @ 1.73GHz (1729.05 MHz) Memory: 8117 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601) Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 460M/PCI/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.17.0012.5912 OpenGL Version: 4.0.0 Viewer SSE Version: SSE2 libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/1.0.0g zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1 J2C Decoder Version: OpenJPEG: 1.5.2 Audio Driver Version: (none) Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded) I finally submitted a bug issue, but i"m not holding my breath. This is what I see when I"m logged in...it doesn't matter the viewer or the graphic setting. I can change the graphic setting and this will disappear for a bit, then start again. Or zoom out and it will fix it. And it's not a hardware issue. It only happens in SL and all the pop up windows in SL look fine. My desktop looks fine, it's just contained within SL. Have you tried it with the CURRENT drivers for your video card? The fact that those drivers worked in 2011 doesn't mean anything - there have been wholesale changes to the viewer since then and its graphics procedures are radically different from how they were in 2011. The old drivers can only give you problems running current viewers.
  17. Shroom Steinbeck wrote: "Others aren't obligated to live their SL the way you want them to." I never said they had to. But what is the point of being private on a game aimed at being social? Don't get me wrong, I understand the argument. But at the end of the day: My pixels have come to your pixels to say hello. I don't think I am disrupting peoples lives to the point where they have to be so apprehensive. No they don't have to be polite, but is it so hard? But thanks for the reply. You're right. The game isn't the game I enjoyed nearly a decade ago. After all, it's not like you're popping in as a giant pudding while they're making out with their sweeties, is it?
  18. VoteboxRepairMan wrote: Coby Foden wrote: The best sources for easy lazy income were the xploders in their heyday. Some club owners put crazy amounts of money in those things (like some 20000 L$ per round, many times during a day). If one was lucky one could get hundreds of L$s in relatively short time. The xploders drew people like rotten flesh draws a swarm of flies. :smileytongue: Yes, another easy source of shopping money, much missed. There was a HUD that helped you to find them too. Have to say, your disdain seems just...odd. Given the choice between raking it in from a sploder with no risk, or getting a SL job and earning far less over a longer period of time, I'd say this is basic IQ test territory. The problem is the IQ of the sim owners needs to be low enough for them to set their sims up so that you can make money off them for providing them no benefit. And apparently they're getting smarter.
  19. Tanjential wrote: Prims can be rezzed in some areas that are invisible and people are getting deformed and harrassed as a result. Please remove this function. What probably happened is you/they clicked on an invisible object that whose behavior was set to "Sit" and had a griefing script. This will happen whether or not you have "Click to Move" function enabled if you click on the object and is only likely to happen in areas where 1) there is a high griefer population and 2) they can rezz things. You can temporarily turn "Click to Move" off as you've been told - the best situation is to be on your guard in the limited number of places it will be an issue. Removing a useful function because of a rare possibility that it can cause a minor problem isn't a great idea.
  20. Tanjential wrote: unscript avatars that have been animated and are being animated over and over. I'm seeing people get griefed in safe hubs because they're gay. In Viewer 3 go to the "Me" menu, select "Movement" and then "Stop Animating Me." Similar commands exist in all viewers but the menu setup may be different.
  21. VoteboxRepairMan wrote: Anyway, you've all ignored my wider point, which is that the traffic isn't there anymore. You could cull more than half the sims available right now and hardly anybody would notice. Proof, if any, that SL has a foot in the grave. If the traffic scores were based on people swooping in for a few seconds to collect some Lindens, the "traffic" was never there in the first place if you were using it as a measure of the true quality or popularity of a region.
  22. VoteboxRepairMan wrote: Hello, I am an obvious alt. 3 or 4 years ago you could go on the site 'SL Popular Places' and find every sim with a paying votebox. Some gave 1L, some 2L, rarer but still, some even 5-10L, per vote. You could log in 7 or 8 alts and just pop through the sims collecting money for your main. Great days, no need to get a boring SL job! But the rot seems to have set in. Some greedy sim owners have set the voteboxes so that you have to stay there for 10 mins for a 1L payout, which is just obscene. I note that many of the SL Popular Places options hardly pay out anymore, or if they do, it's a total waste of time - just one and the votebox is hidden somewhere meaning you have to spend time looking for it (these greedy vulture snobs don't realise it's a mutual transaction - we're there to inflate their traffic figures). Anyway, this seems to me an apt reminder that SL is truly dying. It's more of a reminder of how useless traffic was as a search criteria which is why it's been deemphasized in the search protocol.
  23. SLAddict Allen wrote: Its funny how people still dismiss the "I'm leaving" claims of users when peak time concurrency has dropped about 35% or so in the last few years. They'not disputing the fact that people are leaving, just the "I'm leaving." I've noticed a pattern: The people who announce they're leaving Second Life usually end up back, often within a couple of weeks. The people who threaten to leave Second Life unless something changes never actually do, no matter how much everyone else wishes they would. The people who do leave Second Life? Never. Say. Anything.
  24. Drongle McMahon wrote: "... to port an existing SL Avatar including its shape and textures ..." Did you consider the baking of legacy outfit layers? I would guess that is unlikely to be replicated in the new world in a compatible way. I think the old avatars would be of limited use if they can't wear system clothes (might be wrong, maybe everyone alse wears entirely mesh and needs on;y one skin layer?). I guess you could get around that if you could get access to all the layer textures and composit them with photoshop/gimp or a purpose built utility. Wouldn't get the same flexibility, but might be useable, I suppose. The current procedure for mesh body parts is to have a series of onionlike layers that textured clothing can be applied to - instead of a shirt texture being combined with a skin texture it's added to one of the upper layers with the rest of that layer alpha'd out so the skin is visible beneath.
  25. Mony Lindman wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Mony Lindman wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: I think I've got the relationship between the new world and the existing Second Life figured out - it has a very simple real-world analogy, but one that doesn't immediately come to us because of how our world currently works. If this was happening one or two hundred years in the past or possibly one or two hundred years in the future it would be instantly understood. The new world will be a colony of Second Life. Colonies are created by existing cultures in some new territory. Only a few settlers arrive at first. Anyone can come and bring their identity, but they can only bring a few posessions and if you try to recreate your old lifestyle under the new conditions you'll end up looking like a fool at best. The colony will share a culture with the old world but will eventually develop its own - it may be dominated by the movers and shakers of the old world or it may be the new players who understand the new conditions better who will prosper. People can travel freely between the mother country and the colonies but most end up picking one or the other. Colonies begin as financial burdens on the old country as their set up but they exist because they can provide resources the old land can't provide and the assumption is they will eventually be an economic asset for the old world. In our time period we don't really understand colonies because there isn't anywhere new we can get to, and also it's a loaded concept today because we understand that the colonies of the past weren't really "new" at all - they already had people living there who had no say in the matter. This new virtual world, though, will actually be unpopulated - it would be closer to some space colony of the future. The USA (at least parts of it) also started by being a british colony. And now ? Does the UK still rule the world or at least the waves , or is it the .. colony that rules all ? Not to mention that tomorow it could be China. But thats maybe off topic.. for the moment So the UK would have been in a better position today if they hadn't created colonies? Ach du Lieber - laecherlich! No , thats not what im saying. Im saying that the "roles" can be inverted betwen colony and colonisator.. In other words if SL2 will start as a colony of SL1 , then in a while crocodile, it could be vice versa. Also.. umgekehrt , if you know what i mean I'm quite sure that will happen. So?
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