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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. LoriLexa wrote: Hi everyone, Maybe you can clarify some things for me regarding mesh clothes. 1. With some mesh items, the "material" looks very thin while others look thicker. I thought mesh was mesh, are there different ways to create mesh clothing? 2. Some mesh breaks with movement while some does not. I'm assuming the mesh that does not break is rigged? 3. How come some skirts (same length & they move with the avatar) stretch and look distorted but others stretch and look ok? thank you for any info 1. All mesh is basically an invisible net of points that is connected by flat, textured polygons - usually this filled net is only textured on one side and is invisible from the other. However, some mesh clothing makers essentially make this "net" so it is either folded over on the edges or make the entire garment a closed object, which means the texture will be everywhere you can see. 2 and 3 - All mesh clothing that moves with you is "rigged" to an invisible "skeleton" that matches the skeleton of the default avatar. The visible mesh filled net is given instructions telling it to move along with the various "bones" of this skeleton - this is called "weighting" the mesh. Any given point on the mesh can move along with no more than four different bones and it may respond differently to each bone. Also, the mesh can be "weighted" so that the some of the mesh points move less than neighboring ones do to make the mesh behave more like real fabric. If the weight changes are abrupt you can see it break and distort. It requires careful, painstaking weighting to have the mesh behave close to the way real fabric does and not all mesh makers have the ability or patience to do this, so some mesh items look better than others. It doesn't help that the default avatar mesh itself isn't really weighted very well and tends to break and stretch oddly itself.
  2. Rya Nitely wrote: Although I'm ok with starting over in a new world (better than LL shutting the door completely) there is a loss to me as a creator and merchant. My partner and I spent a major part of 7 years building up our merchandise (boats, offsims, landscaping items). These were mainly built from scratch using mesh, sculpties, standard prim builds, texturing, animations, complex scripts. This wasn't all fun....a lot of it was plain hard work and determination. Why did we do it and what was the drive? Because we expected it to pay off over time. When you build a high quality item it is expected to sell again and again over time - that was our investment. So yes, if our time runs out in SL then that's an investment loss. I would be truly amazed if my items were portable to this new world with textures, scripts and animations intact. As a merchant, you can sell objects again and again over time - but not for an unlimited time. In a technologically driven field your products will become obsolete compared to other products on the market in a few years regardless of how good they are right now because technology changes constantly. That has been happening for years in the current Second Life and will keep happening whether or not a new platform is developed. I doubt that your seven-year-old products are currently your top sellers. With the changes possible with a modern platform the vast majority of your current products would be gathering dust in the market even if you could bring them over intact because your competition would be using techniques better suited to the new environment.
  3. Gavin Hird wrote: Innula Zenovka wrote: Gavin Hird wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: The requirements for an affidavit will vary by State in the U.S. and I'd have no idea what it is for other Countries. That is a question that needs answered by LL. Wouldn't it have to fulfill the requirements of California law for it to be recognized in a Californian court. California law is the governing law of the general TOS, so I suppose that applies to these filings as well. – Just my L$1, but yeah, LL must clarify. The point about affidavits is that making one that contains a statement you know to be false, or think might be, is normally an offence in the jurisdiction where you swear it. Presumably the point of having applicants swear an affidavit is to discourage them from lying in their descriptions of how the apparatus works and, if necessary, to demonstrate to the relevant US authorities that LL have done all they can to ensure that applicants tell the truth, rather than to persuade a Californian court of the truthfulness of their assertions. And since the only relevant US authorities in this matter are representatives for the state of California, and California requrements are so and so, that is the only thing that is relevant – regardless if my country says I can file a company stamped napkin or whatnot? California would have to accept affidavits from any other US state because of the "Full Faith and Credit" clause of the US Constitution. The US is a signatory to the Hague Convention so they'll accept an international affidavit with an "apostille", which is a fairly routine additional stamp. http://www.hcch.net/upload/abc12e.pdf
  4. Atami Merlin wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: You can return THEIR build if any part of it is on YOUR land. Automatically? I have'nt claimed the right to putt off it yet. Right click on it and hit "return" - you may need to get yourself to your piece of land first - if you still have trouble getting there, you should be able to get to it from the world map by using the coordinates.. Doesn't need to be the root prim either - I had someonen return my house because the edge of one of my roof prims was slightly over the property line.
  5. Atami Merlin wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Atami Merlin wrote: Callum Meriman wrote: What Isee from that picture is your "mound" inside their land. That are you stand on is likely yours. Only some kinds of numen can do it. or cracked password? ..... I need a charm 惡靈退散 On the Mainland, if any part of their build is on your land you can return the entire linked build to them. That cube is made by me, so it's my own object and that "mound" was made by me. I said only owner could edit the land form. I know the trick setting object center at owner's parcel and sticking out the rest to somebody's parcel. I don't have time to work in comedy venue...sigh I meant that it appeared that the neighbor's build intruded on your land and you said you hit their skybox when you went straight up on your land. You can return THEIR build if any part of it is on YOUR land.
  6. way I understand this, he wants to encrypt group chat. Yeah you can not do that, you have no control over the group messanging server and a little advice. since LL is a us based company they have to keep 2 weeks worht of chat logs for law enforcement, these have to be plain text and can not be encrypted. So mister russian, I'm sorry but certain things will prohibit this and if you do manage to do it, even on advice from others here. expect LL to issue a ban or something, I dono what they would do forsure. but it could be that. I'm going to lean towards that. if I clicked reply to the wrong person again. sorry too.
  7. ObviousAltIsObvious wrote: ExoticBanker wrote: a few questions I can not find in the FAQ anywhere 1. it says a operator can not spend L$ other than to pay for the winnings recieve L from any where other than the person paying to play the game How is the operator suppose to use the money earned to pay for overhead to run the sim ( ex. tier, landscaping, staff , etc) ok so maybe they can send money to one of their 6 alias attached to their operator avy.. that covers the above issues but it does not solve ths one .. how is a operator suppose to buy games from game creators.. another avy cant buy most games and transfer them to the operator .. and the games have to be in the operators name in order for the money to come to and from them during game play. you can cash out from the operator account, then buy L$ from another account. this will be annoying and incur fees, but it makes sense from an audit point of view. The application specifically says that the operator account can pay out for expenses of the operation itself but the expenses have to be declared. That would certainly allow the account to buy the machines themselves, for instance.
  8. Innula Zenovka wrote: Vivienne Schell wrote: "The New World is much better and less confusing to those uninformed about it as of yet..Because that is exactly what it is.." The last time I heard that was when they came up with Viewer 2. I bet that you are one of the 10 percent users who use this much better and less confusing hell of a Linden made user interface cause you have faith in Linden Lab software design, right? If I recall correctly, the complaint at the time V2 was introduced was that The Product Engine, the outside design company brought in to make the viewer, had made something far more confusing and far less user-friendly than the old and familiar viewer made by Linden Lab. I started on Viewer 2 and found it very easy to use - when I tried a "classic" viewer I found its interface a baffling ball of fetid suck. Just sayin'...
  9. Atami Merlin wrote: It's only 10prims! lol It was the time of years that need sender prim box with script. So I need multiple SIM station for SIM down. Sky box has 2 prim for outer case, my private safe ,MagicBox , 2 servers box and ground marker and stoole...10 prims. I couldn't find the end of yellow tapes up to 2,500m all the way to hit my head to huge skybox. Your advice is "sell it", but where's the human pride? The "human pride" is teetering on the edge of a cliff and about to fall, just like it always is. Proverbs 16:18
  10. Atami Merlin wrote: I bought a parcel only of 48sqm in some mainland resion for item buckup server several years ago. At the time there are empty lands around and the seller recommend those parcels repackaged into smaller sizes for storage. But the nightmare come. Before I'm aware that, my land is impound with somone's parcel and my land is in walls of fake house and the sky of my land is stuffed up with huge skybox. Today I was noticed that she/he might buy my land. I refused it. Why could I bear off robber's superficial offer? She banned me from her parcel. I made an attempt to teleport to my skybox, but could not do so. I can create objects on my land but cannot sit on it beyond yellow tapes. Aren't there human rights in US governed world? Or Is tt a humble bug of Secondlife? Assuming your skybox is on another piece of land, there's no connection between being banned and not being able to teleport there. At most you were blocked in some sort of straight-line travel, which would be fixed by teleporting to a different region and then back to the skybox. And how much was the "robber's superficial offer?" If it was more than L$50 you were actually offered more than it was worth.
  11. datasmithfc wrote: Can someone explain to me a good, prim-conserving method of creating windows that have individual panes of glass in them, like one would see in an old leaded glass window (as in a Thomas Kinkade style cottage? I stuck this question here in Technical because I do not see Building and Texturing as an available option in the dropdown list. My guess is that the wood framing around each pane would have to be non-transparent, while each pane itself would be transparent. You should be able to get good ideas by posting in the "Building and Texturing" section of the general forum: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Building-and-Texturing-Forum/bd-p/buildingandtexturing
  12. daisybloomer wrote: Gavin Hird wrote: What the OP needs to do (or can do) is to edit the first post with all the questions they have noted, with a status (answered, unanswered) and the anwer with the question in pairs. I don't care if they have to go back to legal – even if it takes to August 1, but they need to have very clear answers and have thought the issues through. And what questions would that be? I've read through all the information they have posted on it and it seems clear cut and answers all the questions here. The only issue I can see is the semi-short timeframe in which to implement this. I would say with everyone's busy schedule (residents here, attorneys, etc.) 1 month time would be much more reasonable. I'd be willing to wager show faith in my analytical skills that the large makers of "skill gaming" machines and their big operators have known about what was coming for some time and in fact played a part in determining the new policies. It would have been a lot easier for the Lab just to shut down the businesses that would be affected by the policies than to set up some sort of new record-keeping system as they're doing. It's worth noting that the biggest independent landowner in Second Life made her very first posting on this forum minutes after the announcement and said that she would be renting out skill-gaming regions but needed policy clarification.
  13. SLAddict Allen wrote: Linden Lab wrote: Hi Surfaqua, As each game differs in its operational functions, we are unable to provide opinions of whether a specific game would be subject to our Skill Gaming Policy via this forum. Each creator and operator of games will need to evaluate whether their game(s) would be subject to, and in compliance with, this policy. I'm confused by this answer. You've created a set of rules, yet you are unable to determine what violates them? So if a creator "decides" that what he is doing is in compliance, you are saying Linden Lab will not come saying that he isn't? No wonder the grid is still littered with gaming. If the Lab determined what was a skill game and what was a chance game they'd have legal exposure in the event of a problem with gaming laws. There are obviously what can be charitably described as edge cases in SL right now - it would be much safer for the Lab to put the onus on the developers and owners to pull some sad, broken lawyer off a barstool get an expert opinion as to the legal status of the various games.
  14. MarekDvoraka wrote: I've gone ahead and added the viewer info to the original post. Thanks! As I mentioned before, I'm using a Macbook Pro (which is a laptop) and I've tried clearing the cache, rebaking, uninstalling/reinstalling, and making sure no other applications are running simultaneously. I've tried every other third-party viewer compatible for Macs that I could find and nothing has worked. To answer your other questions, I use a wireless connection and there aren't any stuck keys. I've tried returning the settings to default even though I've never changed them and that didn't seem to help either. I see you're using Snow Leopard which is the oldest version of OSX that current SL viewers support (and they're probably going to drop support for it soon.) Update to the most recent version of OSX you can - with Macs the video drivers are written into the OS so an old operating system means old drivers. Also there are a number of problems with Mac keyboard shortcuts currently because Macs handle keyboard input differently than Windows and Linux machines. If you have a choice between using the "Command" or the "Control" key for any given shortcut try using the opposite one from what you're using now.
  15. Sassy Romano wrote: Please answer my question regarding costs. I've found the operator, creator one... $100 per application but what about the quarterly fee and why does an approved game that LL has accepted into the list then ALSO need the operator to go through the same lawyer legal process when the operator has no sight of the code and thus can't assert that the game really does what it says? Why does LL want fees from TWO entities for what is essentially the same thing? Where do you see the requirement for a lawyer's affidavit for the OPERATOR? I see the requirement for the affidavit from the CREATOR in order for the equpement to be approved, and the operator then has to say they're using equipment that's been approved.
  16. Riana Weston wrote: Why are child avatars allowed in gaming place when they are not allowed in clubs or on beaches, some places have height detectors to keep young looking avatars out, a two year old was at OVG gaming place, They also go to Oasis gaming. Three year olds have been seen at gaming places. Just curious why one place allows child avis and others don't. There are real-world laws against showing the representation of a child in a sexual situation. There aren't real-world laws against showing the representation of a child in a gambling establishment.
  17. With most computer games the coders know exactly what you're going to do at any given time and the graphics settings are optimized to do that one thing as well as possible. With Second Life you could be doing anything from taking a high-resolution landscape photo of an area with advanced lighting (which would require a certain type of settings) to being in an area with many rapidly-moving avatars (which would require an entirely different type of settings.) Therefore, the graphics settings of the viewer will allow you to choke your GPU if they're set inappropriately because they need to be flexible. Pushing all the sliders to the right because your computer is "amazing" is not going to give you good results. We need to see what settings you're using to judge what the problem may be. Also, lets be honest about your laptop. It's nice, but amazing it ain't. It looks like the basic hardware is around three years old. If you were sold it as a new, top end laptop you were sold a bill of goods. The graphics chip would have been in the upper-middle of Nvidia's range in 2011 or so. Finally, if you're trying to run SL on battery power instead of wall power all bets are off. Laptops throttle down graphics performance on battery power to extend battery life.
  18. Perrie Juran wrote: Rolig Loon wrote: If you look at that boot, Perrie, you'll see that the top edge of it is textured on the inside of the boot. Just not as far as it probably should be. MistahMoose's comment about not duplicating faces/vertices on the insides of items where they won't be seen is right on target. Each designer has to decide, however, exactly how much of a clothing item won't normally be seen. A model with too many tri and verts won't rez well, so putting too many on its insides is risky - and it takes extra time and skill to do it properly. On the other hand, not rolling a hem or collar far enough inside may lead to unsightly gaps. It's not always an easy call. Some less experienced designers, or those who are not accustomed to wearing women's clothes and knowing where they gap, may make the wrong call. It's not a generic problem with mesh; it's a design issue. As you know from my comments in other threads, I am often disappointed by how poorly-conceived some mesh clothing in SL is. I have also been dismayed over the years by how poorly-made some prim and system clothing is. However, I'm optimistic enough to believe that we will always have some truly skilled creators, and that their work will inspire less skilled creators to learn new tricks. You're right about the "poorly made." Maybe I focus on it a bit because I've been disapointed with Mesh clothing overall. It's like we have exchanged one set of warts for another. Maybe it's just me but I find being able to "see through" much more annoying than the problems with prim based and mosy system clothes. It's a natural reaction to judge something new more harshly than something we've grown used to, especially if we didn't have a choice about what we've grown used to. When I'm testing a demo of a mesh skirt or dress one of the things I do is watch myself walking forward and see if my thigh pops through the skirt at all - if it does, it probably won't get bought. Now if I'd applied the same test to prim-based skirts and dresses? I'd have moved to a nude beach a long time ago.
  19. Tottenkopf wrote: Hi. Today I bough this machine to mine bitcoins: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Bitcoin-Mining-Investment-Pack-Make-free-money-FOR-FREE/6057166 When i started it a lor of bitcoins began jumping and i took 5. Now I have them in my inventory. How can I sent them to my bitcoin wallet? I think you need to send them to a minor government official in Nigeria.
  20. kiramanell wrote: Teagan Tobias wrote: For a coder to say they can't do last names is lazy or stupid on there part, its a computer, just code it. And yes I have done and worked with coders. Now that said, there may be a lot of people stuck with the last name of Resident, but that has nothing to do with bringing back last names. Now bringing back last names and changing everyone from Resident to some other last name, now that is a horse of a different color. But again, bringing back last names can be done. But we will not see it because LL does not care to put forth the effort. IMHO I feel you're splitting hairs a bit. Often when a coder says it can't be done, what he/she really means, is that it can't be done reasonably. A responsible coder will also consider the collateral damage of a change (like, in this case, scripts breaking, for instance; and/or security orb notecards, etc). Also, seems some folks seem to think LL took away their last names just for spite. Way I recall it, though, is that the 'Resident' part was added, so as to make it easier (for scripts/security reasons) etc,. to determine who's s real human, and who's just a survey bot or something. WHAT I KNOW: Avatars never had a true "last name" in the form of a word that was stored in their data. They had a "first name" which is up to 31 letters and then "last name" field which is actually a number which is looked up in a database. When you picked a last name you really just chose one of a range of numbers. My name is actually Theresa 10910. The datafield for a number is far smaller than a name - using the typical method of coding letters two letters take up the same space as over 64,000 numbers. This is why custom last names were very difficult to get - they had to be added to the central database. This also is why people who become Lindens can have their last name changed - the number is changed from whatever it was to "1" which becomes displayed as "Linden" and probably also grants them Linden powers. WHAT I SUSPECT: I first joined just weeks before "last names" were discontinued - note that my last name corresponds to 10,910. Databases in SL tend to become slow and unreliable when they have much more than 10,000 entries. I also assume a copy of the database needs to be loaded to the viewer. Over 10,000 people create new accounts in SL every day - the vast majority of them don't stay, of course, but they all need unique names. If they all got old-style database last names the database would keep growing until it started causing performance problems. I've created several alt accounts since the change and haven't had major problems with names. If you choose a first and last name for yourself that aren't that of a famous person or are extremely common and you make your username "FirstnameLastname" you've got a very good chance of getting that name.
  21. Perrie Juran wrote: You can texture the "inside" of a prim but not a mesh. This is a boot but the same happens with dresses, jackets, etc, etc, etc, resulting in being able to see thru to ten Sims over. Actually you can't texture the inside of a prim - try looking inside one - and you can make a mesh so that it has a texturable face inside it - yes, a lot of mesh clothing makers don't and it looks like crap from certain angles, but it's entirely possible.
  22. Brent Zulaman wrote: Does anyone else have an issue with flashing occurring on the horizon of your view? Regardless of how far or near i set my draw distance there is an annoying flashing. I am guessing i cannot be alone and hope there is a debug fix or something someone has figured out? It occurs for me both on the latest versions of SL Viewer and Firestorm. Thoughts? Sounds like a known problem running Advanced Lighting in an area with a lot of connected water sims. The workaround is to go to the "Develop" menu, then under "Rendering" de-select "Object-Object Occlusion."
  23. MIstahMoose wrote: I'm starting to really doubt the general populations intelligence. It takes literally two seconds to Google or even search another forum thread that gives you all the information you need to know. "Starting"?
  24. If you're using Firestorm you probably won't be able to disable showing the Library. The Firestorm "bridge" creates itself from an object in the Library and if the Library is hidden the bridge can't be created and you'll spend the rest of your Second Life as an orange cloud. (Okay, that's somewhat of an exaggeration, but if you're running Firestorm disabling Library display can be a Very Bad Thing.)
  25. LaskyaClaren wrote: DeMarco Galthie wrote: Sorry to say but today I see stores dictating standards for glasses, hands, legs, breasts, etc.. There's some danger that this thread will become yet another redundant discussion of the pros-and-cons of LL's announcement about the forthcoming new VW that they are developing. However, this statement struck me as particularly interesting. When the internet got its start in the 90s, one of the things that made it so successful, I'd argue, is that the basic code to build a web page so simple and easy to create that anyone -- even the proverbial teen working on her basement computer -- could build one. Before mesh was introduced into Second Life, much the same could be said fo this virtual world: the basic tools for building and creation were, for the most part, in-world, and were (mostly) pretty intuitive and easy to learn. One might need to use Photoshop or GIMP, and to create avatar animations, one needed external software, but generally speaking pretty much anyone could learn the rudiments of building with a few hours of work. Sculpties were about as complicated as it got, and there were even in-world tools available for creating those. Mesh, however, changed all that. There's a lot of crappy mesh out there of course, but mesh has, overall, undoubtedly improved the appearance of Second Life. It has done so, however, at the cost of making state-of-the-in-world-art of creation inaccessible to most casual users. I think SL has become a little impoverished, and a great deal more commercial, because of this. I'll readily concede that builds by enthusiastic amateurs (such as myself) are not up to the standards of those created by more tech-savvy and engaged professional or quasi-professional creators, but it's still true, I think, that SL's capacity to make creation available to anyone was a really vital part of the early success of Second Life. A new virtual world that does not also extend that capacity to all of its users will be a less creative, less interesting world. SL 2.0 needs to include easy-to-use in-world building tools for all of its users, or it will be a much diminished place, in my view. I've built web pages in the 1990's with HTML editors - it was a royal pain. My current web site looks much better and I built it using a WYSIWYG website builder I got for a few dollars at Wal-Mart despite my not knowing a cascading style sheet from a piece of pie. And in my opinion the building commands in SL are only "easy and intuitive" if you've never used anything else; particularly anything that made sense. I've been able to wrap my head around Autocad 12, whose interface has the user-friendliness of a pit bull with a toothache, and yet when I got into SL I told a friend, "Okay, we can travel from one end of this world to the other in a blink of an eye, but its taking me five minutes to put a slice of watermelon into a bowl." I do think there should be easy building tools in the new world, but when I hear people lamenting about how it was better in the old days with everyone having equal tools it smacks of Harrison Bergeron to me.
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