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  1. thx oh and they said that all of those codes give you a lot of L$ but I do not know if they do or not so thx guys!! I appreciate it! <3
  2. YESBUTNOBUTYES SPARLIFE HELP OUT these are the codes that i need to input! Can someone tell me how to enter them though? PLZZZZZZZZ? i would appreciate it thx!! :) <3 From: Leeanna041903
  3. i have had the same thing happen to me, but this was in a different place where they dont even clean up at all! so i have to go somewhere else in Second Life, but the thing is that i have no idea how to save my stuff! Of course i checked back once but my shop was there, but then after like 4 minutes i check back again, its gone! I think people are purposly deleting your things! Isnt it annoyinng?! I hate it, but clearly someone must have deleted it on purpose! The reason why i know is because i acidentaly deleted a poster board that someone owned! Which just tells me anyone can delete your stuff! I know i may not have mad you happy, but this is the solution to your's and my problems! Your Solution guide, Cat (aka Leeanna041903) (but just call me cat)
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