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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Zekk28 wrote: Hello ladies and gents, I have windows 10 x64, nVidia (2gb) and 4 GB RAM. Yesterday I had to update my graphic card. Before that, Firestorm viewer set automatic to INTEL graphics instead of nVidia. (To run the game with my intel graphic) After that, I updated, set that all my games will run with nVidia. When I log on back in Firestorm I saw that everything is almost blue. Here is an example : http://imgur.com/ARcJQjs I reinstalled my Firestorm viewer and still same problem. I tried and play Batman Telltale and Mafia 3 and everything is working fine. No problems with my graphic card. I will reinstall my graphic card just in case. What is the problem? It's an issue affecting 64-bit viewers with the latest Nvidia driver. It goes away when "Advanced Lighting" is turned on. Here's a JIRA with more information: https://jira.phoenixviewer.com/browse/FIRE-20774
  2. Sarah36 Islay wrote: How come you get an IM pop up and someone begging for money and lots of others get involved - often telling that person to get a job or worse. How do they know your name especially if you have never heard of them before. That's probably a group chat. Sometimes it will be a multi-person IM sent to everyone around them too. Just close the conversation after it opens and that should shut it up.
  3. The "groin" attachment point is a new attachment point added in the last few months. Some older viewers haven't been updated with the new attachment points so they'll display attachments on one of the new points at another location. You'll have fewer problems if it's attached to the "pelvis" attachment point.
  4. Klytyna wrote: Ebbe's c;laim that his pet project, Project Stupid, is for everyone and not for geeks is utterly inane. Project Stupid is centered around VR, Ebbe even posed for a pic on one of his How to save SL blog posts holding an occulus vomitcam geek-goggle. Any conversation between the vr people rapidly decends into pure unadulterated geekdom as they discuss the hypothetical merits of the Uberthrutch 9000 vs the Megapuke 8500 if/when either of them comes out of alpha testing assuming they will sell for less than 600 US greenbacks. Ordinary non techy non-geeks won't use Project Stupid, its geek specific from the get-go. Because nobody can see 3D information without a 3D viewer - nobody got to see movies like Avatar, Toy Story 3, Star Wars - The Force Awakens, etc. unless they wore 3D glasses. Oh, wait...
  5. Sylvia Wasp wrote: Thanks for the detail that helps a lot. It means that I will soon have to buy *another* $5,000 head which is sad, but at least I now what's going on. I did find this thing .... https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Omega-System-Kit-Lelutka/10550651 ... that says it makes lelutka heads omega ... something, but it isn't really clear what that's all about either. It's a relay that will "teach" the LeLutka head to accept the signals from an Omega applier. It's a common procedure accepted by body-part makers - both Slink and Maitreya use a similar process.
  6. Sylvia Wasp wrote: Hello, Couldn't find any information on this on Lelutka's site or in-world store, or MP or blog etc. but are Lelutka heads not Omega compatible? If not, why not? Why the proprietary system? I have an Omega compatible mesh body and a Lelutka head, it's looking pretty good with the exception of the "Glam" skin (i'm more of a "low makeup" girl) , but this non-compatibility is really getting in my way. Even assuming I just wanted a skin for the new head *alone* and was willing to forget about the body for now ... where does one even get a skin for a lelutka head? I spent about 45 minutes walking around their store looking at every little thing (and there are thousands of things) and didn't see a single skin for sale by Lelutka or any of their associates. I'm confused. $5000 for a head and I can't do anything with it until I can install a nice realistic skin. It would be nice if I could do body and head at the same time too. Sylvia Search for "Lelutka applier" under "Skins" on the Marketplace.
  7. Qie Niangao wrote: This is purely a viewer-side thing, right? So have any TPVs adopted a better default camera position? (Personally, I'd prefer Linden developers spend the time improving the scripted cam, so it can for example smoothly follow target objects or smoothly trace the path of a tracking shot. But that's all much harder, spanning the sim/viewer divide.) UKanDo did. I tried it for a while. I found the position to be sort of meh.
  8. ChinRey wrote: Love Zhaoying wrote: I think y'all have misunterpreted by statement that changing the camera default would create "chaos". No but nobody mentioned anything about changing the default, it's all about making it easier for each individual user to change their camera position. I am convinced the awkward default camera position is one of the three main reasons why SL never had the mass appeal people once believed it would have and I think LL made a huge mistake not correcting it when it was still possible. But that's water under the bridge. As you said, changing it now would create too much chaos and cost more than it's worth. Penny asked for the default to be changed in the JIRA Love was referring to, and also she asked the Firestorm developers to change the defaults in a Firestorm JIRA a while ago.
  9. melaniehaughton wrote: Hi Theresa, Thanks you for your response to my issue. It is getting a bit irritating to me. You ask about my specs. My computer is as follows. Computer: Acer Inspire 5740 Processor: Intel Core i5 M430 2.27 GHz 4GB RAM Video Card ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 I updated the driver earlier today. At the moment I have SL Viewer running. The graphics settings are as follows: Main tab Quality & Speed Mid Draw Distance 512 Avatar Maximum Complexity No Limit Atmospheric Shaders & Advanced Lighting Model both unchecked ADVANCED tab Shaders - TRansparent water, Bump Mapping and Local Lights checked Basic Shaders - unchecked Avatar Hardware Skinning & Avatar Cloth checked The present status that my avatar is presently visible. However, the quality of my avatar's appearance is not particularly good. The skin is blotchy and poor detail. There are ugly shadow. If I undress my avatar, the skin seems weird as if the skin seems grafted on in places, most notably from my hip and below. Will this help in some way? Mel That certainly gives us more to go on. The major trouble is your not being able to use basic shaders - you're really going to have problems with things looking good without their being on. One thing I'd try is turning off Avatar Cloth - it was used to make the old system clothing look like it was blowing in the breeze and it's not really good for anything anymore. Also, your 512 meter draw distance sounds like it's a lot more than your laptop can handle comfortably - try dropping it way down until you can sort the rest of the problems out.
  10. Klytyna wrote: melaniehaughton wrote: Whilst all the objects locally show up normally (including mesh objects), neither my mesh clothing or my mesh body appear. When I log in, I do appear briefly as a whisp of white cloud but then disappears after a few seconds to reveal my eyes and my jewellery but no head or body. Tech Support 101. The clues are in the post... She can see mesh in world. Mech enabled viewer. CHECK. she has a mesh body/head/clothing based avatar with jewelery, so she used to be able to see herself, untill recently when she posted this thread. Her system CAN display SL. CHECK. Her avatar doesnt stay as a cloud permanently - She's wearing a skin, a body shsape, a hairbase and eyes, the 4 essential ingredients for not being a cloud. CHECK. When she unclouds after login, all she can see are her eyes and jewelery. She's wearing the alpha layer for her mesh body/head combo. CHECK. She can't see the mesh body/head/clothing that she is wearing. ERROR! Sounds like her viewer cannot pull details of the mesh she was wearing from the asset servers or from the cache, or both, so clear cache, perform standard inventry loss recovery options, see if this rectifies the problem. There is no need for posts saying "wat r ur specs update ur drivas ur pc an interwebs r suk", the standard commercial tech support response around the globe for the last 20 years. ERROR! She said she could see her mesh body with hardware skinning off, it just looked bad. This would suggest there's some incompatibility with something in her setup, and nobody can determine what that might be until we know wat r ir specs. It's not an insult to ask this. It doesn't mean it's her fault, or that her computer is bad. It's just information that outsiders need to look for and suggest solutions.
  11. Prokofy Neva wrote: So he's leaving? I hadn't heard. Link? After a while of reading the forums you'll find certain posters will put up things just to get a rise out of people. You can discover this through a mixture of psychology and serendipity.
  12. Pamela Galli wrote: Bumping ome last time to make sure no one here has any more idea than I do. Two ideas: 1) The owner was living in one of those "stacked dome" type builds, which may have some weird quality. 2) I don't know how you set up your rez-box items, but if it's possible to "live" in one of your houses without officially "fixing" the rezz position and deleting the rezzer scripts in the items they may have been living in the house with the rezzbox scripts still in place. I've had items that were set up for a multi-rezzing situation (i.e. with rez/de-rez scripts) disappear without a trace with no notice and the scripts are probably similar.
  13. entity0x wrote: The Sansar 'experience', vs an IMVU 'chat room', both which are user/pro-created, and have similar ability to limit who can come in, how they conduct themselves, the topic of chat and such are very similar. Unlike SL, my understanding that in both cases, in order to participate in either, you must enter/teleport to each in order to see what is up. Sansar will not have islands, sims, or mainland that you can fly around in, crossing over borders relatively seamlessly. They will be separate from each other, operating more like traditional chat rooms, than how we use SL today. IMVU: " There are thousands of public rooms based on various themes -- vampire castles, dance clubs, hospitals and anything else in between -- including accompanying furniture, decorations and sounds. These rooms usually have a capacity of no more than 10 avatars at a time. Because they're user-created, there are often stipulations on who can enter the room and what kinds of actions can take place in it" - How IMVU Works Sansar: “In the future we will (all be able to) create spaces and experiences and invite people into those experiences… It’s not going to be something that necessarily someone created for you, just like we have our own homes and our way of dressing, the future in virtual reality is going to allow us to have that level of control over the environment and how we express ourselves.” - Is there a future for user-created content in Linden Lab’s new world? "Linden Lab is thinking less about having Sansar having a map like Second Life. They’re looking more at making individual creators make scalable and monetisable experiences and bring their audiences into it." "Sansar – the target is the creator as the primary customer" - Linden Lab Chat Summary About Sansar Realistically, that's what Second LIfe already is. You can't directly travel from one private, separately owned island to another and never could unless specific arrangements are made (i.e. the United Sailing Sims). "Crossing borders" means that arbitrary borders exist in Second Life, and they do only so because of the weakness of the physics engine. Meanwhile, IMVU rooms are room-sized and I don't believe you can even move freely inside them, while a Sansar experience is supposed to be measurable in multiple kilometers on a side and can be the size of dozens of Second Life regions.
  14. GabrielleVanDerMalle wrote: Just curious, how do you know what region you are in and why do they differ? A "region" is a 256 x 256 meter area that runs as a single simulation on the Linden Lab servers. Many private islands are made up of a single region; larger developments and the Mainland are set up as several connected regions (making up the "grid.") The region name is shown on the world map in the lower-left corner of each region, and right after the parcel name in the top address bar of the viewer.
  15. entity0x wrote: Does anyone know where I can find this shirt? Thanks. Try the freebie giver at a prim-museum gift shop.
  16. ChadUnfroyd wrote: “We learned some positives but also a lot of ‘that’s not how you do it’ from Second Life,” said Altberg. “So we’re having a much more user-centric approach from the beginning, and try to make sure we stay away from the territory of complete geekdom.” My reading of it is that he is also insulting the Linden Lab originators and developers of Second Life, as well as the users who built and rebuilt the world, and would be dumbing down Sansar so that it was sufficiently disnified that preteeners and other idiots would be able to use it. Could you provide us a coherent argument to justify your reading? Or is this simply an emotional reaction?
  17. ChadUnfroyd wrote: How do you feel about LL's soon-to-depart CEO opening his mouth and sticking his foot in it comment on his perception of Second Life? Are you thrilled that he has noticed your technical expertise? Disappointed because you are only an incomplete geek? Or maybe you consider it an egregious insult? I consider it more of an insult that a troll would expect me to fall for an "insult" without expecting me to look up the context of the original phrase. I get enough of that from Facebook clickbait.
  18. EroticArts Solo wrote: i am getting this object being sent to me every 5 to 10 seconds. it is call cc cashcage hud 1.5 or something and i have blocked the owner. But whenever i log off and log back in after 20 or 30 minutes, my inbox is full and messages are capped.. Please help !!! Sounds like it's this object doing the sending: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CashCage/7122180 Try to find it and block the object.
  19. Prokofy Neva wrote: The problem with the "Christmas" theory is that the great 10 point increase in value (or drop) came *after* Christmas in the days before New Year's, in fact. That is, most people would have done their shopping by then. The Linden value started changing from its long-time plateau before Christmas - there were standing sell-orders in the 250's to burn through. Also, after-Christmas Lindens could have been bought with real-world Christmas money.
  20. Molina Rhode wrote: I have 237.000 L$ in my beta account. I will change in USD. But I only come to my account and not to the beta account. Lindens on the Beta grid have no real-world value - they're given free to users to allow them to upload testing objects, etc. without needing to invest actual funds, but in return they can't be cashed in or transferred to the main grid.
  21. Derek Torvalar wrote: Never underestimate the power of frivolity. Or the durability of narcissism.
  22. Radium Soup wrote: ParisEugene wrote: Maybe he was only faking it, he said at a party that he could see that some ip (Internet Protocol) were double. Is it possible that he was hacking us? He was 3 day old, did not rezz for anyone at the party. I reported him to Linden Labs. I will change my password (just in case). I'm curious to know the category under which you reported this person, simply because I don't recall any category titled "Revealing Public Information". And for everyone else wondering why their (sometimes) less frivolous reports are generally ignored, this guy multiplied by 1000 is likely the reason why. Disclosure Residents are entitled to a reasonable level of privacy with regard to their Second Life experience. Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent -- including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile -- is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited.
  23. Alwin Alcott wrote: Tjah wrote: Catwa Justin don't spoil the fun... majority of these questions know very well what it is... free advertisement for a brand, whats normally not allowed on the forums. If you think Catwa mesh heads need advertisement in this forum you're pretty out of touch.
  24. Lvddawter wrote: I have been told by someone who owns bento mesh hands that the bento animations do not work with the standard avi hands. Is this true? If so, why? I thought it was the standard avi bones that moved the mesh hand fingers. Hand and face animations for the base avatar body don't use bones but what are called "morphs." They are hardwired into the viewer and modify the base avatar by simple commands. Until Bento, there were no "finger bones" at all. Any mesh, including the base avatar mesh, will only respond to "bones" if it's "rigged" to them - i.e., the various polygons of the mesh are assigned to move along with those bones. The base avatar isn't going to be rigged to the new bones because of the chance that this will cause strange and unexpected behavior with all the things created over the years that don't expect the fingers/face to move that way.
  25. MuvaLing wrote: Seriously tho..where they at? Hiding from white people trying to act "gangsta"?
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