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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Robin64 wrote: I am receiving a message that says "can not create object that has caused problems in this region" i get this message no matter where i go or what i try to rez. When I log in to my home. parts of my avi do not rez due to the same message. I have already tried logging in with a different viewer and cleared all cache. I also did a clean download on both viewers i have used. But still did not fix. HELP !!! The region you are on needs to be restarted. That message is a symptom of the region being up to its memory-use limit. If you are on a private estate the landowner can do a restart; on Mainland you can take out a support ticket.
  2. biscut1 wrote: I looked in the MP and I saw where Bento works with the catwa and maitreya. But nothing for the slink physique. Is that something that is coming? Bento is mostly for three things - 1) Extra bones for non-human avatars (wings, back legs, etc.) 2) Extra bones in the hands that will allow them to move fingers, etc. when using new animations. 3) Extra bones in the face that will allow mesh heads to play animations and be more customizable. They really won't have any affect on human mesh bodies. You're probably seeing "Bento shapes" advertised. They're just ordinary shapes that are tuned to look good with those products. There will never be a true "Bento shape" that's fundamentally different from the regular shape you can access from the "Edit My Shape" command. Many mesh body-part makers are updating hands and heads to work with the Bento bones and their products are either out now or in the near future. The owner of Slink was one of the people involved with the initial phases of the Bento product so they should be updating their products fairly soon.
  3. Barta Lemton wrote: 2) The Marketplace is a mess these days, you plug in a keyword and you'll get a store that's decided to include common keywords in it's "Gacha" sales, putting up thousands of items that more or less make it impossible to find what you actually want. This happens with tons of common words that should be used to search things. Perhaps you should add a filter system of sorts to refine searches so you can exclude Gacha products, because for a modder like me they're perfectly useless. I can't copy them, I can't mod them, they may as well be digital trash. You can already filter your search by permissions - there are checkboxes that will allow you to only have copy and/or mod items show up in search. They're below the filters for price and type at the left side of the Marketplace window.
  4. entity0x wrote: The octopus table was fine the way it was. No copy, no mod... NO PROBLEM. Then you wouldn't have modified it even if it was modifiable, would you? I'm sure I haven't modified the vast majority of things that I own which I have modify permissions on, and some of the things that I have modified look identical to how the maker originally made them - I just modified them to do things like reducing prim count by changing physics types, etc. Making something no-mod is done to prevent the customer from doing something to it. That's all it is. It's fundamentally a decision made out of fear. I'm not saying that the fear isn't justified in some cases. But if it's done to "protect" your design decisions, what does that say about your faith in your own decisions and in your customers?
  5. entity0x wrote: Perhaps those that only go to the IKEA catalogue or 'vogue' furniture and fashion sites, who's bulk of inventory is made up of copied 'reference image' replicas of work not concieved on their own, could be so flippant and easy going with their creations. Some of us, thumbnail, sketch, concept, construct, create textures, breathe life into with scripts and strive to create unique, amazing items never before seen in SL. We CARE about our creations and where they end up, and we CARE that they are looked upon as TOP KNOTCH. We also appreciate other creators who are also innovative and creative and unique, mod/copy or not... The octopus table was fine the way it was. No copy, no mod... NO PROBLEM. You want a 'business'? Sell items that are ripoffs of RL items.. just replicate everything and sell them as your own, and think you are contributing to SL.. No wonder some can have 1000's of dresses and shoes in their stores - THEY'RE NOT THEIRS, and since the designs really aren't there, they can let their meshes go, to be bastardized and reused - then come and decry unique creators because they market differently (and aren't always about the freaking $$$$$$$$$$$$ all the time)... the $$$$$$$$$$. God I hate the $$$$$$$$$$$$$. It's always about the $$$$$$$$$$ to many isn't it? But guess what? Some of us must really piss you off, some of us original types.. Cuz guess what, we make money too.. In the end we win because we create the things YOU'll copy later. Chew on that. Slow and steady and unique wins the race. (Okay rant over: responses below) Penny Patton wrote: There are content creators who sell furniture no-mod because they want you to have to buy multiple copies if you want to place more than one copy of that furniture on your land. Yes, you're free to pass on shopping with them at all, and I would encourage people to do so, but that is the intent of the seller. Once again you ignored other reasons, not one was ever presented the desire to make customers buy multiple copies. I can safely say you don't read (or probably can't comprehend) and too eager to condescendingly respond and assume a poster's temperament instead of arguing points instead. There was a legitimate, marketing strategy (with examples) I posted as to why a merchant may want no mod on an item, where is your response to this? All you did is repost your opinion again, without addressing other points made. Gadget Portal wrote: You're getting awfully riled up over something that you're saying doesn't concern you. Why are you so upset about Penny educating people with correct information? If you're afraid it's going to hurt your business model, maybe you need a new business model. Personal attack on Riley. Doesn't address any points he/she made. HarrisonMcKenzie wrote: You are aware that disagreeing with someone and getting upset are two different things, right? Adding modify permissions adds nothing to my business. All it means is turning over my rights as an artist. I don't want to do that so I don't. And as far as I can tell, the entire kid clothing market also sells with no-mod, so the argument that my business will hurt if someone else sells with those permissions isn't a valid one. I made my informed choice. Voicing that choice in a discussion isn't me getting upset, nor am I afraid that my business will suffer. That's you getting upset over my choice, not be being upset over it. That's exactly what the hell is being proposed. Penny wants the ability to purchase your original sketched, concepted, constructed and textured mesh for a free end-use, including retexturing and renaming, adding to her own custom builds on her sim so she can make money from it. That is not the reason I started creating in SL, it was for my fellow and average SL'ers to use on their own lands and enjoy, and they make stuff for me to enjoy. Read her blog to see what end use she would have for YOUR creations. She also hasn't addressed any points made about why creators should bother spending so much time on textures, materials, or even design if the end use would amount to retexturing, recoloring, rescripting, deconstruction/reconstruction/spare parts.. Why are any of us even uploading anything other than a UV unwrapped white mesh then? You obviously consider yourself an artist first instead of a businessperson. Essentially, you just confirmed what I said. Thank you! Harrison has similar (albeit less febrile and overblown) reasoning, but he kept referring to his "business" which is why I mentioned the separation.
  6. ChinRey wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: As far as I can tell, this simply doesn't happen. No, it does happen. I see it fairly regularly in SL: items at practically point blank range and clearly in view suddenly vanish and then reappear when I cross a sim border. It may be particularly noticeable at Coniston since I have house rows along streets crossing sim borders there. It's very hard no to notice when the houses you're walking right next to or the road under your avatar's feet suddenly disappear. I can't say if this is related to the sim crossing vehicle breakdown though. It may be a completely different issue. Some things may vanish occasionally, but that doesn't mean the viewer is completely recalculating the scene. I and my extended SL family currently own Mainland in three separated areas, all of which are hard against region borders. In one our properties are built up on both sides of the border. I have never seen any evidence that suddenly it has to "recalculate the entire scene from scratch." I walked up and down one of your streets in the Coniston area across the region border several times and saw no indication that I had changed regions other than my avatar's name tag blinking briefly. Could you provide evidence that this recalculation is happening?
  7. Pamela Galli wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: HarrisonMcKenzie wrote: You are aware that disagreeing with someone and getting upset are two different things, right? Adding modify permissions adds nothing to my business. All it means is turning over my rights as an artist. I don't want to do that so I don't. And as far as I can tell, the entire kid clothing market also sells with no-mod, so the argument that my business will hurt if someone else sells with those permissions isn't a valid one. I made my informed choice. Voicing that choice in a discussion isn't me getting upset, nor am I afraid that my business will suffer. That's you getting upset over my choice, not be being upset over it. Okay, I think I see the basic problem. You can either be an artist, in which case you're doing things essentially for yourself and are selling as a sideline on your terms; or you can be in business, in which case you're servicing customers in order to turn a profit. This thread is largely about those who are running a business. Incidentally, Loki Eliot sells mod. Plenty of artists sell their work, some for quite a lot of money. Including artists that make what they like themselves without much regard to what anyone else thinks. Yes - that's what I said. But are they in business?
  8. entity0x wrote: Sorry, you'd have to assume the marketer is both being malicious and deceptive,and is intentionally trying to cheat LL out of monies. Also, LL losing out on commissions if inworld still does not make this "anti-competitive' behaviour.. and can easily be solved by taking commissions from EVERY transaction inworld or not. Now read the rest of the post, about what inflating prices means. How is using a service and encouraging the buyer to not pay for it not cheating the owner of that service out of monies?
  9. entity0x wrote: You would think that 'technically' that a product sold inworld is not a 'listing' nor a 'marketplace listing' and therefore should be treated quite differently. Its a product sitting on land inworld, and therefore should not be subject to MP listing guidelines. In fact, I would like it to be 2 separate entities, and treated as such. What is being sold in both cases is the license to use an asset from the asset servers. It doesn't matter if that asset is transferred to the buyer's inventory by the Marketplace program, by the in-world "buy" command or by an in-world scripted system.
  10. entity0x wrote: By your logic, then an inworld 'discount' or 'sale' is anti-competitive (against noone), and is now 'inflating' a price on the SLMP. This means LL would need to automatically delist thousands of products today who are doing this now. If anything this needs to be looked at, as I simply don't see the harm to anyone to do this, as this is a regular practice in RL, and done without any malicious intent, but as incentives for people to shop inworld. So either LL needs to change the guidelines, clarify the guidelines, or ban a whole swath of products instead of picking on tiny little stores (that probably did it by accident or ignorance) yet ignoring the top (and huge sellers) who are doing it today. If you didn't want to converse about this, then you didnt need to reply at all. An "incentive to shop inworld" is also an incentive to not use the Marketplace, so the owner of the Marketplace doesn't allow those using it to benefit by it (as a free way to show up in search and post information) while encouraging buyers to not pay the commission that supports it.
  11. Nova Nubalo wrote: Hi all, Ok so i have been trying to find anything relating to my problem with my hair no showing after i teleport. Seems that on some of my hairs that i know of that after i teleport anywhere others don't see me with hair, but i do.. So i try to detach and reatach but notice then I can't seem to deteach and have to relog. Once relogged i show up without hair and then can add it again. SO now everytime i teleport somewhere i relog and thats a huge pain in the butt. Has anyone heard of this issue or know what the skinny is on it? I am using the latest firestorm viewer and each viewer update does the same. The hair is mesh and i use a mesh head TMP. All video drivers update and any other drivers. Still cant find reason or fix.. Thanks Nova Make sure that the head and the hair aren't attached to the same "attachment point." A rigged mesh item can be worn on any attachment point and behave the same way, and it's more common for attachments to be lost on teleport if more than one are attached to the same point.
  12. MaxusTheon wrote: I own several parcels in Railrider. The large parcel is adjacent to Linden protected water region. Invited people are deny entry or bounced back to there home spot when TPing. My girlfriend is not being bounced and can TP in by LM or Map,. We are not co-owners or partners. Something is odd about Railrider. In some cases the visitor sees,ban lines, I do not have ban lines set to on. My neighbor has a security orb, but should not reach across parcel lines. Can LL investigate the region settings? You've set the regions to "group access." That will bounce people not in that group regardless of other settings.
  13. HarrisonMcKenzie wrote: You are aware that disagreeing with someone and getting upset are two different things, right? Adding modify permissions adds nothing to my business. All it means is turning over my rights as an artist. I don't want to do that so I don't. And as far as I can tell, the entire kid clothing market also sells with no-mod, so the argument that my business will hurt if someone else sells with those permissions isn't a valid one. I made my informed choice. Voicing that choice in a discussion isn't me getting upset, nor am I afraid that my business will suffer. That's you getting upset over my choice, not be being upset over it. Okay, I think I see the basic problem. You can either be an artist, in which case you're doing things essentially for yourself and are selling as a sideline on your terms; or you can be in business, in which case you're servicing customers in order to turn a profit. This thread is largely about those who are running a business. Incidentally, Loki Eliot sells mod.
  14. ChinRey wrote: Qie Niangao wrote: But the rendering is on the viewer, not the sim, so the mystery is why the visual (non-physics) complexity of a mesh vehicle seems to matter when crossing sim borders. I don't actually know if the sim is involved in it, it may well be all client side, but it's easy enough to see that the entire scene is redrawn at sim crossings, adding considerably to the overall lag and mess and also often causing annoying render failures. Move one meter towards a sim border and the viewer makes some minor adjustments to the scene. Move one more meter across the sim border and suddenly it has to recalculate the entire scene from scratch. I can't understand why it happens, there shouldn't be any need for that. As far as I can tell, this simply doesn't happen. Depending on your draw distance, you can be connected to more than one region simultaneously and see things in all of those regions and you keep seeing them when you go from one region to another. What you could be seeing is things entering and leaving your camera field of view and their being erased and redrawn - it can look like what you're describing when you pivot your avatar and are looking at things toward the far range of your draw distance. A vehicle and/or avatar in motion are a special case, though. For anything to exist in Second Life it needs to be in a simulator and when you move from one region to another your avatar, vehicle and various goods and chattels disappear from one region and appear in another. It looks like the viewer has some ability to acknowledge that these things are actually the same things it had just drawn but sometimes it gets confused.
  15. Pamela Galli wrote: It is the name and shame list I find distateful, for the reasons stated. Its purpose is not really to assist people in shopping, is it? Permission filters do that job for most people's purposes. It's to punish those who dare to make things "the wrong way". If you want to make a list of Good Creators, that might help some shoppers, but really, permission filters dothe job, so that would be redundant. Theresa Tennyson stands in the middle of the car lot in-world, looking for the permissions filter. Nope, can't find it... Vehicles tend to be fairly expensive and there is a lot of variation in quality, and they require extensive manipulation in-world. They're the last things you should buy on the Marketplace. Besides, permissions are notoriously dodgy for vehicles. As an individual object they'll just about always appear to be "no mod" because even "mod" vehicles use no-mod scripts, and there are advertisers who call things "modifiable" when they have scripts to change aspects despite technically being no-mod. Personally I don't really care about permissions on vehicles - many of my favorite builders make no-mod vehicles but I like them because they work. Yes, I have wished some older vehicles were modifiable to update them with new features or to fix annoyances, and I've done custom work on a modifiable van that I wouldn't have bought if it was no-mod, but personally it's not a deal-breaker in general. After a while I've found who makes vehicles that work for me and who doesn't and I tend to shop from certain creators. In other words, I have a list. I know others have lists and I'd be glad to hear who's on them - and also who's off them and why. Which is what the OP was looking for in the first place.
  16. Pamela Galli wrote: I don't like name and shame lists except when people are actually injuring others in some way, but if there are actually people who check or use lists as filters when shopping, then more power to them. My problem is when the lists are used primarily to shame creators who are making things the way they want, and clearly advertised as such, to give the impression that creators who do not make things as some peolple or most people or all people would like are somehow injuring others. If the point is simply to make a shopping guide, why not make a list of people who DO make things the way you want? (Oh, but then what fun is there in that?) Assuming we're looking at the same thread, the suggestion to make a list of people who do make things the way they want was the very next post after the post where the words "name and shame" appeared.
  17. Candi Clawtooth wrote: Oh yea one more thing............'once the skeleton is posted' ? I dont get it. "Bones" are invisible parts of the default avatar which can be moved by animations and which mesh can be "rigged" to, enabling that mesh to follow those animations. The SL avatar always had a certain number of bones; the "Bento" project added additional bones. These bones are coded into the viewers. The default avatar shape won't react to the new bones to keep it from behaving unexpectedly with older content, but new worn mesh, including mesh avatars, can be rigged to the new bones. Older mesh won't change because it wasn't rigged to these bones, but mesh makers are already starting to use these new bones. The note about "once the skeleton is posted" was from a year ago when the project was just started - the new skeleton is now part of the latest release of most viewers, including the Linden Lab viewer and Firestorm. Older viewers will show mesh rigged to the new bones oddly.
  18. Pamela Galli wrote: Theresa Tennyson wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: "And irresponsible it is, because creators disappear for perfectly unpredictable reasons and leave their customers behind while technology evolves." creators have zero responsibility to make anything, or make anything a certain way, as long as it is crystal clear what it is they are selling. You know why? Because no one is required to buy anything! It's a free market, if you don't like it, walk on by! Oh and that thread? They think it a good idea to make a name and shame list of no mod creators, or any creators whose policies they don't approve of. Why would an accurate list of creators who are behaving acceptably (i.e. making no-mod products) be "shaming" them? Their term, I think there is no shame in making anything in any way that is clearly advertised. Wouldn't this suggest that it actually would be a good idea for consumers to make a list of creators whose policies may be controversial, enabling them to "walk on by"? Consumers are also participants in a free market and, as a clothier where I used to live used to say in advertisements, "an educated consumer is our best customer."
  19. Pamela Galli wrote: "And irresponsible it is, because creators disappear for perfectly unpredictable reasons and leave their customers behind while technology evolves." creators have zero responsibility to make anything, or make anything a certain way, as long as it is crystal clear what it is they are selling. You know why? Because no one is required to buy anything! It's a free market, if you don't like it, walk on by! Oh and that thread? They think it a good idea to make a name and shame list of no mod creators, or any creators whose policies they don't approve of. Why would an accurate list of creators who are behaving acceptably (i.e. making no-mod products) be "shaming" them?
  20. Qie Niangao wrote: The weirdest part about this is that some makers (including at least one named in this thread) offer different vehicles types with permissions specific to the market in which they compete. For example, quality boats are mostly Mod perm, trains practically all Mod perm, and airborne vehicles now in the process of migrating to Mod perm after a long, dark time when they, like cars, were mostly no-Mod. The point is, there's no possible excuse cars should be any different -- it's not as if there's any script complexity to finding those wheels if there's a CHANGED_LINK. I don't get it, and so far the only explanations I've heard amount to creator superstition and ineptitude -- and yet, why specifically cars and not other vehicles from the same makers? Two related possibilities - most cars today have a number of separate scripted pieces designed to move and pivot in a specific relationship to each other (doors, hoods, etc.) and if you resize a car by stretching it these relationships can get borked to the point of its becoming a Frankencar. The second half of this is a car is the first vehicle the average person just starting in Second Life might consider A Good Thing to Have. People interested in boats, trains, etc. usually have a certain amount of technical geekery to begin with, but cars are familiar to almost everyone, including those who have little skill or interest in fussy technical things. It's simpler to make a car no-mod than to deal with a lot of "IT'S BROKEN! WAU!" messages from customers who did something which turned out to be a Bad Idea. I'm not saying this is good or bad, just defensible.
  21. entity0x wrote: Since Theresa and ChinRey mentioned names, and it is apparently okay to advertise stores, products and sims by name, as long as it's not yours, I'd like to recommend; Joey Thornhill, he makes amazing modern sports cars like the Maserati and Lambo. His detailed and superior work is an amazement to look at, you should check out his store, his products and head to his sim as well. My second recommendation, a creator who is definitely not related to me in any way, nor is it an alt account of mine, or alternate store is Freddy Firebird. He is an amazing vehicle creator too. Can't forget Porche Pete (pronounce Porsh-A Pete, by the way) and Kenny Kamaro, both icons in their own right, and definitely not affiliated with me in any way. So good all of them, highly recommended, search for them on the marketplace and buy from them too. Should people be suspicious of those recommending landlords as well? https://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion/Nice-landlord-Estate-with-cheap-HS/m-p/3088554#M14350 However, if the OP is actually still looking for useful information here are a few more car suppliers I've had good luck with: I completely agree with ChinRey on Arton Rotaru and GEMC. Manji is another carmaker with apparently unique content and excellent scripts: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hakata/93/46/23 SUMI uses prefab cars but their scripts are very good: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Burns/243/51/64 If you want a wide variety of cars that drive well and have good feature sets but aren't the best on region-crossing, head to the car center at Crossing Sands where Cindy Henusaki Customs, Akioto and Hotaru are close together. All do a good job working with the standard prefabs and scripts, have moderate prices and offer driveable demos in an area where you can go through multiple regions: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Urban%20Paradise/103/75/22 Amariah Francis of Gama Motors has good-handling vehicles using the common scripts and very low prices. Most of the vehicles are commercial types. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gama/211/207/36
  22. Benson Gravois wrote: Has anyone found a good handling car that stays on the do roads and crosses sons well? Are there any that fit this description that are cheap? Most of the cars on the market currently are based on prefabricated models by a certain supplier and use a scripting system by another supplier. This particular scripting system, though versatile, doesn't make cars that cross sim borders well in my experience. I find that the best-performing cars are ones by people who can do their own scripting, or at least who use simpler scripts. Right now my favorite low-budget cars are from a place called Movita, currently available only in-world: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Lusca/183/53/59 They're built using the same prefabs and the texturing and detailing is nothing to write home about but they use fairly efficient scripts and you can get some very good cars at low prices. Their prices start below $L100 and they offer a few free cars as well.
  23. entity0x wrote: It's actually very easy, and skirts around the forum policies about advertising your product or store... 1) Create an alternate (known as a 'sock' as in puppet) account. 2) Create a post in the fashion forum or otherwise claiming you need help 'finding' an item you saw somewhere, used somewhere 3) Log into your main account (perhaps even another alt/sock account) and be very helpful by posting direct links to product listings on the Marketplace, or name-dropping others you would like to advertise (maybe even if it is your own) 4) Don't forget to do this daily. 5) Sarcasm. Understand what it is, and what makes this post so on-point, and great PS. Also, I found this wonderful jacket worn by this guy (include picture) that I saw at some club in SL, could anyone tell me what jacket it is, or who designed it, or what store I can go to and buy it? Thanks a bunch! :-D There's also the interesting strategy of de-advertising that some merchants use by posting irrelevant things that make it look like they're obnoxious fools while using their merchant account. I'm not exactly sure what they hope to gain from this, but who am I to judge?
  24. LLIAMAH wrote: That's what I said. The fate of the minority who use Windows XP nobody cares. Nobody cares what happens to them. There is only one piece of advice - stop being a minority. This is a double standard. The fate of other minorities are more concerned people in the world. Nobody gives advice to people from minority to join the majority. And to me you're just giving this advice. I understand that the operating system is obsolete. And I see that the new operating system is being introduced by force, and the old system is blocked and no choice. It's a compulsion. Well - let this violence will remain on the conscience of those people who makes it and supports it. Do I have any choice? You can use XP for as long as you like. On your computer. I have a computer that has runs DR-DOS 6.0 from the mid-1990's. Nothing's stopping me from using it. What I, and you, can't do is expect to connect to other people's computers because in order to do so we'd have to compell them to support an operating system they don't choose to support.
  25. The Firestorm servers are overloaded right now. They're asking for people to wait for the demand to cool down and are specifically NOT recommending you use alternative sites to download the new viewer.
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