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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. Yes, we've had a visit from her. She was quite smitten with my partner... didn't have much use for me... lol!
  2. Right? I'm anxiously awaiting that! It looks like maybe it's part of the next spots being built out and I'm soooo excited for it!
  3. I read that initially as "ginger breeding" and was very confused...
  4. waves from my boat... it's the one right under the lighthouse!
  5. I originally thought it was black as well... until I put something black next to it! 😋
  6. If people are unsure if something is violating the Covenant, where should they ask for clarification about it before they bother LL with yet another ticket? Or is the general consensus that there be no discussion and everything should automatically be escalated to filing a ticket? I've seen a couple things both here and in the community group chats where something is brought up and a Mole or Linden has seen it and taken care of it without the need for a ticket, so I'm honestly unsure if the forums are a good place to bring up things like this or not when someone just wants some clarification before going to final step to report someone. It would all be MYOB if Bellisseria was a perfect world, except we all know that isn't going to happen, especially as more and more people move in and more neighbors start having disputes. LL will have to hire extra people just to deal with them and then our premium account fees go up to pay for those extra staff. (I'm still playing devil's advocate, btw... feel free to tell me to stop creating imaginary scenarios and to zip it at any time! 🤐) See, my thing is the exact opposite of that. I don't care about people watching anything I do, except maybe being bald while changing hair... lol. If I'm inside my boat, not out on the deck, but literally behind closed doors, having sex, can I be reported because someone cammed in and saw me?
  7. And I'm positive that has been modified over the years to account for situations that have arisen that no one anticipated, just like the Bellisseria covenant has already been modified to cover ban lines, flying, orbs, etc. And they wouldn't have changed any of that if no one ever brought those things up. I don't think LL anticipated show homes. The home alluded to in this thread has already clarified that they used items from multiple creators and it really isn't an advertisement and I agree with that. I know of another, though, that is *only* stuff from one creator and that creator is advertising it on social media. Does that make any difference in context to the discussion in this thread? That question isn't meant to sound argumentative, I swear! I'm genuinely curious if that makes a difference knowing it is being advertised as a showcase for one particular creator's items.
  8. I actually talked to live chat about this after scratching my head at the Covenant and the "reasonable attempt to keep things behind closed doors". I feel like my parcel, being mine, is behind closed doors and no one has to cam in on it. As you say, people can mind their own business and as long as I'm not on public land, I don't see the harm in it. I also said that I don't feel it's reasonable to expect me to remember to go into my land settings when the mood strikes because my brain is likely scrambled...lol. Live chat basically told me to try it and if anyone reported it, it would be up to the Linden Governance Committee to decide. I asked if I could escalate my question directly to the governance committee and was told no, so I couldn't get a straight answer. How about erotic art on my walls? Can I hang photos of myself having sex?
  9. Great! So I can have sex on my boat without going into my land settings and changing the privacy thingie? (TOTALLY just playing devil's advocate here!)
  10. I think that we're experiencing some growing pains all living together on this new continent. I'm likening it to, I dunno, there are municipal and city laws and regulations in every town, but then there are also homeowner's associations with their own rules. We've already seen some changes made to the covenant that are unique to Bellisseria that wouldn't have been made if people hadn't discussed it here, like the orbs and flying. Personally, I don't care about the show homes but I think maybe they should be time-limited, like home and garden expos, maybe, but really... I don't care either way. Nor do I care about people using their homes to make little cafes, pubs, arcades, etc., but I do care about the one instance I've seen so far of someone putting a facade over their place and turning it into a gym with a big sign. Other people liked it, though, and it's not next to me so not really any of my business, until the people next to me put a barn over their boat and and a big sign that says Gilley's and say that if the gym is okay, so is this. Also, though, I hate HOAs, but at the same time, I don't want a barn boat next door to me.
  11. I've created a group for those of us residents who enjoy the more adult side of things. It's called Bellisseria X. I don't think it's showing up in search yet, but you can find it on my profile. Hoping to start hosting some gatherings once we have enough members!
  12. Only if the judging includes ways to make it even naughtier! 😝
  13. I agree this is something that the Lindens should decide, or ignore, if they're fine with the way things are. I'm just a Pollyanna that wants everyone to be nice to each other... lol. And trust me, with some of the activities I get up to on my boat, I don't wish for a visit from the morality police, either! I'm just waiting for complaints about being nude on my boat with the privacy turned off. Or sailing nude. 😋
  14. I thought it was the same thing... getting the rogue text when clicking the wall and not being able to change the colors. I'm still getting the rogue text as well. "HB3: Touched Link 25( HB3 ) on face 4".
  15. The irony is policing what people can and cannot say while complaining about what people can and cannot discuss.
  16. I get the point, but why even have the forums if people can't talk about things unless it's a topic that has been decided elsewhere and everyone is in complete agreement and just pats each other on the back for being so gosh darn assimilated? Jesus, people have lost the freaking ability to have a conversation. THAT is getting old, too. Policing what people can and cannot talk about is just as annoying as telling people what they can and cannot do in their home.
  17. How I wish that it were true... At least, not for me. I just rezzed a new boat. Still navy, still won't change, still getting the same error. Tried resetting the scripts. That also didn't work.
  18. Not for nothing, but yeah... to be fair, she did. I know I'm going to be accused of being the morality police again, but I still think people went way overboard demonizing her.
  19. A friend of mine who just got a boat suggested a country club... that might be cool, with a golf course, a big pool, a club house. But only AFTER all the houses are built and everyone who wants one has a home.
  20. I am shocked. SHOCKED. Shook AND shocked! Kidding... rock on!
  21. And that is exactly why we need them to give us the choices... I want you to have your navy, and me to have my, er... whatever color I finally decide on after switching it elebenty three times! 😁
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