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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. I'm going to cry. https://gyazo.com/0220b464c181fcf70ace0e8c5f7882f7
  2. My boat is fully furnished and decorated but I have it all linked together. When I log off, I make it all transparent so it looks empty in order to annoy the "sticky beaks" (I'm SO stealing that!). I empathize with those who haven't been able to land a house or boat yet, but I'm really very tired of the ones who want to make people who do have a house or boat feel guilty for... well, any number of reasons, really. Decorating or not decorating, occupying or not occupying, or just in general getting a place at all because they want no one to have one until everyone can have one. It's all rather turning me into a Bellisserian Elitist. I don't want these people ever moving into my neighborhood with their attitudes of entitlement. Not very neighborly of me, I know, but the names of the most vocal complainers are all on a mental list now, and I certainly won't be amenable to loaning any of them a cup of sugar when they eventually move in. I've got plenty of salt, though, if anyone needs any. I'm kidding. Mostly. Put your pitchforks away.
  3. I did... I had 32 left. I had to pick up enough stuff to have 42 or something like that left before I could attach... the thing. And yes, decorating on the new homes does seem to be more difficult. Maybe because they're so nice we actually want to live there instead of just having them as extra places? We actually want to make them look nice? My old one just had a few things tossed down and I didn't really care because I had another main house. My houseboat IS my main house now.
  4. In very generic terms, not mentioning any specific creator, I agree, especially when the item in questions has a high land impact and to keep it specific to the Linden Homes forums, we are all watching our prims/LI closely since it's limited.
  5. The cats would have fun with THAT!
  6. There is a Bellisseria Eagle that I've seen as well! I love our critters!
  7. sorry I'm late to the party... just woke up Pulled up your profile just for fun... I've been a premium member since waaaaaaaaaaay before you were SL born. Got my boat in the very first few minutes they were released. Clearly, they ARE releasing them to long-time premium members first, but in those terms you're just a young whipper-snapper. I think they've made it through the Exalted Premium Member List to somewhere around 9.718 years. You're simply going to have to wait your turn.
  8. I looked right over those! Now I have to go back!
  9. Don't even get me started on the uncentered windows... lol!
  10. I had a rowboat rezzer out for a while but I needed the prims... lol. I think I've seen a couple other places with windsail rezzers or something like that. Surely no one would oppose that, would they? Oh, and the horse rezzers! I would think TPTB would love us doing stuff like that.
  11. Yes, precisely. Child porn involves seeing children involved in sexual situations. Did you see that? No, you didn't. If you ever do see that, I implore you to report it immediately. But you didn't see that.
  12. I have encountered a gorgeous eagle flying around!
  13. In this context it's extremely harmless. A teddy bear is indicative of nothing. Even the Lindens and Moles go around handing out teddy bears for god's sake. Hardcore porn may not be your cup of tea, and that's fine. Guess what? It is mine. And I am utterly disgusted that you would take two things that I enjoy and twist them together into something so twisted and evil. Literally not one single person here suggested that you ignore child porn if you come across it. You have an obligation as a human being to report it if you see it. But to take something so innocuous and turn it into something so foul... that's on you, not the person who happens to enjoy porn and teddy bears. Even though you didn't name them, you are are still casting serious accusations on them. I still think you owe everyone here an apology for the suggestion that anyone thinks child porn shouldn't be reported no matter how you come across it. The fact is, you didn't come across it. Believe me, if you did, you wouldn't have any questions about whether it was or not.
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