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Chaser Zaks

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Everything posted by Chaser Zaks

  1. First, you should be aware that there is a fee involved with moving regions. Since you say you have two regions, you will be charged the Tier 1 fee, which is $150 per region move. Secondly, you need to make sure that the area you want to move the region to is available, as well as the desired coordinates, so head on over to the Land purchase page and proceed to the page where you get to choose where you want to place a new region. You don't have to buy it, this is just to check to verify the area is open and get coordinates: https://land.secondlife.com/en-US/private-regions.php Once you have confirmed this, you will need to open a support ticket: https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new Choose the issue type of "Land & Region", and sub type of "Region Move", enter the name of the region you wish to move, as well as the coordinates you got from the land purchase page. For extra precautions, you can specify that you want the region to be north of Mary Lous in the extra field, and if support sees conflicting information, they will inform you. Hope this answers your question
  2. Linden Lab reviews all reports from a neutral standpoint and only uses the text and screenshots provided in the report as a reference to find what the issue was in server logs.no matter how false a report is, Linden Lab will always be able to see the truth on the server side logs. Since this is Linden Realms, I believe moderation regarding it is off-loaded to the Linden Department of Public Works(I think one or two Moles with special access?) in which case, they have scripted objects that log additional data. Simply put, if you didn't actually do anything, nothing is going to happen, no matter how many false reports. Crazy people, self proclaimed "police", anti-griefers(similar to "police" but griefing tools), and various other fake enforcement people tend to be a rare occurrence (at least, from my experience), but they do exist, and the best solution is to block them and let them live in their fantasy until they end up breaking rules themselves and getting banned.
  3. Firestorm distributes it's Linux distributions via archive. Simply extract the download to where you'd like. I normally install to `/opt/firestorm`. More in depth instructions are provided here: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/fs_update_viewer
  4. While there are some valid reasons why you would need to know someone's previous name(EG: Keeping track of trouble makers), you generally do not need to know. If you just need to keep track of trouble makers, what I recommend doing is making a table like so: UUID Username Previous names Reason 796b1537-70d8-497d-934e-0abcc2a60050 Chaser Zaks Hiding meat in the water f0ff75a0-9eb9-4503-bb6d-9addeeef86bd Second Life Linden World Lags a lot You can always resolve someone's username from their UUID, UUIDs will never be changeable. You can also resolve someone's previous name to their UUID, but you will have to know the previous name(This is useful if you can no longer find a trouble maker's last name).
  5. You mentioned something very specific that allows for you to take action: Under the "Disclosure" section of the Community Standards: Unless you explicitly make it clear that an account is your alternate account name, such as by providing it in your profile, he/she is violating the Community Standards. When I say explicitly clear, I mean by putting something like "ChaserTester is my alternate account" in your about box, picks, first life tab, Second Life profile feed, publicly accessible notecards(EG: A scripted object that distributes it when clicking it), or other intentional "for public" information places. If you have simply told this person what your alternate account is without doing any of the previously mentioned, it will still count as a disclosure violation as you did not provide consent for them to share private information. My recommendation would be to file an Abuse Report towards the offending resident under "Disclosure" and be sure to explain that you did not publicly make the alternate account information public information and is not mentioned on your profile, and that the information is disclosed in a "Pick", as well as specifying what the Pick name is, as well as what the offending line is.
  6. When they say "not recommended if you are a admin", they mean don't run discord or Firestorm as a admin(I. E. Right clicking a icon and choosing "run as admin"). You should never run a program as admin unless you trust said program, and that it needs to make system changes(such as installing). If for some reason you need to run either as admin for it to run, there is likely a underlying folder or file permission issue. If you run only Firestorm or only discord as admin, with the other running under your user account(non-privileged account), they will be unable to communicate with each other over IPC(inter process communication, similar to IP sockets, but typically more secure as there are no open ports).
  7. I believe offline inventory offers are limited to the same limit as offline messages. That being 25 for basic accounts, and 50 for premium. So say your call is 25,you get a IM and a notecard, your cap will now be 23. The most reliable way to make sure you get all offline messages is to enable offline messages to email, which you can do from viewer preferences. In preferences, go to the "Chat" tab, check "Email me IMs when I'm offline", then click OK or Apply. Here is a picture of the setting:
  8. I see it as a deterent to prevent people from changing their name too often. People already change their display names often, and once a username is chosen, it cannot be used by anyone else. So it prevents people from using up all the names, as well as prevents mass confusion.
  9. Sales are based off resident buy/sell rate. If LL discounted L$, then it would undercut people trying to sell L$, which in turn, would tick people off. This would have the effect of killing the economy. People already criticize the economy enough. The exchange is already a wiggly worm(See https://secondlife.softhyena.com/stats), keeping it in it's wiggly state is ideal as it means it will keep going up/down. If it goes up too much, the less value L$ has, and people will reprice their stuff, in turn making discounting pointless. However if it begins to go down, L$ will have more value, which will result in people POSSIBLY repricing stuff to be a lower L$ cost, but similar USD cost. Economics is very tricky, you really do not want artificially modify it.
  10. I think perhaps it'll just go back to how it used to be, because people are people. However, I do have a slight hope that people will understand and take my mysophobia(also known as germaphobia) a bit more seriously, because the way people are acting now is how I am 24/7(minus the face masks and stock piling), maybe a bit worse.
  11. Nope, Linden Lab had yoinked it off for sale not too long ago. All the listings (even the free versions) are marked as "No longer available": Base Game - Mac Base Game - PC Deluxe Vehicle Pack Hoverboard Bonus Pack Premium Vehicle Pack As for whether or not they still worked at the time. The answer is like no, which is rather unfortunate because I definitely would have bought them if they did work, because I like collecting LDPW stuff. You can still technically link your amazon account with Second Life if you so desire though, I did, because I am a 100% completionist and I plan on being the first person to beat Second Life. Also yes, this was an official Second Life thing, it even had a page to link your amazon account.
  12. They are not monetizing last names, they are monetizing the changing of names, which is expensive system wise as it changes a lot of stuff in world, and it is in part to prevent people from constantly changing names. Premium was likely raised because LL was legit losing money on it. Here is a old quote I had regarding the old premium price: Tilia is owned by Linden Lab, they off loaded payment processing to the subsidiary because it is easier to manage U.S. regulations that way, as well as other foreign regulations. I haven't seen LL take things away, only add new features for premium users, which is kind of the whole point to make premium look enticing. Overall, SL is doing quite fine! LL recentishly(past 5 years) made a multi-million dollar investment into it:
  13. LL still has to make money. Take the following for example: If they waive fees for their sources of income(especially full regions), they will then have to choose whether to use their remaining funds to pay for bandwidth/electricity/server facility property tax/etc, or to pay their employees. If they don't pay for the first, SL has to close doors it's doors. Some may argue "oh but just close it to non-premium", then that has a domino effect of killing the source of income from people without premium but still buy L$. If they don't pay their employees, some employees may quit. Not to mention that they too are also affected by the corona virus. Personally, I don't think LL should waive any fees. If you are at the point where you have to choose between food/supplies/electricity, and Second Life, I think the choice is clear. Maybe perhaps you can contact support and ask them to "suspend" the region for now, basically keeping it offline but not losing the current state/payment plan, for either a lower price for hibernating it, or for a month until this blows over.
  14. Kitely is just another grid. It runs using Open Simulator and can be connected to via a third party viewer that has Open Simulator capabilities. In my own personal opinion, I would say Kitely isn't worth it unless you want to just pay and go do your own personal thing. If you really want to go with a different grid than Second Life, go with OSGrid. OSGrid you can spin up your own region on your own computer for free and toy around with it if you really want to mess around with a third party grid. Third party grids are sort of a niche group, you would be lucky to find more than a couple hundred people online at once on any of the alternative grids. While they can be interesting to toy around with, as I do have a OSGrid account and have had some fun, there just are not enough people to justify putting copious amounts of effort into. Additionally, third party grids, because of their open nature, make it a bit easier to steal stuff, including stuff that normally can't be stolen on Second Life, such as scripts. Most third party grids have the ability to copy no-copy items, and transfer no-transfer items. This is due to the granting of god powers, as well as having access to the simulator's terminal and opensim LSL functions. The reason why Second Life's regions are more expensive is because Second Life has more residents, which means more visibility, which means higher bandwidth LL has to pay for. In all honesty, just go with Second Life, it is worth it in the long run if you want stuff to be seen by many people, and has a much more secure permissions system.
  15. You may be interested in the movie "The 13th floor" which explores this quite well! As for computer simulation, we will never know. There is no evidence proving or disproving any theories. Is there a computer simulation? Is there a God? Are we destined for forever nothingness? We may never know, only time will tell! I say let people believe in what they want to believe. The universe is a very big and scary thing that we are more likely to either end in mutual destruction or the sun to go into super nova, than we discover the answers to it. If believing in one theory helps calm the fear of the unknown, I don't see any harm in it as long as they do not use it as an excuse to harm others. If you want to believe it is a computer simulation, then you do you! Just don't go hurting other people because of what you believe, because you will never truly know if it is true or false.
  16. Child avatars have always been a confusing thing for people, basically what the terms of service says: A child avatar may partake in any activities in Second Life, including visiting and/or moderating moderate or adult regions, as long as the child avatar is not partaking in sexual activities or is being used to promote sexual content. You can read more about the official ruling here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Clarification_of_policy_disallowing_ageplay
  17. Because of texture warping, probably a inverted sphere: But from a technical standpoint, the Second Life grid is either: A 1,208,925,819,051,679,221,350,400 sqm flat plane. Region handles are two unsigned 32-bit integer(That is a number between 0 and 4,294,967,295), so that would be 4,294,967,295 * 4,294,967,295 = 1,208,925,819,051,679,221,350,400 square meters. This is the network limitation. A 281,466,386,841,600 sqm flat plane. Scripts are not able to handle large 64-bit numbers natively, and I don't think there would be a need to go over 65535 by 65535 regions. Not to mention other complications that may arise, such as floating point precision errors. This is the likely internal limitation. Either way, it is flat! Real planet curvature in 3D environments is a massive pain. A majority of game developers who make 3D environments that include a traversable planet will actually cheat by making a torus planet, like so: The reason for this, is that torus shapes can unwrap nicely into a flat plane, you just make the values loop back over, eg a torus planet unwrapped to a flat plane that is 255 by 255 in size, you can make (256, 32) loop back over to position (0, 32), so it seems seamless and round, but it isn't actually round!
  18. (I tried to keep the graphic language down, but unfortunately the subject matter makes that a bit difficult) Hello, furry who dislikes the fandom here(there are three stages of furry "OMG FURRIES R TEH BEST", "they are ok", "god i hate this fandom". I am stage 3 lol.). So I searched "second life" on twitter. I found a lot of irrelevant posts(75%), furry posts(15%), and then regular posts(10%). Of the furry posts, a majority were NSFW, however they were properly flagged posts meaning only those who enable "Show sensitive content" will see them. Not to point fingers, but sex and what not isn't fandom specific. Take Goreons for example, or a majority of Zindra. Those are mostly Human ran operations. It just happens that furries like to be more open about this stuff because they are used to it. Now as for me, I do have various female characters along with my male characters, and I am a G.I.R.L.(Guy in real life). I believe I give my female avatars average size boobs. (nips deleted because no nips = sfw from what I am told): https://i.imgur.com/CisBuFZ.png Now if someone wants to give their avatar big boobs, that is totally up to them. It is their avatar, and Second Life is a place to express yourself. Natural big boobs do exist. As for "other bits", yes I did add such to my female avatar in the screenshot, but that is because that is who she is. As for "exhibitionist" furries, furries into weird stuff(bdsm, etc), I'll admit, I am one of those furries, but I don't go posting on twitter(My twitter is relatively sfw aside from a few meme posts). I keep that stuff either in SL in places it belongs, or on my personal webpage. I particularly don't like clothes though because I have autism and I am horrible at fashion. So no clothes = no fashion worry. This isn't a exhibitionism choice, it is a "i'm dumb and bad at fashion so screw fashion" choice. BUT here is a key point, I am one of those people who socially advertise Second Life, and loves to help new residents and ensure that there is good new resident retention with those I meet. I keep all that weird stuff away from new residents. If they hint that they are looking for weird stuff, I'll help them out with that after confirming it. But if they don't want that weird stuff, they never hear a peep about it from me aside from the "maturity ratings" discussion. There are also the people who post nsfw images(despite it not being allowed) to the https://my.secondlife.com/#trending_feed feed, which 99% of who do that are people with human avatars, so just saying. So in summary, I don't feel it is much of a problem as most people looking for info about Second Life as a business platform will have nsfw enabled on twitter, and if they did, they probably wouldn't be the type to judge considering theres some pretty weird stuff on twitter.
  19. Ah yes dark humor, I enjoy me some dark humor. (I can joke about this because there are outbreaks in Kentucky and I live in Kentucky so I am not safe(haha im in danger)) also mfw I am germaphobic and already stockpiled on cleaning supplies months in advanced (please do not raid my home I will clean you out of existence). But really though, Covid-19 memes have already hit the MP store(face masks, toilet paper, etc). While yes, it is important to take precautions seriously, there isn't any reason why you can't poke fun at it. It is something that is affecting everyone and for some(like me), joking about it is a great way to cope with the stress/worry. But I personally am not too stressed about it as the media is kind of blowing it out of proportion like it is a end of the world zombie plague. Remember swine flu(that 2010 thing no one seems to remember)? Or hell, just the regular flu? They still have caused more deaths(each, not together) than Covid-19. Here is a source comparing other outbreaks: https://about.futurelearn.com/blog/covid-19-how-does-coronavirus-compare-to-other-outbreaks (I am providing this as a source, regarding any other information on the site I do not endorse it and have not verified any other information on their site)
  20. Glad to know that! Most humor goes over my head, and I am unsure when people are trying to be offensive or not. I also typically don't get offended easily, so even if I was supposed to be offended, I'd just be "??? im confused". So from my view, "No harm, no foul"! As for the map, yes, I am seeing what looks to be more private land being added to the grid. NOW I could be wrong, but I am almost certain it more land being added. I can do make a script to do aggressive number crunching, but from visual inspection and word count testing(I just count instances of "region" in the result files), I'd say there are more private regions than there were in 2018.
  21. The vertical orange bars are the result of the method LL uses to "suggest" a region position. I don't know the code behind it but it seems to like to place regions in corn rows for some reason(CONSPIRACY THEORY: The grid is the corn field!). The yellow is actually a mix of the following tile types: region, bordered, cart. Region tiles are where regions exist. Bordered are restricted tiles used to prevent people from joining their region to someone else's without permission. Cart is (supposed to be) tiles that are in someone's cart, but appear to sometimes show up instead of region tiles(unless my script goofed).
  22. Because I am the big dumb and always mess up the dates. For some reason my brain likes writing June instead of the correct date. I've went over and verified the dates are correct now!
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