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Everything posted by JeromFranzic

  1. Visiting Tulum, and noticed this well worn pickup truck...
  2. Beautiful, and colorful grounds just outside of the Cape Able art gallery. Worth a visit, I'll be back. 😊
  3. I have some romantic ideas going on... not in this shot, but it'll happen.
  4. IRL that book's on my bucket list. Mikhail Boulgakov's "The Master and Margarita".
  5. Thanks for the links. I already used the Holly Kai spot for some photos with one of my anime avis. I'll check that out ASAP.
  6. Oh, no problem! Thanks for the comment. I do have another take offline where I brightened this a bit more and converted it to b&w. I'll have to learn how to make the point lights for sure.
  7. Haven't done that yet in SL, but I've done this angle loads of times in RL photos. Also, TIL that term from you, so thanks for mentioning it. 😊
  8. Beginning to test the Black Dragon viewer. I can see why some folks think it's great for inworld photos... more photo centric editing options VS Firestorm. Final edit in Gimp, cropped in 4:3 because I love my Olympus E-M10 II IRL ^_^.
  9. I've got quite a few avatars in my stash in the few weeks since I joined SL. Here's one of my favorites. I've named her Bitzy Grayson. Managed to build her current business casual look with 100% free stuff. The suit she's wearing is derived from a male avatar. It happened to fit her perfectly (for me, anyhow).
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