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Everything posted by JeromFranzic

  1. I can find plenty of Anime stuff in the MP that's linked to mainstream characters. Naruto, Pokémon, Robotech etc. Garfield. Calvin and Hobbes. Squid Game. ...
  2. Cool! I enjoy seeing GoSpeed's photos on flickr.
  3. Nope. I don't think so. If I ever score a Premium account, I want to use my current in world display name, Jerralyn Franzic. I dislike most of the names LL offers. But some are cool... is Scissorhands on the LL list? XD
  4. I think your vignetting edit here is wonderful. I don't always have the patience to post process. Most of the time, I'm on Firestorm when I take photos. If I want the crazy angles I will crank out some Black Dragon goodness. Lately I have been using the PBR versions of FS, Alchemy and Cool VL as I find the lighting to be more realistic there... but of course it will vary depending on the environment. I mostly rely on Shared Environment, and the occasional facelight. Gimp is my #1 photo editor, though I will use Krita occasionally if I need some extra effects.
  5. I couldn't say... but those OpenGL scores look great for the newer 7xxx GPUs. If I could I'd go ahead and buy a card or laptop with the 7xxx GPU. Especially if I wanted to play Starfield and never leave my cubbyhole lol... that game's apparently well optimized for AMD, GPU and CPU.
  6. Bump... Maybe we'll hear from people who create videos. That would be a great metric for anyone who uses these GPUs for SL. At this point, Nvidia still has the edge but it really shouldn't be an issue anymore if you prefer AMD. If you're doing other stuff besides SL, just buy whichever GPU suits your overall usage. That said... this Nvidia user is listening. If and when I upgrade... I'm really looking at an all AMD setup* (CPU and GPU, still want the CPU to have integrated graphics for low power moments). *Better support in Linux for sure!
  7. If Vulkan is used for 3d acceleration with the mobile viewer, it should run on iOS via MoltenVK. Newer versions of Android have Vulkan support in the OS.
  8. Haha... it's Erika on a diet... well, a less laggy HUD anyway and fewer accessories included. (but n-core got L$1k from me already, I don't mind though, worth the price for me)
  9. This time, running the default LL viewer in Linux, in Ubuntu Studio 22.04.3 LTS, Nvidia 535.104.05 drivers and Wine 8.15-dev. Same PC as outlined above. Fully shadowed, no funky stretching.
  10. I've decided to try the LL viewers again recently. I'm getting into some weird stretching issues when shadows are turned on. Very odd, this never happened to me before. Maybe it's just my PC... The first shot has shadows on, second shot has shadows turned off. Tested with the default viewer. Latest drivers installed for CPU and GPU. specs: Windows 11 Home, 22H2 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8750H CPU 32 GB RAM Nvidia GTX 1050, 4 GB VRAM m.2 SSD
  11. That's partly why I ended up buying Erika, the lack of any alpha HUD control. Hopefully the devs are taking notice and will consider at least a basic HUD for alphas. Something along the lines of the free Legacy body could work, that doesnt have too many cuts, IDK... but Erika's curves demand more concise alpha cuts, which the full pack contains in the HUD. I love the Lucybody Atenea. Ought to use it more often, but for me depends on the outfit. Autohide doesn't work, but Lucybody is slightly better for contortions and some odd angles vs Maitreya.
  12. Not on right now. If you look behind the desk at the main store, point your mouse and click the 200+ gifts sign. It will take you there. Be careful, part of the floor isn't finished and you might fall through, but you can fly straight back up to the freebies. Don't ask, that was annoying to deal with lol
  13. I'd buy it, but I already use a similar shape for Irina. Might have to demo this to see if my Irina tweaks work on Julia... hmm... thanks for posting this.
  14. Nice! I used a Brox with my younger alt before I acquired the Jake. It's similar enough to Jake, and the alpha pack helps with suits and other full body outfits.
  15. It depends. If you're mostly playing games and not doing too much multimedia creation, your system as is should be OK. If you are looking to seriously develop anything, including creating programs and serious 3D modeling/AI/data crunching, Ted's final paragraph in that comment makes sense. Anything to speed up compilation is always preferable, of course that depends on what you're developing (and whatever hardware upgrades you can afford).
  16. I've tried nearly every single TPV available for SL. So far, sticking primarily with Firestorm, followed very closely with Cool VL and Genesis. Kokua is OK, and I'm happy it recently returned to Linux. I have the best uptime with Cool VL and I think pictures look great from it, almost as sharp as Alchemy. (Nothing beats Black Dragon for photos, even in 2023.) Genesis works great if I don't mind a less dynamic looking color palette, and am running integrated graphics at mid level or less with 128 or lower draw distance. My older laptop runs cooler anyway when I'm on integrated graphics on lesser settings, regardless of viewer used but Genesis is the best for this purpose IMO. The LL viewer has given me some issues recently with a 'squished' look at high graphics settings. IDK why, but that's cemented my favored TPVs more. Chips? Is there a viewer for that?
  17. It's also possible to create a Maitreya-esque appearance to Erika. I got a shape that was marketed towards Erika Zero users and applied it to my full pack Erika. Yee-hah! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Genetic-Zero-Kalhene-Erika-x-LeL-Raven-31-Skinny-Shape/24802800
  18. I hear you. I do think if more Residents invested in Erika, it might help. Even though I currently have to watch what I spend in RL USD, I've already spent some money in Erika and designers that support the body, both for my alt and recently, myself. I've already bought clothes and shoes from Hilly Halaan, Luna Chelsea, Spotlight, Stephane.L, Le'la, and a few other stores. I'd really love to see Erika take off some more... still have Maitreya, Atenea, the free TMP and various Ruth2 bodies to mess with so I don't think I'm lacking much. Speaking of which, Erika can be made to look slim, even before the included petite mods are applied. Design wise, I love what can be done with Erika. I'd love to see more fantasy clothing for Erika. Already did a simple take on that, but I can't post it on this side of the forums lol...
  19. Yay, it's Gretchen! I've used her skin in Maitreya and Atenea. Already sent my mature alt to the n-core store, but haven't fully fleshed out her Erika look yet. Looks great.
  20. It's from Palomma Plaza. Free dress from Emerald Couture, called Pop Art.
  21. I was thinking of Pullman when I saw this shot. The sim features a similar welcome area. Lewis forest is nearby, with a gnome village. secondlife://Pullman/247/247/42
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