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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I drew: THREE OF SWORDS Don't worry, you'll meet someone better next time πŸ’” Oh...it's what's NOT going to happen? You're in luck...you won't get your heart broken! Phew! You never know...maybe this is 'the one'? I'm glad someone found love this year 😊 But I hope you're being responsible and not going to their house if you're in a Tier 2 lockdown area, like I am. It can also mean isolation so...if that's NOT happening...be honest Zzevir, are you breaking Covid restrictions?? 😲😷
  2. I drew: TEN OF CUPS Someone rezzed self-replicating cups in the sandbox 😠 It's the family card! It suggests spending time with people close to you, feeling content, relaxed and stress-free. It makes me think of a happy ending, with the mum and dad standing under a rainbow. A rainbow of cups! It's also made me curious about your project Maybe it's telling you to be a bit 'all ages' in your delivery? A bit more Strawberry Linden than Carmen King πŸ˜‚ Or...if you're planning to hire someone or get help, maybe the answer is closer to home? Do you have any relatives who could contribute ideas or time or assistance? (or if you consider close friends 'family', anyone there?) Do you have a cousin who's good at design or coding? Could an object in your family home help? You know what I think? This reminds me of The Magician card. The way they have their hands up, it's like they've conjured the cups into the air. So I think this is card knows you're creative and can make something amazing out of what you have to hand, or close-by. And if you can work from home, that's a bonus too πŸ˜‰
  3. Maybe I'm just lucky but I never really encountered that kind of thing much here, or felt that atmosphere on SL. More likely to be told I'm on private property and to get lost πŸ˜‚
  4. @Scylla RhiadraThe first one was on this - I got the dialogue wrong - cracks me up when she says "is it your mu-tha?"
  5. They were GTA ones...one is where she is surrounded by a gang of guys who are making really vile comments about her. There is a funny bit where one of them gets defensive and says "I know a girl actually" and she says "Oh I am sooo impressed for you...is it your mu-vvva?" in her accent lol. But then she has a break segment and says that's what lots of girls have to put up with on GTA and why some don't bother playing anymore. In other one she was an anime neko and got sent to prison and a guy tried to chat her up and said he was really lonely and couldn't meet anyone, and they ended up just having a conversation - she told him not to get hung up on it. I can't remember the names of the videos now, she has done so many... I think it'll be cool if she sticks around SL for a while.
  6. LOL, I like her! She did some really funny GTA ones. She actually reminds me of someone I used to know on SL πŸ˜‚ There are a few vids where she encounters players making really sexist sexual comments, or someone who seems really lonely or seriously depressed on mic, and she breaks character.
  7. Oh...so sorry to hear that πŸ’• HATE cancer so much...so cool has she you to support her though.
  8. Picture made me SKWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEE ❀️ I drew: SIX OF WANDS "Triumph, acclaim, pride". Not bad IMO 😊 The man on the card's united with his stick-carrying army - they're not bashing each other over the head anymore (like on the 5 card) but riding into town. They mean business! They've come to get their prize. The horse seems to be winking at you - "Told you!" It looks like you're going to come out on top and achieve success. Victory lap!! Just a tiny warning though - enjoy your wins but don't let them all go to your head and become too proud! You don't want the man to boast "Did I tell you about my SPLENDID victory?" and the horse to say "Only 100 times..." The trick is to gloat INWARDLY 😎 Enjoy being a knock out!
  9. So first I drew: EIGHT OF SWORDS Which suits the question! It can mean being frustrated or feeling trapped by your current situation. Maybe it's time to get back into the thing you did, because you're at risk of treading water by holding back and not trying? Oh look, she's treading water on the card 😲 Only just spotted that now!! And she feels fenced in by the swords. BUT I wasn't happy with this answer, it seems a bit vague. So I did a massive shuffle again and drew: er, TWO OF SWORDS The only two cards with a woman with a blindfold and swords...what are the chances? 😲 This can mean being indecisive and sitting on the fence, or blocking out reality and truths you don't want to face. Both cards together might suggest someone who feels they're trapped and needs to break free but isn't willing to make a move to change things, or doesn't realise they're stuck. But it could just mean you're finding it hard to decide what to do! And this tarot reader isn't helping! So three times for luck, I did a massive massive shuffle and drew: THE FOOL The deck is just insulting me now πŸ˜’ Actually, this can mean being spontaneous, going after your dreams and believing in yourself. Sometimes you should go with your gut instinct and not care what others advise. Even the cards! But watch out for the cliff edge. I get the impression you have thought very long and hard about this - maybe you really want to get back into it but you realise there are drawbacks or risks involved. It's OK to be conflicted! Just the fact you're thinking about it means you probably won't go blindly into it without caution. I think that's what the cards are saying...they are testing me today πŸ™€
  10. Your secret is safe with me and the cards πŸ˜‰ I drew: DEATH Don't worry! It doesn't mean there's a psycho in a Scream mask outside (that would be 10 of Swords?) The Death card can mean letting go of the past and moving on. This can be scarier than a psycho in a Scream mask though - you might have to fight your fear on this one. But everyone's a bit scared of the unknown. Letting go of the past can mean letting go of security and people, and nobody likes the thought of being forever lonely or insecure. But is that really the outcome, or is that all in your head? You could stay secure in a job or r/ship you secretly hate but might look back on it and wish you'd gone through that fear and changed things sooner. That's maybe how to see the Death card - a skeleton that pops up and makes you jump, but tells you "Do it now before it's too late!" You can't stop it spooking you but it could still help you. Also, the card has dreary blue bits that look depressing but also warm golden light. Maybe you can leave your old problems behind in the dark and have a brighter future if you listen to the skeleton?
  11. My mum told me this one: Two nuns are driving down a country lane late at night when a vampire jumps onto the car Nun 1 says "Quick, show him your cross" Nun 2 says "Get off my f*****g car!" (works better over the phone πŸ˜₯)
  12. I drew: TEMPERANCE Less wine and pizza in 2021! Kidding πŸ˜„ It means moderation, but that could be a lot of things - maybe you'll realise you're working too hard and decide to devote more time to yourself and your family? Or maybe you'll change your opinion on something you thought you never would? If you get angry, try connecting with your inner hippy next year. Or if you're very strict about getting up early, maybe try a whole day being lazy in bed? I did it yesterday and it was great Next year could be a chance to do things you'd never usually consider. You might even have to step in to be a peacekeeper in another argument - you could bring the opposing sides together and be the voice of reason! It can also mean good health, which is cool 😊 But please always consult a professional and not a tarot noob on SL Forums.
  13. Kewl! Sorry, missed this. But I feel a bit intimidated doing these for real tarot readers. Like I'm showing off at a party and telling people I'm a doctor, and then the people say, "Oh great, we work for the NHS, tell us more..." 😰 So for a general one-card reading, I drew: THE HANGED MAN This looks bad but it's not really! I mean, he doesn't look that bothered. He's only hanging from his foot, so he can breathe OK and is only in trouble if the rope snaps.This card can mean accepting things as they are and not being too stressed if everything doesn't go your way. It can also mean living in the moment. Both are good advice during coronavirus! πŸ‘ We can't change it even though it's scary. Actually it looks to me like the Hanged Man's whistling! He's like, WATEVAH! Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― The card is maybe suggesting be more unflappable? It can also mean sacrifice, so please wear a mask 😷 For the rest of the month (only 10 days) I drew: KING OF SWORDS This card is a bit of a smart cookie. Very good with words and research! Maybe if you have a challenge in the next 10 days you'll discover you can solve it easier than you thought - or maybe someone who can help will turn up. This is also a good card against corruption and trickery, so if you feel someone's lying to you or being dishonest, they might be exposed very soon! There is a saying, "BS is a timebomb, it always goes off" - and this could be the right card for that 😲
  14. I spent all day in bed. Got up to have an avocado and sour cream tortilla, then went back to bed. Watched "King Lear" and Japanese Youtube tutorials on my laptop. Going to bed now ☺️
  15. I hate it when I buy avocados with RIPE AND READY! on the pack and they're hard 😠 Makes it really difficult to mash them.
  16. Me and my friend were in the Coach and Horses in SL London and this man came in and started being really rude for no reason...he said "Good name, your avatar looks like a rat" 😲 My friend would never back down and she cussed him out until he told us he was reporting us, then said he'd muted us... Then he told the only other person there that we were idiots and we could say what we wanted because he couldn't see our chat, and my friend said something like "I wish I couldn't see his RL profile pic wig", and he went bananas, "THAT IS NOT A WIG!" 😲☺️
  17. You're all too kind ☺️ If anyone wants to do mine...I would like advice on what to expect for the rest of 2020...but not if it's bad lol.
  18. Not gesture spam but I always felt bad for DJs when people mass posted Youtube links in local chat during sets. Very rude IMO.
  19. I drew: VII OF SWORDS You should quit stealing swords πŸ˜‰ This can mean a lot of things! It could mean deceit, lying or cheating. I'm not saying you do! But do you sometimes lie to yourself, or persuade yourself you're OK doing things that you really don't want to? Or tell yourself you don't want something when you secretly do? Another one is avoiding responsibility and running away from your problems. But I can't lecture you or give advice because I do that all the time 😐 Another meaning (I read on learntarot.com) is being 'aloof' or a 'lone wolf' though you haven't got much choice in lockdown 😐 But maybe there's something to it? Perhaps if you just ask the people in the tents "Can I have some swords please?" they'll say "Sure! And do you want to come to our Halloween party and have some Pentacles too?" and you won't have to run away with just a few things you can grab, and miss out on future freebies 😊
  20. I Google around but probably use learntarot.com the most... The booklet that came with the deck isn't the best. Some I'm just winging it 😰
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