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Everything posted by JanuarySwan

  1. Likes on FLICKR can be worth something to bloggers. For certain bloggers there may be requirements to have a certain number of LIKES before one is accepted. I don't blog so bloggers would have to clarify how that works.
  2. Possibly not allowing same sex marriage is the harm Luna is speaking of? The Pope has said we do need to find a way to allow civil unions but that was only recently though, some time last year. I don't want to get into a longer discussion about it though so I will leave you with an article. (Sorry, text cut off, so I left the link at the bottom.) ROME — The Vatican has confirmed the pope’s remarks on gay couples deserving civil protections as it sent an explanatory note to bishops underlining that Francis’s comments did not mark a change in church doctrine. The pope’s remarks made headlines last month after they appeared in the documentary “Francesco,” at its Oct. 21 premiere at the Rome Film Festival. In the documentary, he reiterated his view that gay people are “children of God,” and said: “What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered.” Last week, acknowledging the “various reactions and interpretations” provoked by the pope’s apparent break from his predecessors, the Vatican Secretary of State sent an explanatory note to its nuncios, or ambassadors, to be shared with bishops, “with the desire to favor an appropriate understanding https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/02/world/europe/pope-gay-civil-unions.html
  3. Hi Y'all, I'd like to put together an avatar that is not overtly sexual like in an X-rated dress and I'd like to know some opinions by asking what you find attractive dress/attire for a female or male in the PG/Moderate range? I need some helpful hints...I'm at a loss. If needs to be moved to YOUR AVATAR, let me know and I will ask for a move to that area. Pics okay too in case you want to show an accessorized "pulled together" look or to show by example. THANKS.
  4. Oh, I see what you were saying. I thought you were saying we couldn't achieve herd immunity. I misunderstood you. Thanks for clarifying this. We can still achieve herd immunity through vaccination, this is why I did not understand and thought you may have heard herd immunity was never going to happen or something like that but that isn't what you were saying.
  5. If I may ask and if you want to speak about it, could you further elaborate on your thought here about herd immunity? I do not know the purpose of life, but I do hate to think of myself as a walking, talking, thinking, seeing piece of meat. Myself - just a piece of a protein food chain as it's/my purpose. The earth seems to have a purpose in wanting to support the younger and stronger in favor of the older and weaker, probably in order for the earth itself to continue. My last line here is a bit about herd immunity.
  6. Well, I stand corrected about Anshe Chung. I thought she was a pioneer to be the first to invest in virtual property as an equivalent of investing in real life property. She is a virtual world made woman.
  7. I'm simply speaking in terms of a privilege of money that most of us don't have. Philip Rosedale is the entrepreneur and invented a solution to a "problem" or in better terms, built a virtual world to live and chat in as well as have cybersex in, and even take cybersex further to having a marriage and a family if one so desired. Or, it could be whatever you wanted your SL to be. Anshe was an investor in virtual property. Although, perhaps I didn't speak about Anshe correctly because as far as Anshe it was a gusty move to invest in virtual property like she did. I like her spirit of "adventure capital" (making up a term). Most of us could not afford similar investments is what I meant. But, if I could, would I have invested in virtual property too way back then with Anshe Chung as an inspiration model? I might have bought some but it would have turned all this virtual property into a monopoly game with properties going higher and higher and higher and that would have been like a pyramid scheme or something. As far as her investment in X-street, that I admired greatly. That was a great move.
  8. Are you kidding or serious? I'm asking because as far as Anshe, it takes money to make money. So, I've always assumed Anshe had the money to invest in SL early which many (most) of us average folk did not. In short, what I am saying is, Anshe had to have money to buy up all that land. I doubt she obtained all that land from strip-tease dancing or hostessing. As far as the OP, there are woman who inspire me here but I'd rather not name them but I think they somehow know who they are. The woman who inspired me the most were in my own family. The courage they exhibited being survivors of the Holocaust and even saw many in their own family die is a kind of courage that cannot be put into words, so I shall not try.
  9. Oh, I see a bit why the misogynist remark plus others. It's a feeling about his posts that it's a continuum of how women "should look". To me, what Rolig presented wasn't realistic to be a life-like person at all that's why I said it was a caricature because no one has a chin like that nor a nose. I remarked about the picture and the comment, more so than is it okay or not to do so. However, him presenting comic photos which I never saw nor saw one comment...I don't know what went on there because I saw none of it. If you were bullied, you need to report it. It's not what we all came here to do. I was bullied my first days here because someone threw a fit that I started a thread similar but mine would allow politics to be discussed and it was about COVID which I feel has political aspects in it because of government involvement in COVID, and she went ballistic on me claiming I was upsetting her intentionally by making a thread just like hers which forbid politics. I did not know one could not speak about politics here as it doesn't say one cannot in the community rules here but she went on and on and on ranting and raving. It's a bit of odd place here. As far as forums, we could do better. It's best to block and try to move on or it steals too much of one's life. I got over that woman ranting crazily about my thread simply because I wanted to add politics in a very political situation with COVID. I am just remarking it's happened to all of us. Block and give it some time or too much stuff is brought before the community that may know nothing and it only makes matter worse because people are jumping innocently into things they know nothing about and then they are attacked on this forum.
  10. Jordan Whitt said: THIS Meaning the comments above. There are those of us who pop into the forums only a few times a month so have no idea what you all are talking about regarding comments about his comic women photos. So, what can I conclude here. You all dished out some bad comments about his comic woman photos and he couldn't take it. Then, in essence, he dishes out a comment about another person's comic photo and you all can't take it. But, you all did it first and are now complaining about him doing it? Or what? Because this stuff belongs in IM's not brought up on the forum in the first place because for those of us who pop in here not on a very regular basis we have no idea what you are talking about and it's very disruptive to say the least. You all need to take into account the consideration of others as we didn't come here to gossip or be brought into stuff like this.
  11. I doubt Maitreya would want that though because she sells more than bodies as she sells clothing, shoes, accessories. Not to mention the advertising would be confusing in search and the cost for land ridiculous for a franchise of someone else's stuff like a middle person.
  12. This does exist in SL though, it's called full perm items. There are gads of creators who sell their own re-worked or re-textured full perm items. Many people think most creators in SL are all original mesh but even some of the most popular creators in SL use full perm items sold here in SL. There is one with very pretty pink items and she is a very good texture artist but one can buy those full perm items themselves. Not all of whom are considered the most popular creators in SL are using original mesh items.
  13. It is an exaggerated shape plus I never said there were not exaggerated shapes in SL. It can be fun to make exaggerated shapes but to some it's silly. I posted the definition of caricature because that is the response a caricature artist wants to evoke making a human comical or grotesque and that's what I see in the shape regarding the nose and chin. But, I'm not going to keep going over the same thing again and again.
  14. You are the one who wants to keep beating your dead horse. It's like only Rowan can see what is or isn't a caricature.
  15. That chin does not look the same as the avatar presented on page one of this thread because the chin on page looks deformed and misshapen. I don't know how to do a double quote here but the one presented on the first page is a caricature. This I do not see this photo as the same.
  16. The stating you must be joking and this look is a nightmare is what caricatures do and that is why I do not like them. They make fun of others and make their features stand out as something to be laughed at. Doing one of yourself is okay to me but of others I cannot stand them. As far as it being offense, I think he said he wanted to be honest. Why, I don't know. I would not want to be honest, even about one's drawings of others I would stay out of it. But, he can speak for himself. I feel you are beating a dead horse now going on about it over and over. Do you want an apology from him? No one has a chin like that in real life.
  17. I don't think I have ever seen a positive caricature drawing in real life. The heart of caricature is comic or grotesque as in grotesquely exaggerated and to make their features now appear ugly.
  18. That's not why I dislike caricature drawings in real life. I dislike caricature drawings in real life because I find them mean. If one does a caricature of themselves, that's fine, but don't draw people with exaggerated features to make a joke of them which is what many caricatures drawings do in real life - make fun of others. That's my opinion of them. A caricature artist takes certain features on a person and makes them grotesque or funny, to me not funny.
  19. The chin and nose are in no way like anyone in real life, the nose and chin are a caricature. Is it offensive to dislike a caricature? Perhaps, but I don't care for exaggerated caricature in drawings for example. I truly dislike them but I would not say that to someone who presents there caricature drawings here on SL forum. I still sensed immersionist regarding the frog legs as well as saying he would not be friends with a frog. Many immersionists would not. They think it's silly. Caricature a picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated in order to create a comic or grotesque effect.
  20. Or an immersionist perhaps? An immersionist needs at least people to be closer to how they are in real life I would think.
  21. That is the information I am getting about Fortnite. Items were not shown in loot boxes but random, and the L.A. Times article above has one kid saying with loot boxes you had about 1 in 10,000 chance of getting something good so that particular kid never liked loot boxes. But, all the articles I've seen thus far say Fortnite now shows you what items are contained inside prior to buying it or not buying it. While Fortnite's massively popular battle royale mode has never contained randomized loot boxes, the game's cooperative survival mode, “Save the World,” did — at least until 2019 when Epic changed its loot box system to allow players to see the item inside prior to purchase.Feb 22, 2021
  22. In many articles, if I can find them other's can too, that says these "loot boxes" go off making sounds like slot machines with lots of special effects (lights/sounds) and extravaganza upon opening them, and those effects and sounds are what have been linked more to the dopamine effect as they are similar to slot machines, and it's objectionable to have these special effect lights and sounds loot boxes being opened by children. Adults weren't even in consideration in regards to the special effects ala slot machines type extravaganzas. I was tired last night but the BBC article I posted last night also states there needs to be the element of the slot machines special effects for loot boxes or a random item to be illegal. If a country clearly states Gachaspons which are like the random prize ARCADE games with a picture of what you may or may not receive, then that is SL Gacha. I do not think America is going to ban Arcades as they are mostly harmless. There is no such thing as the one with the most toys wins no matter how one buys "toys". They may have Arcade game makers of the machines get rid of any slot machine sounds, however. I could see that happening, no more effects or sounds like slot machines. More from the BBC article... Some people have been more critical of the decision, suggesting that "Pokemon and other trading cards" would also be illegal under these rules. But others pointed out that the Belgium Gaming Commission's definition specifically requires there to be "a game element" in opening the crate, which differentiates loot boxes from trading cards.
  23. Yes, I am civil. First of all, the article I posted above is from 2018 which is a long time ago and nothing has been done. Second of all, SL is not a game with an objective nor where one can take an advantage nor sell items to others, somewhat like a black market, for their advantage in a game, as is what was going on with randomized "loot", some valuable for the "the game" - each particular video game with their loot boxes of just their stuff for their game. They weren't selling decor pretties or toys like SL or real life Gashapons. These SL Gashapon "decor" items give no one an edge in any kind of video game. Useful - it's talking about items that are useful to the particulars of a video game. SL Gashapons do not give you game elements as there is no game here. Also, at the end of BBC article I posted above from 2018, it concluded that certain video game companies just may choose not to sell their video games in Belgium which they probably did and life went on.
  24. It doesn't say that exactly as it further goes on to say "random contents" which is gambling on the contents to be "hot" in the first place in order to re-sell them or gain an advantage in the game. But, I'm tired and going to bed. But the Belgium Gaming Commission has disagreed, instead focusing on whether the loot boxes constitute a "game of chance" - the use of a game element which involves a bet that can by chance lead to profit or loss. It cited a series of issues with how loot boxes function, such as the use of virtual currency which can be purchased for real money, and the way that some loot boxes make players think they will gain an advantage despite their random contents. Loot Boxes and Gashapon, Gashapon is not mentioned to be under any scurtiny while loot boxes are and also loot boxes are said in the Wiki to have mechanisms like gashapons. More from the article: Players can unlock special characters, equipment and vehicles in some games using loot boxes, which can be bought using real money. As loot boxes are random, people could spend £10 and get something useful, or spend £100 and get nothing useful at all - similar to how slot machines work. They have become ubiquitous with many mainstream video games, and have appeared in titles including Call of Duty, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Rocket League. As loot boxes are random, people could spend £10 and get something useful, or spend £100 and get nothing useful at all - similar to how slot machines work. They have become ubiquitous with many mainstream video games, and have appeared in titles including Call of Duty, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and Rocket League. The Belgium Gaming Commission investigated four games: Fifa 18, Overwatch, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Star Wars Battlefront II. Only Battlefront II was found not to be in violation of the law - after developer EA temporarily halted micro-transactions completely following negative feedback. This criticism focused around a post by EA on community news site Reddit, which became the most downvoted in the site's history, when the company appeared to call micro-transactions a way to "provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heroes". https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-43906306
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