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Everything posted by JanuarySwan

  1. No, Ceka's post was more balanced and Kim is not the only one who is leading a good life as one of a bunch of nice families. It's not something that needs this put down.
  2. I'm sure Kim knows she's black like I know I'm Polish but we have equal housing, equal jobs...but at the end of the day, we're really all just a bunch of nice families dealing with the ups and downs of life like most in the world do. Kim is gorgeous inside and out and brimming with life. I don't see too much dragging her down. The loss of loved ones is what most of us have to deal with and lean on each other for. I know most Polish presidential candidates would be thought to be secretly communist. I can't change that but I won't let it drag me down either. I just look at those kinds of people as small-minded histrionics. I sometimes think pointing out the differences when multi-cultural communities we don't feel different, is walking on ice. We have a lot of equality now. Low income people of all skin colors and ethnicity, we might want to see what is going on there. But, people still need to stop laughing at the thought that people of POC have a loving and happy life as something that is funny or untrue. It's not right. I see it as putting others down and a poster even said "oh, they are acting white" which is so ridiculous. Holds my hand in my head on blacks acting white. No, just no. Good grief.
  3. I'm not trying to discredit you. I glanced over what you posted because I don't want to go over slavery nor Nazism from WWII either. You keep reading things into things that aren't there but I do challenge you to think outside of your box and celebrate the fact many blacks have a very fulfilling life. It's like this country is going to assume that Polish people are communist. Is that true? No. And, that is because all Polish people are different. Some are communist, some are socialist, some are capitalists, some are mixed. Blacks could have those levels as well. Some have tremendous opportunities now and have excelled but that is laughed at too as a token black or special black or something when some of us are just talking about our friends leading average ordinary lives of equality. Again, take Polish people as an example. We aren't all the same but if Bernie Saunders had been chosen as a candidate and become president I am quite sure the headlines would read "that communist". We need to undo the stereotypes and continue in that direction. I'm trying to get you to look at multi-ethnic communities and to not keep pointing out our differences but rather celebrate how we are just a bunch of nice families enjoying our lives together.
  4. Others of us have brought it up that their lives are great but it's laughed at and that is offensive. They are enjoying their lives just like anyone else in this multi-ethnic community. It's a great community. We wouldn't have noticed we were multi-ethnic if you hadn't brought it up. The constantly pointing out our differences isn't going to help. If you keep pointing out a Middle Eastern person, how is that going to help? I have engaged with Middle Easterners all my life, now I need to look at them differently. Our lives in multi-ethnic communities are on a pretty even kneel in our neighborhoods, jobs, entertainment and we don't notice our differences. But, now I see a Middle Eastern person now whereas I never did before, thanks to all of this. But, as far as what I say in my posts, I don't think you are even listening. Take your response above regarding doctors for example. I never said I know all doctors, E.gawd!
  5. You did present a study to me that was from 80's years ago from the 1940's and I knew it was old, but I was thinking it was from the 1950's perhaps from a perception of television and I said so in my post even before you told me how old it was. I am not dissing anyone, I simply think you do not know nor speak for all blacks nor should they be stigmatized that all there lives are so horrible. There are under-privileged people of all colors in this country but I think you paint black people as all the same and/or it's very old data as you did present me with something I thought was prior to The Civil Rights movement along with other old studies. The Civil Rights movement was 60 years ago. We have overcome a lot; all kinds of minorities. Look, I could say Polish are the most oppressed because the government may view us as "communists". Look at Bernie Saunders, he's a socialist. Poles are just too racial to the American government and I doubt will ever be a President. People would probably see a Polish candidate and say he's a communist which is ridiculous but we are not going to have our whole lives ruined over it.
  6. Ditto except in reverse to "your area". This is what I am trying to say. This whole country is not the same. Certain issues will have to be dealt with on a state to state basis but it's still not right to lump all blacks into one category like they are all the same. We are all leading unique and varied lives.
  7. What does this really have to do with today? It's like saying the Poles cannot get over the Nazis because of all they have endured. Well, you know what...we not only could overcome, we did overcome; and, if need arises, we will overcome again. We are all over-comers as this whole planet and especially Eurasia was barbaric. We hopefully aren't barbarians anymore although restitution to certain Native Americans still needs to be done. What good would it do to keep perpetuating things about Nazis that aren't occurring today towards the Poles? In your final paragraph, you say it does carry over to blacks of today. I think you need to have some discussions with doctors today. I don't know any doctors treating anyone cruelly. And, if there are, you sue. We have real things we need to accomplish today. Health care for all is one. No more qualified immunity for police another. However, the whole government is immune and cannot be sued for injustices that have occurred to any of us neither in the future nor in the past, but we might be able to far lessen the immunity the police have the luxury of. More mental health check-ups for officers; a more impartial setting to try officers, etc. There are still Nazi's today who hate certain white people. Do I need to have my life ruined and say I am miserable because of it? Or say I am miserable because a job wants to hire someone older than me with more experience or whatever? I just feel some of you need to focus on that fact that not all blacks are living horrible, miserable lives because they aren't.
  8. I feel most of you are in the 1950's. I've said that went I first started reading your posts. There are multi-ethnic communities now and jobs with all kinds of us. I think your minds are too stereotyped and do not focus on any positives. You views don't portray modern blacks, imo, but rather 1950's blacks as do your studies which are mostly from decades ago. We are a different world now. If some blacks cannot be happy, don't destroy the black people who are happy by telling them they are miserable when they aren't. It's not right.
  9. She's no "token" black person...she's a person. I think basically some of you have a mindset that is in the 1950's. Things have changed. Blacks are leading full and loving lives. There are some under-privileged areas in this country but you all seem to be in stereotype that it's all black people are miserable and that is not true. If you cannot understand that, it's your problem because this isn't the 1940's anymore. Don't make your problem, mine or other's peoples problem. I think you are a very narrow-minded person.
  10. I haven't experienced any but I am mostly a Dinkie (tiny cat avatar). There is an all black Dinkie avatar too. I think people are a species like cats. Cats come out all different colors but they are all cats. We are one of a few multi-colored species. Dogs and horses are multi-colored too. Most other species more or less make a clone of themselves such as Doves or Peacocks or Kangaroos.
  11. Me too! THIS ^^^^^^^^ If it's a house I want, the sky is the limit.
  12. Yeah, people don't know what they are missing 'just being' I call it...just being and just being friendly instead of hearing the "boobies" gesture or the "hits the bong and passes it" gesture. We definitely need more tiny-related sims. Tinies are not human children though. Tinies are anthropomorphic tiny animal avatars. Those robots are cool though. I really like those. The thing with SL is it expects us to have our own clubs or create our own world but it's way too expensive for most of us to have a club; probably several hundred dollars a month. I wish SL would set up some clubs for us just looking to hang out and have fun clubs to go too.
  13. IM me where because that club I was at has lost my business and I won't be returning but it's not the first time either, not hardly. But, last night it was at least 20 minutes of drug this, booze that and then the DJ played "Mas Tequilla". I don't drink or do drugs but I'm not AA but an AA kind of sim club for humans might be better for me.
  14. My comment was in regards to local chat. I'm sure in IM it's a more in-depth conversation. But, for most local chats re: Human - it's drugs, booze or sex innuendos. My first comment in SL in local as a Dinkie (a tiny cat avatar, not the tall Furry cats) other than saying hello came about because of a song that was playing by INXS called "The Devil Inside", and I said in local chat /me I have Ice Cream inside. And, the response back was "that's good, Jan". It was so cute. We started singing "ice cream inside, ice cream inside, every single one of us has the ice cream inside". I felt so welcome and so cared about as a Dinkie. It was a warm welcome. I was kind of rp a little with my comment because as a Dinkie I felt about 4 years old. Just being. Our conversations are not about drugs or booze or sex innuendos and that is what is mostly in local chat as a human. My second comment when I was invited to a birthday party was "Hoppy Birdie" instead of "Happy Birthday"...it's just so different being innocent and 4 years old that it brings up so much creativity and it's not about looking for a roll in the hay. Most of the humans are just looking to score, but the drug thing was not cool.
  15. That is actually how many feel about you. I'll alert my black friend Kim, one of the absolutely prettiest, sweetest, happiest girls I've ever met that her life is horrible since it isn't and she doesn't know this but I better let her know it's horrible. She is too gorgeous, young, brilliant, funny, and having the time of her life with all the college guys falling all over her to care what you think about how her life should be. Horrible? Not hardly. She's absolutely adorable and loving life.
  16. Spent a Saturday night hanging out with humans. Most of the conversation in local chat was about getting high on various things and sometimes went over into some violent conversations. I was going to say something, especially about the "high" stuff as that was all it was for about 20 minutes and I didn't find it cool at all. Hanging out with the tinies leads to far more interesting and creative conversation which is not about getting high. So, sad, SL is mostly for humans. The conversation in local chat is lame (drugs and booze) and completely lacks any and all creativity.
  17. Okay, I will. But, just from you speaking about the study, it sounds like it would have used "nazi" tactics and that's a little scary for me to go there. Can you post the link again if possible? tia
  18. Many Polish people were gypsies too. There are people in the United States who don't believe the Holocaust ever happened. I think FairreLilette saying there are French living in Canada proves it did happen. I don't believe people would leave their homeland en masse if there were not a reason too. The neo-Nazis hate many white people too. There has only been one Catholic president, Kennedy, who was assassinated. Poles, Italians, Irish are not popular whites with the WASP culture either for what reasons I don't know; the (the WASP culture) are an elitist, snobby bunch of very wealthy and influential whites, however; and, as Fairre, was saying have quite the pedigree in their minds. I cannot for the life of me get inside the head of a "nazi" type. What were they thinking? I would assume the KKK still exists today, though much is underground. The political oppression against blacks in the United States baffles me considering there is a constitution and Bill of Rights. The corruption in all of this matter is astounding. It had to involve more than just skin color. If I believe it may come from an alliance with the United States and England, and others don't, then enlighten me as to what it is based from. Is it fear? Fear of what? Change?
  19. Chicago is the Midwest though. The Deep South is pretty bad from what I've heard. Parts of New England on the North East can be very snobby also and may be snob central and pretty much only want white money. I'm not so sure it's different as what you are describing here is a huge part of the WASP culture as is the United States and England alliance whose governments are white except for former president Obama. I was proposing the idea that perhaps blacks wouldn't be seen as those who would support that alliance even though they could be equally important as consumers in Capitalism. Sorry, I misunderstood your post. I thought you meant the colonialists were only here for the land. Sorry, I read what you were saying wrong. So, never mind. My mistake.
  20. I'm not so sure because once land is taken it's taken, gone and done. The English in America had amazing houses with the finest things galore. They were huge capitalistic consumers of finery of every kind imaginable, and not just in dress but in their mansions.
  21. I don't find it ridiculous at all. It is part of the infrastructure of the WASP culture, the W stands for white - White Anglo-Saxon Protestants. I suggest you may want to read about the WASP culture. I was proposing the idea as a possibility for white favoritism, although white Catholics were not highly favored such as those from Poland, Italy and Ireland - we were the white dogs as most of us are not Protestant. The majority of people from Poland, Italy and Ireland are Catholic. Oh, I see. I do apologize then. A better wording would be "poorer whites" and "wealthier whites". WHITE ANGLO-SAXON PROTESTANTS Before WASP came into use in the 1960s, the term Anglo-Saxon served some of the same purposes. Like the newer term WASP, the older term Anglo-Saxon was used derisively by writers hostile to an informal alliance between Britain and the U.S. The negative connotation was especially common among Irish Americans and writers in France. Anglo-Saxon, meaning in effect the whole Anglosphere, remains a term favored by the French, used disapprovingly in contexts such as criticism of the Special Relationship of close diplomatic relations between the US and Britain and complaints about perceived "Anglo-Saxon" cultural or political dominance. It also remains in use in Ireland as a term for the British or English, and sometimes in Scottish Nationalist discourse. Irish-American humorist Finley Peter Dunne popularized the ridicule of "Anglo-Saxons", even calling President Theodore Roosevelt one. Roosevelt insisted he was Dutch.[15] "To be genuinely Irish is to challenge WASP dominance", argues California politician Tom Hayden.[16] The depiction of the Irish in the films of John Ford was a counterpoint to WASP standards of rectitude. "The procession of rambunctious and feckless Celts through Ford's films, Irish and otherwise, was meant to ***** a snoot at WASP or 'lace-curtain Irish' ideas of respectability."[17]
  22. Have you considered it's reasons other than the "poor whites" causing all the problems? It's money, Luna, and political maneuvering, as well as favoritism. Here we part ways, Luna. I've had enough of your posts which don't portray a modern world. Please don't address me anymore. You are very prejudiced. I think you live in a democratic bubble and because I mentioned a good Trump has proposed, you want to attack me instead of work together.
  23. That's not what I said nor Fairre said. I said, and Fairre said, as far as indigenous people in a Capitalistic society, it's seems logical; Capitalists would have little need for indigenous people. This doesn't mean there is no need for them, but Capitalistic governments may see it that way. As far as blacks, both said there is no reason as blacks are on par with whites as far as consumerism in a Capitalistic society. So, I suggested, with the WASP culture, it's the strategic alliance between the United States and England in the wealthy WASP culture that has made whites the favored one because as far as consumerism, we are about the same. Do you believe the only reason for this is their color? I'm not so sure it's just a color of skin. Something else may be causing the favoritism. I suggested perhaps it's the alliance of the United States and England because color of skin is not a deterant to consumerism as we can both see. However, Luna, I'd like to see you start proposing some vehicles for change instead of using phrases like "poor white". Some of your ideas, as I have eluding to before, seem to be stuck in the 1950's. But, I feel you have some hatred towards the "poor whites" with the way you phrase things.
  24. I felt it was a little out-dated and not up to par with really what is occurring in the 21st Century. I'm sorry, but what you wrote seemed out of touch with today as we are all colors in jobs now and all colors are losing jobs in America. However, you are right as far as the stepping stones...we need to improve the equal rights for all minorities including equal education, jobs, housing. How are we going to do that?
  25. The world has changed, Luna, pre-COVID-19 many jobs the last few decades lost and to places where people can make one dollar a day. It's a global job market now. Post COVID-19 the dust hasn't even settled as to what jobs will still be around as it's not known which businesses will fold altogether. Trump is proposing a 1 trillion infrastructure bill to rebuild America and especially to expand the infrastructure in rural areas. This is a good idea and needed now but it's mostly male dominant jobs except for those such as accountants (desk jobs) for example, as building America's infrastructure will take a lot of brawn. We are all pawns for the rich, it's not just people of color. People are a means to an end and expendable when profits come into play. What end is not always known; it may seem profits only but it rarely is profits only. There are other reasons for exploitation of the workers in a corrupted society.
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