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Everything posted by JanuarySwan

  1. I don't know about that Molly after reading just a brief bit. Yeah, it sounds like fun and all as the article says but... “Negative interest rates sound like fun, but it’s nothing to wish for,” McBride said. “It hasn’t even proven to be effective,” he added. “Parts of Europe have had negative interest rates for seven years and it hasn’t done anything — their economies were reeling then, they’re reeling now.” And even if the federal funds rate, which is what banks charge one another for short-term borrowing, fell below zero, that is not the rate that consumers pay. The prime rate, which is the rate that banks extend to their most creditworthy customers, is typically 3 percentage points higher than the federal funds rate.
  2. I have never heard of that. I will have to read up on it. But in America, we have never had negative interest rates nor have I ever seen interest rates so low as they have been since The Great Recession and banking debacle and now 0% and 0.25% is one word - shocking. The Federal Reserve has never brought its benchmark rate into negative territory and, according to Fed Chairman Jerome Powell, the central bank is not considering going to negative interest rates now. Experts agree.Jun 10, 2020
  3. Seeeeesh. Come to America and get free money. This figure above is ominous. I see it recently dropped from it's pre-coronavirus low of about 1.75% to free. Of course, that's the banks interest rate...but The Feds won't make much money at free percent interest rate. What an eye opener. Free money.
  4. We needed police reform here. I don't see that as a bad thing. Am I for non-peaceful protesting, no. Nor do we really hold any power how anyone chooses to act. I don't know if your country needs police reform or not.
  5. We brought "that" and somehow forced you to support BLM in the Netherlands by your own people? So, if American's all start wearing green, you all in the Netherlands are going to start wearing green and then blame us for what Netherlanders themselves do by their own decision to wear green?
  6. I've more or less said they'd most likely like to provide selling drugs as a job and jail as housing. And, not only like to, did, are. 99.8% of people in prisons are because of drugs. Provide APPROPRIATE jobs period and get rid of the drugs. But taking appropriate jobs alone, who is going to do that when there are jobs overseas for a penny or a nickel a day plus meals and transport?
  7. You're using a blanket "old as the hills" statement I've heard before too many times called "riding the system". Man, conservative is an understatement. I think you are out of touch with reality and need to widen your view before we could even begin to have a discussion let alone a solution. You are so boxed in and 20th Century.
  8. Nope. That's what you are doing. And, an outdated box at that. Trust me and others, we've heard what you've said for years. It's a blanket statement based on nothing to put other's down and declare some kind of righteousness.
  9. Is this "supposed" people riding the system working in Detroit? I don't think so! I think you imagine an invisible boogeyman plus, hate to say it, have a narrow right-wing "boomer" view that is out of touch with reality.
  10. Who and whom do you suppose is "riding the system"? As Luna said it is harder than hell to get and that is the truth. It could take years.
  11. Yes, it is far too low. However, SSDI and SSI are a supplement or supposed to be in part. One can work part-time as long as their monthly income does not exceed $2,000 (two thousand dollars) a month in the State of California. So, the low SSI or SSDI can be supplemented. However, some are disabled all the time. Ultimately though the rehabilitation programs for the partially disabled in California are broken. It's just give them a low amount and leave them, no rehabilitation anymore or it's very sporadic; hit or miss entirely. California really should re-establish it's rehabilitation programs for those who can work part-time because being productive is important, even if it is part-time. And, affording "jobs" as a drug dealer is not a part time job. And jail is not providing housing. Don't get me started on that, Mr. Alcott!
  12. Interesting that even Biden said he would be "sending even better Angels" once he took office. And, on that note, I'll say take care everyone. I need to go do stuff.
  13. The stimulus. He agreed with Nancy and the Democrats in regards to the $2K stimulus that's why he wouldn't sign as Trump said $600 hundred dollars was too low. So he would not sign. However, there was a clause in that stimulus package that the amount could be raised to 2K once it went back to the Senate (especially Mitch McConnell - Republican) and the president had said he would sign it for 2K many times if Mitch would agree. Trump even repeated (tweeted) Nancy's slogan of "go big" to the Republicans of the Senate in regards to the second stimulus. And, the president directly tweeted he would approve the 2K, and this is where he had the Republicans between a rock and a hard place. The Democrats agreed with 2K, Biden agreed with 2K, Trump agreed with 2K. Mitch McConnell - Republican, nope - $600 hundred only. As far as evangelicals, there is a new bill which could change things for us to have a more secular government as well as to end the discrimination against whomever a religion chooses to discriminate against as it's hardly the first time in human history that the church has persecuted people - the bill is called "Do No Harm" I believe.
  14. According to the article, this is what Trump said "cavalry" and "wild". Giuliani said "trial by combat". Cavalry is the place where Jesus was crucified, so I don't know what he means by using the word "cavalry". Giuliani with "trial by combat" speaks for itself and it's terrible. Wild could mean uncivilized? I'm asking because I also want to know what Trump said. I heard he tweeted "fight". Trump retweeted several posts in which the organizers described attendees as the “cavalry” or predicted the rally would be “wild” -- an adjective that repeatedly came up in social media posts in the days leading up to the rally.
  15. In the end he sided with the Democrats completely. I think there is more than meets the eye here. Donald Trump is a means to an end. A vehicle for a while. The poisonous snake though, in my opinion, is the Republican Party's involvement with evangelicals. That corruption needs to end plus it's illegal and bribery.
  16. In what way though? What made you think that? Now, I said in the end Donald Trump tried to bury the Republican Party and I should have said why. Donald Trump was tweeting such things as "unless you want to commit party suicide, you will approve the stimulus" or something to that effect. That's the closest I can get without looking it up. There were other things Trump said about Republican party suicide and he was right. I'd like to see the Republican party rebuild itself and separate from it's involvement with evangelicals. It's the 21st freakin' century already. We need a more secular government on both sides of the fence.
  17. I wrote already "to be fair" both sides claimed each other were going to "steal" the election starting in Summer of 2020 which was all over the media due to difficulties with voting because of coronavirus. I am curious about an issue with Trump though in that his daughter Ivanka was a Democrat. To be first daughter, did she switch or switched at some time. I never knew Donald Trump was a Republican as I knew him from watching Celebrity Appetence a few times but his politic affiliation never came up and I was not a fan of the show, watched a few times. So, I was curious just how long has Donald Trump been a Republican? Many of these people are talking heads for people behind the curtains who pull the strings. In the end, Donald Trump tried to bury the Republican party and especially Mitch McConnell (Republican Senator) which I found rather curious too.
  18. To be fair and say the truth though foneco, both the republican and democratic parties were saying their opposing parties could "steal" the election due to the coronavirus pandemonium and problems with voting due to coronavirus. Both. And, the press fully ran both saying that for months over the Summer. So, the democrats thought it too that the republicans were going to steal the election and Biden himself also said it.
  19. I am not an expert on this issue as I do not follow @realDonaldTrump nor Trump at all period. However, I believe he said "fight" in one his tweets. As far as anything other than "fight" there is nothing else I heard. Plus I don't remember what he said before "fight". Probably "stop the steal" or something like that. But, this is about congress as well. They did completely neglect the American people for a very, very long time. Very. It was not all about Trump is what I am saying.
  20. Right, he just abandoned his whole country for I don't know how long. Far too long. It's obvious this is about how the people are being treated here in America too. One of the vandals who vandalized Nancy Pelosi's home wrote "give me my money" on her doorstep or something to that effect. That happened prior to the $600 hundred pittance finally given out.
  21. No one has demanded that they not impeach Trump. I think that is just coming from some of us and probably others out of a fear-factor as a group who is pro-gun at their very core stating they plan to be "armed" shouldn't be taken without thought of others. They just want to make sure Trump cannot be elected again with no thought of others. It's about them, and their wallets. Politics and political posturing always likes to play dumb but it is often quite transparent what is actually going on and what is usually going on is money. I think it's fully transparent here it's about them and their money.
  22. I'd say as far as what some may not know about some extreme "alt" conservatives is that they are against big government and the illegal seizing of property by government among other things, and many of the alt-right could be called Libertarian. This is one of the reasons or perhaps the main reason some alt-right groups fight so fiercely to keep the right to bare arms and do not want that interfered with and they despise gun control. Many of us come from backgrounds where government actually did unlawfully seize our property and even for some of us, our land. I am of Polish decent and my ancestors property was illegally seized. I am sure there are others who could tell the same tale. While I tend to agree smaller government is not a bad idea, I often feel sort of in the middle politically and prefer bipartisanship almost always. I'm just not real crazy about either party to tell the truth as America is currently a trainwreck. As far as impeaching Trump right now with the threats...I think it's risky. These groups have said they all plan to be "armed".
  23. I have a now deceased brother-in-law who may have been considered "alt-right"; however, he was not nuts except with his belief that the constitution says we do not have to pay taxes. He had a heart of gold though basically and I loved him dearly. He also believed in his right to smoke pot. He died far too young and I don't have much more to say other than his not paying taxes cost him a fortune in interest to pay. My sister has it paid off as of a long time ago and is remarried.
  24. Yeah this. I've pretty much stayed out of the discussion because for one, it's scary. And, for two, this could be an alt-right group or even go by another name such as "liberterian". It is my understanding this "group" is against corruption in the police and corruption in government. The press is calling them "extremists" because they are. This doesn't have as much to do with politics as it does what is deemed corruption. I think coronavirus is making the world a bit nuts, but there isn't anything in particular I can do about it other than try to keep myself safe.
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