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Everything posted by JanuarySwan

  1. It honestly would not matter if you were except for the crypto pumping especially after what China just did. China may have screwed over a lot of people with that such as the Chinese people can hold it but cannot sell it. So, hopefully you will think before you suggest people buy into that cryptocurrency from China, AND you said specifically from China.
  2. Your posts say otherwise, plus I have no idea where you get your news? But, it's erroneous.
  3. That would not be a good idea, and your country has just issued as of a few days ago issued this ban on cryptocurrencies which is very evil thing to do. People in China can hold cryptocurrencies but cannot sell them? Countries need to beware of crypto scams not encouraged. https://www.reuters.com/technology/chinese-financial-payment-bodies-barred-cryptocurrency-business-2021-05-18/ I was going to say that India retains it's culture as I buy a lot of imports from India and it's gorgeous, gorgeous work, most hand-crafted, and Indian far less westernized than most Asian countries. China wants to be the U.S. and land a vehicle on Mars too for one example. The Chinese government is far more corrupt than ours and is still committing genocide. So, I think you are a quite a bit off-base. WASHINGTON – The U.S. and China are engaged in an increasingly intense confrontation over Beijing's human rights record – exchanging near-daily salvos over allegations Xi Jinping's government is committing genocide against the Uyghur people. The State Department announced new sanctions last week against two Chinese officials it said were directly involved in abuses against the Uyghurs, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said he would consider banning Chinese imports made by the Uyghurs with forced labor. At his first solo news conference, President Joe Biden vowed to be "unrelenting" in calling attention to China's human rights abuses. The Biden administration formalized its accusations that China has engaged in "genocide and crimes against humanity". https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/politics/2021/04/02/is-china-committing-genocide-what-you-need-know-uyghurs/7015211002/
  4. You say India wants to be "westernized" but Asian's don't...then why do you copy almost everything American's do?
  5. I was able to read your article for some reason and your article is saying the same as the OP is asking...why did it take so long for the WHO to admit or say it was airborne? There doesn't seem to be any good reason for it unless the WHO thought it wasn't the usual sneezing and coughing/hacking symptomatology as per the usual cold or flu. The "they" below were the ones trying to convince the WHO that they were wrong about it being airborne. Your article says this: Over Zoom, they laid out the case. They ticked through a growing list of superspreading events in restaurants, call centers, cruise ships, and a choir rehearsal, instances where people got sick even when they were across the room from a contagious person. The incidents contradicted the WHO’s main safety guidelines of keeping 3 to 6 feet of distance between people and frequent handwashing. If SARS-CoV-2 traveled only in large droplets that immediately fell to the ground, as the WHO was saying, then wouldn’t the distancing and the handwashing have prevented such outbreaks? Infectious air was the more likely culprit, they argued. But the WHO’s experts appeared to be unmoved. If they were going to call Covid-19 airborne, they wanted more direct evidence—proof, which could take months to gather, that the virus was abundant in the air. Meanwhile, thousands of people were falling ill every day.
  6. Conspiracy theory or just a question of where did it come from? Pollution? Carelessness? What? There is no vaccine for The Swine Flu in it's newest strain although that particular strain has not jumped to humans yet. It is said that the new strain of The Swine Flu could be a potential pandemic. Perhaps it's time to reconsider some of our food? I believe we have intelligence greater than what is being utilized today and we should begin to put it to use.
  7. No, not all but I don't have all heads plus it is rather uncanny that Orwar is showing what my problem is with the excessive shading and needed a fix for it but it doesn't elimate the heavy shading, but he apparantly likes it so I guess others do too.
  8. If the shadow is permanently there then it doesn't look natural because for one it can look like dirt under one's nose if further away camera-wise, and then in other positions for the head the shadow would not be there such as tilting one's head up. Orwar's photos above with the heavy nose shading are the reason I bought the nose fix but it doesn't work. I cannot enjoy the skin with that kind of shading as it's always there. It's a baked in shadow. Now Orwar may like it but his pictures with the heavy nose shading and heavy shading between the brow and bridge of the nose are why I don't like the new BOM skins. Why some are making them that way, I don't know. I don't make them. I may try another head and skin eventually but I'm waiting until something strikes me as to what I really want and it will need soft shading.
  9. It just says EVO on the skin as do most. And, yes, it does seem like a bit of "magic" so I'll put it another way...applier skins, for whatever reasons just seemed to fit more variety of shapes. I never had a problem with fit before, well, sometimes a lip wasn't exactly what I wanted...but I also think the skin you show above has too much shadow under the nose. It's too emphasized under the nose, imo. For whatever reasons, I don't like all that shading under the nose and mine has that too, that's why I bought the nose fix but it doesn't work. I sometimes find the eyes and nose bridge are overly shaded too. So, why the difference then? One far more shaded than the other 'if' it's not a BOM problem?
  10. The head is an EVO and the skin says EVO and I even had a thread or a post about it with a nose close-up I showed here on the forum. I did not notice the nose shading was off at first. It's EVO/EVO and was all doubled checked. If other's are complaining about "fit" as I am, we aren't making it up. The applier skins just fit better for what ever reasons.
  11. If it's not a BOM issue, why the nose fix at all, not to mention at least 5-6 other "fixes"? The lip fix was a failure for my skin as well. I'm not messing with that ever again. I pay far more attention now. If the lip doesn't fit or I have to wear lips over the lip line, it's a joke and the skin should be about 10 lindens. Most of the HD stuff has bump or shine built into it in the HUD, and when I said it looks like sandpaper face I meant the MP photos that people put up to sell a skin. It looks like sandpaper face and faces do not look like that. If they are trying to sell a skin with a photo like that, it's a turn off and not attractive. As far as a feature in the HD hud with the bump and shiny, too much hassle and looks like a doll or greasy. The applier skins don't look like that, man.
  12. Yeah, this would be a drag if creator's drop appliers. As far as technology-wise BOM may be great but aesthetically it's not as good, especially for make-ups and most of those fixes are hit or miss - there is nose fix, lip fix, concealer fix, all kinds of fixes that will just confuse and frustrate people plus the applier make-ups were better. It would have been better just to go to alpha masked hair and eyelashes, imo, but they wanted to attempt to make all these textures go into one but that doesn't mean it will please the customer. The customer is looking for a look that they like/love. I'm giving it some time here but still I don't care for those lipsticks especially and most of those lipstick fit over the lips. A few skins I've seen with some lip color painted onto the skin itself and that is alright but I'm not gonna rave about it.
  13. Do I like BOM? No. I find the fit is not as good also and it takes a long time to find a fit on the lips and shadows are off on the nose. I think the bump maps look too grainy and more like a sandpaper face and the shine looks fake like a doll or greasy and I'd never use it. I don't plan on spending much money on it as I bought one skin for my free Lilly head thinking I'd buy Izzie's nose fix for it and Izzie's nose fix doesn't fix it. So I dropped the Lilly head completely. I don't want shine or bump so I'll pass on the HD stuff, even the lips look greasy and it's just not me.
  14. I thought he said he was going out for the weekend and to contact LL for further questions. I believe he also said there may be the possibility of reduced fees for those with Premium but nothing for that is currently happening. He did hint it was possible is all. I personally think that sounds fair and perhaps one could choose either a home or reduced fees. That sounds fair. If it happens at all, however. People can contact LL with their opinion on the matter about seeking a happy median somewhere different than where it stands now.
  15. The government is funding or paying hospitals a lot of money for Covid hospitalizations and ventilations as it's been part of the stimulus packages that have passed our Congress. Our stimulus packages have not been all stimulus but have included many, many other things in them as well including reimbursing many hospitals. Again, it's complicated as health care varies widely here in America since there is no one system type deal.
  16. What part of we have free county hospitals where I live don't you understand? Do you understand BLOCK? Because you are going there now.
  17. Oh man, that's screwed. It's been all for all I've known for quite a good many years but yes there were co-pays at the time of service but nothing like what is happening today with the exception of those who were self-employed or a super low pay starter job like McDonald's, those I'm not sure about. It's just unfreaking-believeable what is going on now. As I said, Obamacare was affordable but I do believe it was meant to be a temporary fix until a fix came along. Well, a fix hasn't come along yet and now Obamacare has gotten too pricey. We do have a county hospital where I live and it's free. It needs an open bed, however, to be transferred there. Our ambulance driver's ask what insurance we have while we are in the ambulance and call ahead of time. It's all triaged here and it's complicated.
  18. No, not where I've lived. Healthcare, dental, vision has always come with a job after one finished a probation period of 9 to 12 months and were fully hired. The only people I've ever known who paid for healthcare before this current crisis which began in and around the Obama years, were those who were self-employed. You are joking or you read correct? She said a trip and fall and needing the E.R. which would be $10,000 for a trip and fall for the E.R. visit, no it wouldn't. Read already.
  19. That's more a range for people who are very seriously ill or don't have insurance and are seriously ill. My E.R. co-pay is approximately $50. If you didn't have insurance, the truth is, you might be sent to what is called a county hospital. A county hospital is a free hospital. I'm not sure all states have county hospitals. Our teaching hospitals are free also but you have to get on a waiting list. Teaching hospitals are not for emergency care.
  20. I said decades prior...meaning prior to the current mess we have; America was not always in such a mess...healthcare, even dental and vision came with the job in decades prior to this current mess. I was going to say I thought I'd read Obamacare was about 400 a month, but I did say Obamacare has gotten expensive. Is that what you have?
  21. This is fairly recent though. I read in 2018 92% of Americans had healthcare and it was fairly affordable, although much more so pre-Obamacare that is for sure. The most were Hispanic of those that did not have health care. It's changed since 2018 as Obamacare has gotten too expense and Trump didn't implement 'something' else. Obamacare, I believe, was only supposed to be temporary. I'm not completely sure on that, however. But, in decades prior we had sensible and affordable health care in America. Not anymore.
  22. Mine has voice recognition now too. Okay. There are some of us who do know others who do not have cell phones in their life. But, I will look at that. I'm not up to speed really as to what this 2FA is. Some sites were getting lazy about sending email codes and were only sending text for awhile and that is irksome to do that as the world is not only one way. Thanks for your time.
  23. I wasn't saying it did...but more could it...and even more to the point...that it needs options is all and what are those possible options. And, if it gives us more security, I'm not sure why you would be against it. Then perhaps you don't like the way it currently is...so what is better but also has options for those who do not have a cell phone? I don't see why it couldn't be set with one's own phone keypad like a bank pin number? I've had sites send me a text message but they never gave me an email option also is why I'm asking.
  24. Well, sometimes that happens. Debit cards, credit cards are sent snail mail...some things are worth waiting for especially since this is an opt-in supposedly.
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