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Everything posted by JanuarySwan

  1. Yes, one can gamble on getting "good stuff" to sell as well, such as a "get rich quick scheme" for real money. Getting rich quick is highly addictive to some people but it also has aspects of under-handedness. It does take away the aspects of the game because black or gray market paying to progress or paying to win eliminates equal advantage.
  2. I was surprised reading about it yesterday as I've never heard of it and it's never been mentioned in the forums, not that I've read. I thought it was new that's why I put the info here. It's for friendship or romance.
  3. I don't know for sure that quote is talking about gambling. But, in games where one is supposed to complete a fair quest while others are buying items and also re-selling items so others can further themselves (progress quicker by purchasing) before items are even released is not the same as SL Gacha. There is no game here. What some of these games have is cheating and it defeats the whole purpose of the "game" in the first place. So, some of these people are addicted to winning at all costs as well as, like I said, there is no more fair play nor any reason to have a game - the game has become all about money. It's become a buy to win with no quest nor game existing any more in some of these "games" where they sell these loot boxes. The U.S. would have to ban real life arcades before they'd consider SL Gacha. SL Gacha is Gashapons, you get a common prize or one of the rarer ones inside.
  4. @Drayke Newall, I didn't want to re-read through the thread at this time but you stated reselling items constitutes gambling. Re-selling an item does not constitute gambling in the United States. However, IF IT is re-selling items that one may get randomly that helps others to advance in a game - that's cheating and fraud, not gambling. This is what I wanted to say, and then Rowan posts the link above and there is this quote from the link which sounds along the lines I am thinking...that's it's cheating and fraud, not gambling. I got to thinking this yesterday. Why play a game if someone is paying to win or paying to progress, it defeats the purpose of the game. Furthermore, if someone can purchase items that allow one to win or advance, that is outside the realms of fair play. Capcom believes that the enjoyment in games should come from the gameplay, not the thrill of successfully drawing a virtual item or card. The company also doesn't want this form of entertainment to lead to financial problems and further distress for its users caused by excessive costs of play.
  5. Good idea! I added a tag for AvMatch. AvMatch is for avatars in Second Life.
  6. This is new to me - AvMatch. Has anyone tried the service? http://www.avmatch.com/about/
  7. The kind of message you received is usually to scare someone away from a game. I've read threads where it happens in Linden Realms. They want to scare others away from whatever game it is and their IM's come with all sorts of lies, defamation and bleeped words. May I ask if you were playing a "game" at all or at Linden Realms?
  8. I added into my post above. This is possible because I think this pay to progress thing is like a scam. Some of this loot box stuff is not transparent and more like a scam. That's my additional 2 cents. I sense scam in some of these loot box practices. Fake tattoos in real life are a total waste of money as they don't work.
  9. I don't gamble at it. The five times in total perhaps I've put money into a Gacha machine was because I liked the whole of the store. I didn't have money right then to buy as I was just looking (window shopping let's say) but I put some money into a Gacha machine for one or two items as a way to say I like your items and I will be back. I looked at it like I could leave a tip in a tip jar or I could put some low cost lindens into a machine and get one item kind of like a thank you gift. I knew I loved store. It was a way to say thank you and I'll be back and nothing more rather than leaving a tip for nothing. I have never once been tempted to gamble on a rare nor for any prize in a Gacha machine ever and I've seen hundreds. My total reason for buying was a thank you and I'll be back cuz I love your items thing. I was letting them know they had a fan. This is just my 2 cents worth. As far as Gashapons, fake tattoos in real life are one of the lamest things I've ever seen for kids. Those toys in Gashapons machines, those are darling and cute. I think some of these loot boxes with pay to progress are more like a scam than gambling.
  10. Textures, learn to make your own textures by learning how to overlap items and meld them into one, and how to bake in shadows by melding your texture to the AO. Then learn how to adjust the AO to more or less shadow. I think it's textures. You can look up how to videos on You Tube for a lot of things in SL. I think a good texture artist goes a long, long way in SL.
  11. I'm reading through this thread to try to understand this. In this thread it says to make sure you turn off something or other where others can find you on a map. So, I try to locate that and find it's grayed out on FS. So, that finding you on the map thing doesn't work on FS, is that what you are saying by the "right viewer"? This thread seems a bit "Psycho" to me, like a scary movie. Why would someone want to follow an avatar around on a map? Let alone why would someone create that function when there is a tp if you want someone to join you? For one, don't they (people) have better things to do than follow people around on a map? Plus stalking is psycho. If the person doesn't want to be with you, they don't want to be with you. You don't stalk them around. That function should have never been put in to the viewer to begin with. As far as a HUD that helps others locate you, to the OP, I've never heard of one. I don't use RLV myself. My online time is my own. You are better off reporting it but that is up to you. However, I don't see a way one can disable 'locate on map'.
  12. Oh, yeah, Whole Foods Market has prices for doctors to shop in. As a matter of fact, I know a doctor's wife who shops there, that's how crazy that place is. I don't know what the heck they are doing there? Trader Joe's I just glanced over the WIKI and it says Trader Joe's prices are less than store bought brands because they do without the middle man. That is the same our local farmers are doing, selling with no middle man (no store building/electricity, etc to afford) and selling right on their soil with carts set up outdoors, so it's cheaper. Whole Foods, forget it. It's prices are for doctors it's so crazy.
  13. Yes but it depends where and when as to what you have around you. Some organic items are cheaper because they have less in them - granola with honey is one. It's cheaper at Trader Joe's (if you know of Trader Joes), and spinach or tomato pastas are the same price at Trader Joe's as store bought white flour pastas. But, granola, breads, pastas without chemicals and preservatives and sugars like high fructose corn syrup can go bad faster. Thank goodness for green boxes and Tupperware. So, it all depends on what is around you as far as local farmers. My local farmers do not at all cost more, as a matter of fact, it's less. And, the taste is a world of difference. As far as an organic turkey for our Thanksgiving dinner, it's something my family splurges on a little but it averages about $12 dollars more for their organic turkeys, so it's do-able since we don't do it that often. But I've found I can spend less at Trader Joe's for many things and they have exceptional products.
  14. It needs to be soon because there is a lot to write up. I wish they'd just do COVID though and leave other things out - like raising the minimum wage for one. JUST COVID PERIOD. Do the minimum wage separately. No other stuff... because adding in "other stuff", that's why these are taking too long, imo. I wish they had just did COVID only last time. Knuckleheads. lol
  15. Organic means organic. The farmers and even the organic turkey farmers my family has encountered for our Thanksgiving turkeys are definitely organic, and you can visit their farms as well as buy produce right off the farm and by the taste you can just tell, plus you can view their farming from the road as farms are outdoors. Also, foods from the healthy stores I've bought from you can tell it is organic because first of all it doesn't have the shelf life and last as long as others - organic granola with honey is one - goes bad much quicker. However, I'm wondering if you are mixing up organic with items that are sometimes labeled "all natural" this is where the labeling is very screwed up. There is a tea called Arizona Tea. Arizona Tea is labeled as ALL NATURAL. However, it has the sugar equivalent of three to four candy bars. I refuse to eat anything with high fructose corn syrup in it, and I read every label, even if labeled all natural. As far as adapting to a sustainable diet. I believe I could. Lab grown meat sounds horrid though. Arizona Tea's sugar content: One can of Arizona Green Tea contains almost 68 grams (17 grams per 8 oz serving size) of sugar. This amounts to around 16 teaspoons! This insane amount of sugar is almost triple what the average woman should consume, and nearly double what the average man should consume. In an entire day!
  16. I get it as that's the vibes I get from this board, but it may even be worse in that it's causing people to be enemies. I read many Republicans at the Capital that day were horrified with what happened as what happened was carried out by extremists or alt-right and perhaps even Libertarian. It is not fully known yet. I have Republican friends and family who are not extremists. They may be conservative and especially in the homophobic area, but I still love my family. I can only hope they change some day but I doubt they will. I have both liberals and conservatives in my family, and both liberal and conservative in religion as well. I think there are all kinds of beliefs in my family and with family friends. It's never been like this before with Trump where it's vicious. I never read Trump tweets myself. But, I really have had enough. And, if he's impeached or if he isn't, it's out of our hands anyways. That's how I feel about it.
  17. I saw the irony in this as well. Not to mention I am a Democrat and she says she is not. I do not like the fact that she thinks she knows all republicans or all democrats. And, I would not protest during COVID for BLM just because I am a democrat. I am an individual person made up of a life of my own choices. I choose not to be exposed to COVID as much as I can and skipped holidays with family this year because I am still me and that's my choice. I do not fit a cookie-cutter anything she has in her mind of what a democrat is supposed to be. Not to mention if Biden pardons Trump, will a majority of democrats go out and protest while we are still in the eye of the storm of COVID? This Trump-hating and republican blaming - well, I've had enough of it plus this isn't the place for it, as well as it's turning somewhat into a disease with some. I wish someone would hear the word "enough" already. Go somewhere else with your vitriol like social media where it is allowed - please.
  18. And, regarding your use of the word justice. I see, you just want justice that will help serve the Democratic party. As I said, your kind of justice will not help people, only Democrats. Goodnight.
  19. I was speaking in regards to your statement regarding what happened at the Capital and that raving you are doing and in a totally inappropriate place as this is not the Luna whatever I want message board. The FBI is handling it, and you do need to calm down. Could we have a link please to see your source here? There is a different type of justice I was speaking about. Those were war criminals and murderers and it didn't benefit my family in any way. JUSTICE bring to justice, to cause to come before a court for trial or to receive punishment for one's misdeeds:The murderer was brought to justice. do justice, to act or treat justly or fairly. to appreciate properly:We must see this play again to do it justice. to acquit in accordance with one's abilities or potentialities:He finally got a role in which he could do himself justice as an actor. I need to hold a mirror to your face while you type.
  20. There isn't always justice as this is far from a perfect world. My ancestors were harmed greatly by WWII Nazi Germany. There was no justice from that and there never will be but we found our own peace. As far as what happened at the Capitol, the FBI is handling it, among others. I think you need to calm the f--- down as this message board is not a place for justice nor to crucify others nor to even crucify Trump. It's enough already with your Trump ravings.
  21. That's total bull. I know Republicans who are not fascist nor "Trumpies" or whatever you personally call them. I think some of you want to see Trump impeached as it will benefit the Democratic party, not people. The things some of you speak about don't include things that will help anyone other than the Democratic party. Things need to change but you don't need to go off your rocker saying things like "no peace". That's absurd.
  22. Justice with what...impeaching Trump? Your posts are nothing but ragging on Republicans. You offer no solutions to really help those who need hands on help, not a Trump impeachment, like that is going to help people. It isn't. From what I'm reading from you Pamela is all hate and it's about Trump and republicans in general. You even laughed when a very important solution for justice was put forth. Your just another "whiner" and that is all you are. Or in other words, troll.
  23. I saw a bit of irony and then thought not really because SL is not actually going out in RL wearing what we might wear here. Many of us can sit behind keyboards in sleepwear. I currently am all snuggly in my robe. Speaking of sleepwear, it never bothers me to see people in sleepwear and robes and slippers and curlers in the Supermarket. I just figure they may be ill, perhaps fighting a cold, and it's not for me to judge.
  24. They are probably a mixed economy. Most economies are mixed in today's modern world; many simply will not admit, however. As far as the fed funds rate at zero interest, it is somewhat set through 2022, however, the article I read said the money will be tight and only go to it's most prime borrowers, most likely so I don't understand the rest of your post as far as more money/less money. Banks with negative interest most likely will not be able to weather the coronavirus economic fallout. America banks the article said will be barely hanging in there. However, there is no way to solve all this on a message board. If banks collapse, that's what's going to happen.
  25. We were posting at the same time, I answered above. We are talking about two different things. I am taking about loan interest rates, you are talking about savings account interest. I don't like this idea of negative interest rates. Having cash in savings accounts is good but all banks could collapse due to the coronavirus. Having no cash in a bank means it has no assets. That doesn't sound like a good plan, it's more like a band-aid for socialist countries. “Negative interest rates sound like fun, but it’s nothing to wish for,” McBride said. “It hasn’t even proven to be effective,” he added. “Parts of Europe have had negative interest rates for seven years and it hasn’t done anything — their economies were reeling then, they’re reeling now.” And even if the federal funds rate, which is what banks charge one another for short-term borrowing, fell below zero, that is not the rate that consumers pay. The prime rate, which is the rate that banks extend to their most creditworthy customers, is typically 3 percentage points higher than the federal funds rate.
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