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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. I'm not seeing anywhere where anyone suggested such a thing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. As I was saying, I was on the first iteration and there was no Resident Answers section in 2005. It was also NOT the iteration I linked. That iteration (the 2006 one) must have been the first one to have RA. I ditched the forums before the 2006 "upgrade".
  3. This must have been an iteration after 2005/6. That's when I first faded out of the (I think) second iteration of the forums. Might have still been the first. Anyway, there was no "RA" (whatever that means) back then. Resident Answers? 🤔 The one before whichever iteration this one is. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/120/1.html 🤐
  4. Everyone who posts in this thread is an idiot. ... ... ... Dammit! [spoiler][/spoiler] 🤐
  5. Be glad they aren't cockleburs. They hurt! https://www.fs.fed.us/r3/resources/health/invasives/greenForbs/commoncocklebur.shtml
  6. Test. Tube. Test tube. Available in SL on the Markeplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/VW-Old-Test-Tubes-Vials-Set-4-separate-items-1-LI-each-Mesh-props/19744396 🤐
  7. Here's some ancient SL history. I don't know why I keep Cory's old blog bookmarked; I just do. Maybe for occasions like this. He talks about the earliest days of SL before it was Linden World, circa 2001. Cory's first metaverse memory, the birth of LSL For those who have never heard of Cory: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cory_Ondrejka CORY ONDREJKA Will the Flying Spaghetti Monster ever rise again? And that's my contribution to the rest of the story. Good day. 🤐
  8. Oh yes. Very scary. I'm shaking in my hip waders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Angry_Beavers
  9. For some strange reason I haven't been able to discern, this struck me as hilarious.
  10. I know the feeling all too well. There's nowhere else to go and now they [the Lindens] expect me to live up to my name. It's one thing to choose to be silent, quite another to be forced to be silent.🤐
  11. I don't follow any threads. I still find the threads I want to read the old-fashioned way. From the list!
  12. Huh. Imagine that. I'm on a list somewhere I've never been. That's just my silly way of saying I have never been on the hypergrid, so I'm not in any kind of searchable database. I'd better not be. If I am, the excrement is subject to being flung into the rotating blades.
  13. More and more lately I have been running across forums that do not allow editing of posts at all where there used to be no limits on editing posts. Good luck getting LL to change for the better instead of making it worse. 🤐
  14. Finally, someone is actually honest. I don't hang around where I'm not wanted so I'll just go back to being the lonesome stranger I've always been. Thanks.
  15. Thanks for the laughs and the fish. They just slammed the lid on 99% of the (worthwhile) discussions and on 100% of the fun. Silent will be silent on the forums from now on. Let the celebration begin! 🥳 Happy Friday! 👎
  16. Looks like we no longer have much of anything left to discuss. Next, they'll shut the whole thing down. Finally having a home on a forum I've been accepted on was nice while it lasted. Will the last one out please turn off the lights? Someone still has to pay that bill. Excuse me while I return to the search that had ended, I thought permanently, only a couple of years ago. I should have known better. Thanks for the laughs and the fish.
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