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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Technically they are overalls. Coveralls cover everything but your hands and feet.
  2. Is there anyone left that remembers last year (or maybe year before) getting a whole bunch of those hidden pink messages approved all at once MONTHS after you gave up on ever seeing them again? I remember. 🤐
  3. Word filers on forums have been around for decades. It's past the time when many forums chose not to use the word filter because humans. I imagine the reason LL uses the word filter is due to the under 18s that do have access to the forum. That isn't unreasonable if a bit inconvenient to those who aren't used to having to watch what words they use. Of course, being the humans we are, we sometimes forget in the heat of the moment or when caught up in the excitement (LOL) so in that respect the word filter is a good thing. I still prefer not to be treated like a child but when others behave that way, what can you do? 🤐
  4. The "bad" word filter simply "blots" out the word using ***** (5). When a post gets hidden it's not because the word filter didn't catch something, it's because the subject matter may be questionable, or some other algorithm not related to the 7 words you used to never be able to say on television. Two different features, somewhat similar functions. One is a word filter, the other one isn't.
  5. *boops yer cute widdle nosebud Peeve: I had to copy/paste the gif instead of being able to link it. https://imgur.com/DcGAt7R
  6. Vendors who do this have lost this customer. Discord is... the worst chat platform/messenger service I have ever encountered, and I've been on quite a few. I do not have and refuse to ever have a Discord account. I do not shop on Discord. I do my shopping either inworld or on the MP. If the info I need isn't in either place, NO SALE.
  7. I don't buy dogfood online so why in the world would I do a search for it? I already know where to go to buy it for the best price. I don't need the internet to determine that. My online footprint is so small it's almost nonexistent. No one is interested in what I do in SL or STO or even The Sims 4. There aren't any patterns to find. lol That's not how dog sitting works. Thing is, I don't give out any data willingly. Before things changed, you would never have caught me giving out my SS# over landlines. That is how small a footprint I leave behind. There is nothing to work with, no "segmentation" that I fit in. That info just isn't there. Any ads I see are not tailored to my shopping habits (or anything else) because I do not shop online. IF I need info I use the phone. Not a cellphone, my landline. I do not depend on the internet for anything. Well ok, except for a little company. It lets me know the world is still there and I'm alive. Even then, I don't depend on the internet for company. It would be easy enough for me to walk away from the internet for the rest of my life. I'm pretty close to doing just that anyway.
  8. Helping newbies is a good thing. Bragging about it on the forms... not so much. I doubt Heathcliff meant it as a brag, it's just how it came across to me and it would appear it came across the same way to others. Many of us have helped dozens in a day's time but we never posted about it on the forum, so it seems rather self-serving to us.
  9. For some of us it doesn't exist in SL because we learned, sometime in our 40s usually, that sex really isn't that important in a relationship. There are many other things that are far more important. Kind of peeved that on a scale of 1 - 10 where when I was young, I would have rated it about 7/8 whereas today it rates about a 3. Live and learn.
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