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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. It was supposed to be funny. I didn't grow up eating most of those foods. I grew up eating what was considered traditionally healthy. Meat and vegetables that weren't all jumbled together. Like most people in the south.
  2. Peeve: People thinking that the only foods to eat in the south are either deep fried or overly sweet. Y'all are eating at the wrong places!
  3. You definitely didn't grow up in the state of Dixie. And according to this article, neither did anyone else in the south. LOL https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2020/06/what-dixie-really-means/613585/
  4. You see that wagon they're pulling? It's full of cases of beer!
  5. IF... I say IF, I were to ever run, there would be a pony for everyone!
  6. +10 for using "smoke blowing", "candidate" and "politician". +50 for using all three in a single sentence
  7. Somebody circle the wagons! Won't someone think of the natives?!
  8. Good job! 😁 Did you remember to wear ear plugs or are your ears ringing now? That's exhausting in and of itself. 🥵 That's a peeve btw. Ears always ring like crazy after using wet/dry vac.
  9. I was hoping for at least some resemblance. You rang, M'Lord? Are you being served Fawlty Towers not the 9 o'clock news? Yes, Minister, stacked whites are still open all hours. Some mothers do 'ave 'em getting on the thick of it. 🤭 https://bestsimilar.com/movies/30243-are-you-being-served Now I'm peeved I can't watch Father Brown. 🤐
  10. Do you want it to suck or blow? Side hookup for suck. Top hookup for blow. Don't forget to plug it in before trying to turn it on. 🤭 💨 🤐
  11. It was closed before it even got to half a page. The worst people were saying was that they hoped the thread would stay open. The answer was to lock the thread because it wasn't about SL. They don't want to have to police us anymore, so they'd like some of us to vamoose since it gets pretty boring talking about nothing but SL. It's like when I was young and there was only the one local tv station. The pickings are awful slim. And have been picked over and picked over and picked over and... 😐 Yes, that's a peeve. 🤐
  12. I understood you the first time you said it. That's the reason I haven't quoted you or even said anything to you about it. I know there are people who are not moved by anyone's death. Most human deaths I read or hear about don't affect me beyond feeling a little sorrow that a human life ended. Not because I don't care. Because humans are so destructive of the world they live in.
  13. I never realized it until today but even though I'm across the pond, she was the one steady constant in my life. She was always there and now she isn't. 😢
  14. I don't plan on being online tomorrow. 😛 Not that I'll have anything else to do. Just not likely to be in the mood to either watch the world burn or the world having fun while I watch. Or something. 😏 I love you guys. Just need people in the real world, ya know? 🤗💓 🤐
  15. This is a particular rabbit hole I happened to have fallen down a few weeks ago. I've been watching with morbid fascination as one site moves from one host to the next to the next over the past few days. It's starting to get boring though.
  16. You may have to disable it long enough to install and then whitelist the viewer, but I doubt it. You should be able to tell Defender to allow it as soon as the install starts.
  17. This might sound a little insane, but the truth is there have been a higher than usual number of DDoS attacks in the past week, so it doesn't surprise me. It really sucks when there are 2 opposing factions at war on the internet because they never stop to think that what they are doing is affecting people they aren't even their target(s).
  18. You have to download the package from that page. That would be the BlackDragon_64x_4.1.2.exe file in the image you posted.
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