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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. Peeve: College students that think doing a paper on SL will be "an easy grade". It's even worse when the student in question isn't even a resident of SL, which is usually the case these days. Compliance is unlikely.
  2. A form of audience participation. I may have forgotten my umbrella, but I can still do the Time Warp.
  3. It's ok, Your Royal HIGHness. Nothing ever goes to waste while you're stumbling around wondering where all the whiskey is. There's never any room at the inn anyway. It's always booked years in advanced. Although it is a bit of a shame you keep missing the wonderful parades and balls since they are, you know, sort of held in your honor. Kind of. Maybe. What was the question again?
  4. It isn't financially feasible for Linden Lab.
  5. You're assuming an awful lot there. I'm sitting here laughing at the person who is insisting they know more about SL and its residents than the person who has been a resident for almost 20 years.
  6. I said ignorance not stupidity. They are not the same. For someone who wants "adult" things so badly you sure don't behave like an adult.
  7. If you wanted off the island at Blake Sea, you should have just said so. We heard all about it just recently so while we aren't ARing anyone for breaking the rules on Blake Sea we sure are keeping tabs on what has already gone down.
  8. No, it isn't that. It's a me problem where sometimes I feel like I'm being stalked and pounced on by an overgrown lion cub. Sometimes it annoys me a little, sometimes I get freaked out, sometimes I freak out because it annoys me. It's not your fault. Just one of the results of years of abuse.
  9. I would use Disallowed Listing Practices. If nazi symbolism has been banned for SL that is how I would report it. Edit: Perse beat me to it. Curses! Foiled again!
  10. It's still a Report even without the word Abuse in front of it. They both serve the same purpose.
  11. Peeve: People who toss their dogs out in the yard during the day while at work so their dogs whines and cries and barks ALL DAMN DAY LONG in 90F+ heat. Last summer it was one neighbor, this summer it's their next-door neighbor. CONTORL YOUR DAMN DOG if you don't want the pound to be visiting. Every town has noise ordinances that cover barking dogs disturbing the neighbors' peace!
  12. Deleting your build platform out from under yourself and falling 4000 meters because you forgot to lock the platform. Again. So many typos. Need moar cofveve.
  13. I'm going to lay it on the line for you. You do not know what you are talking about. LL isn't going to do all that work for little to no return on investment.
  14. If I had those in RL, there'd only be about a dozen people. On the whole planet!
  15. First time I ever saw that word I figured it was slang for "thoughts" or "thought". You can imagine my complete and utter confusion.
  16. College students who think doing a paper on SL will be an "easy grade".
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