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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. I was able to get it with my main avatar who is premium. Unfortunately I'm not really looking to change her so I was hoping to get it for my alt. I was never able to get in. I tried for hours at all different times.
  2. What is a pose HUD and is it for sale on the MP?
  3. Sylvia, you make it sound like I'm some "Diva" LOL. No, I didn't expect there to be a separate access panel for each item. It just seemed logical to me. I really don't care where the access panel is. All I wanted to do was find it...which I did.
  4. I realize that. There also the menu for the door which you can choose to have them automatically open or close. That is where I expected to see the access for the doors.
  5. Oh yes, I was thinking multi-scene houses.
  6. Maybe try removing the one there first? If not then you'll probably need to submit a support ticket.
  7. Yet....she did answer your question and didn't ignore it. She was responding to the ridiculous commentary of how great your computer and internet speed is yet you can't seem to load anything and giving you ideas on what to do to improve it. *smile added*
  8. Could you be any ruder? Normally when asking for help on a forum one tries to act in a mature way...guess you missed that memo.
  9. This is an excellent idea..for Roleplay purposes. I would expect though that these items would cost more, not less due to the scripting that would be involved. Why not script an item into multiple payments? For instance you purchase a clothing item that costs 500L. You initially pay 100L down "financing" the remaining 400L. In order to wear the dress again you have to make a payment, say 100L. If you don't make the payment then the dress is "repossessed" and disappears from your inventory. The person can then decide whether or not the item was worth making a payment for it or if they want to get rid of it, which means they essentially "rented" the item for a time period. If they didn't pay they would not be able to purchase the item again unless they paid full price for it. *I am not a scripter so I'm not even sure if something like this could be done or would be allowed*
  10. This is where I think I got confused. It isn't logical to me that giving only certain people access to opening doors and windows would also give them additional access to the control panel. That's why I was looking at the door menu rather than the access menu. That's is also why I was looking in the security orb as well. So to give access to just certain people to use the doors and windows you have to use both the access panel in the house AND the security orb. Set the access in the house to anyone without adding them to the access list but put them in the white list in your security orb. It makes sense...it's just not intuitive. You'd expect the access to the doors and windows would be in the door menu.
  11. and here I was blaming Microsoft.....
  12. yes, I also found tons on the MP for 1L. Just getting into the photography so I hadn't looked at poses before. I was excited I found something I think I actually might be good at! LOL
  13. Thank you so much Rowan! That was exactly the place I was thinking of. Edit: no poses though...darn
  14. There used to be a photography sim where they had different scenes set up to take photos such as a beach theme and various scenes in boxes. I can't seem to find it now so I wonder if it's closed. Is there a region out there that has scenes and poses already built in other than the standard sit ones in furniture? I don't take enough photos to buy them but would like to put more variety in the ones I do take. Any recommendations welcome.
  15. So basically you are looking mainly for people to discuss all things shopping, yet you don't really want them to shop with you but you'd be happy to help them shop? I have no clue what a "Barbie mansion is but it's adult so I assume that there are adult things that go on there. Have you tried to meet people at these places? Sometimes it is easier to meet people at the place you like to go to rather than try to get people to join you. Join the shopping groups and chat it up if they allow that. I know that that LAQ group can get chatty sometimes and there are nice people in that group. I'm a bit curious why it matters that the person be mostly human if it is only a friendship. Do you not like to look at avatars that are not human? If it's friendship only what does it matter really what they look like? When you say your timezone is that Aussie time or SLT time? Lastly..if they are homebodies you might have a hard time getting them to mingle as typically people like that tend to want to, well stay at home.
  16. Thank you! I have no idea why I couldn't figure it out! lol
  17. I can't seem to add my alt to my linden home as an estate manager or even as someone that is always allowed. They can't operate the doors or "set home to here" I tried to use the security hud and add them to both access list but that doesn't work either. Even people I add through the security hub to allow the to visit can't operate the doors. Hopefully that isn't the way it's set up because it's becoming an irritating feature to have to continually open doors for people especially since you can't TP around the house anymore. I also tried to set the access to group to no avail. If someone could walk me through being able to allow my alts to access doors and also to set home to my linden house I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  18. Interesting...I had no idea this "kink" existed. Where might one find where these people tend to hang out? Asking for a friend.
  19. This sounds like it would be more like a ***** session than an actual group therapy group. I find these so called "support" groups actually do more harm than good unless they are run by actual qualified individuals. I would be interested in hearing what qualifications the OP has in running such a group besides the fact that she herself believes she has a narcissistic mother. What measures will you be taking to ensure that the people running these groups are also qualified? You are on a slippery slope here. I would actually discourage joining such a group and advise to seek RL professional help if you are dealing with mental health issues.
  20. Are there any merchants that sell doors for the inside of the Lincoln log home?
  21. What are people using the space for under their stilt homes? I was thinking a pool but since we can't terraform it would have to be above ground. I have a house that is all on sand. Any pics would be appreciated! I'm at a total loss.
  22. OH, ok same concept I guess then. If all the alts paid for premium I guess I don't see the issue. Maybe I'm missing something?
  23. How do you know if you have a good spot? I got this on my first try after re-signing up for premium. It's in Fiddle Cay and seems to have a little inlet and a nice road near it and the other houses are not too close. Shrugs, I'm happy with it. I don't see it as greed or snatching up houses away from other people. In order to get a Linden home you have to pay for premium. If you can pay for 8 people to have premium then you deserve to have 8 Linden homes just as much as the person that pays for 1. If they were free that would be another story but we all pay for them through our premium membership.
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