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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. This may something you obviously checked but did you perhaps put them out somewhere on your land or someone's land? If they are no copy they wouldn't show in your inventory any longer until you picked them up.
  2. Your cryptic message is confusing me. If you observe...I'm not the only one with this opinion so let's stop with the "your opinion is wrong" crap.
  3. Nope sorry...my opinion stands. I like ice.
  4. Who's arguing I am just stating my opinion just as you are. I quoted you because you assume those that disagree are doing so just to create drama and stir the post and that simply is not true. it most certainly IS a race thing. I really don't see how you don't see that. She wants to hang out with people that are black. How is that not a race thing?
  5. A forum is a place where people post opinions and thoughts. Just because a person may have a differing opinion than yourself does not mean they are "stirring the pot or creating drama" P.S. Furry and talking animals are not races. They are characters.
  6. Well...she specifically said she was looking for black people. I cannot imagine how a post would go over if someone posted that they were looking to just hang out with white people. Probably not very well.
  7. I'm pretty sure people are smart enough here to figure that out on their own. My point was simply that your billing address does not always indicate what state you live in. However, that still doesn't tell LL where all the free accounts come from. The ones that have no billing information and address.
  8. I don't know. It just doesn't have that "ring" to it. Mama and mum are first name titles not last. Matriarch might be ok.
  9. So it's based on your billing address? Simple...change your payment source to a different billing address. My daughter lives in CA. If I used her CC then it would show CA as my place of residence. What about the people that don't have a billing address at all? You don't need a CC or billing information to have a SL account as far as I can remember.
  10. Pretty easy to get around using a VPN. AND before anyone says anything I'm just pointing it out. I realize it's probably against the TOS.
  11. Totally 80's is G Rated on a moderate rated sim. They even have a sign up that states even though they are on a moderate sim they are G-rated. This issue might be that you can only go to G-rated sims? Is that correct? A shame that those clubs aren't able to change their rating from M to G if they are advertising as such.
  12. That's fairly hard to believe. Do you have a link or anything that would reference this?
  13. What a lovely rental that is both reasonably priced and comes with a generous prim allowance. Easy to move around in. This for sure will go fast! Very well done.
  14. How do a region know if you are from a particular state?
  15. It takes time for everything to populate throughout the whole system. Give it a week. Whoops, did not read. Try live chat. Since you are premium you can chat. I changed my name about six months ago and subscribers still have my old legacy name.
  16. I just created a group and all my members can see who is in the group. There is a tick for "reveal members" If the group owner has checked that everyone can see who is in the group.
  17. This really has not happened to me very often, even after I shop at the events and sales. If it does I might change up the texture so at least we are not wearing the same colors/patterns. If I buy an outfit that has many parts I typically won't wear all of them at the same time or copy the picture.
  18. I've done this and it's SO much better than those auctions. At least you know you are getting the land. You pay the same in Tier fees so the price is worth it.
  19. Ok, to be honest here. Why would I hire you for a one time fee of 300L when for the same amount of money I can get you for a whole week of nannying? Also, you want someone to PAY you to allow you to live in their house 2000L a month for a bit of RPing when they are not there? What do you see wrong with this scenario?
  20. This is a person advertising that they need work. Are you looking to hire her? If so, I'd just contact her in-world.
  21. WOW, that's really expensive for only being able to have 50 prims. That's $35 real money a month. Well, to each their own. One born every day I suppose.
  22. You get them where? At your region/parcel or do you just see them around?
  23. Good luck Most people have babies/pets because they want to RP with them themselves not pay someone to RP with them when they are not around.
  24. Interesting concept....If you are there 24/7 when do you sleep? Is there an on-call button where we can buzz you to sign on whenever we want or need you? Is this being a nanny for like Zooby babies or Child avatars? Will you be RPing cleaning the house and cooking? Like if I sign on will I find you cooking me dinner or you vacuuming my house? How will you take care of my pets?
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