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Kathlen Onyx

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Everything posted by Kathlen Onyx

  1. Why they TP you that adult region is beyond me. LOL
  2. Well crud.......unfortunately people don't see this till after they have logged off. LOL
  3. OHHHH that's a great idea! How do I know what skins go with the LAQ Gaia head. I tried to do a search in the Marketplace but zilch comes up and when I go to the skin stores I don't find skins that go with that head. I do have the Omega applier for Maitreya body. When it says Omega compatible is that what that means or do I need a Omega applier specific to LAQ heads?
  4. Ok, I have a question. So I have a LAQ head - Gaia and a shape by Strawberry Singh made specifically for the Gaia head. When I am looking for a skin/shape what do I need to look for? One that is compatible for both the head and the body or just the head? and if you are looking at a skin will it look like that on you? I just recently switched from a classic head and Maitreya body to a LAQ head. Just don't want to buy a skin/shape that doesn't work. I am not BOM and don't plan on it.
  5. Ok, I should probably have presented this a bit different. I was in the Bellesseria chat room and someone said that nudity was okay anywhere in Bellesseria as long as sexual activity wasn't going on or people weren't walking around with erect parts. What I said was I highly doubt that it's ok just to walk around anywhere nude just because the sim is labeled a moderate sim. I was immediately attacked and they said yes, you can...Patch even confirmed that we could be naked anywhere if we wanted to. OH, I see that group Bellesseria Citizen's is not a linden group. I thought that was an official Linden run group.. That explains it.
  6. In the Bellisseria main chat. I was told that it is rated moderate and that Patch told them they could be naked wherever they wanted to be. OH yeah and that why am in SL if I don't like stuff like that among other things.
  7. Well that was my point but I was told I didn't need to ask.
  8. Ok, cool....so any event that is held on Bellisseria I can be nude in? Thanks guys!
  9. It's my understanding that in Bellisseria it is ok to be naked and walk around naked anywhere you want, even in public and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
  10. I had a Camper come up but that was mine I just released. lol Today I got a houseboat, 2 Victorian's and a log cabin. Ended up keeping the log cabin. It sits next to a quiet river. Maybe I'm just lucky but I've never had an issue getting a house since the Victorian's were released. May take a few hours though and that is just randomly going back and checking, not even staying there and waiting.
  11. Is there a group that clubs post in if they need a last minute host? I host at a club now but my hours are a bit over the board and it would be nice to be a last minute fill in. I suppose that all clubs have different rules so this may not even be a thing. I did find a couple groups but it's mostly for adult dancing and not one off jobs.
  12. I'm not sure why we have to close a thread just because some don't agree or don't like what other's are saying. I haven't seen any attacks on members from other members.
  13. Really the term BFF wasn't literal. It could have been "buddy" "best bud" "friend". So there was no hidden meaning in using BFF, just and example. 🙂 Interesting how this thread has gone.
  14. OH, now I feel stupid. I thought it was a region in SL. I've never heard Pacific time being called that.
  15. Yeah, I figured that. I also think most of the women in men's profiles are of women they wanted to date but for some reason couldn't so they opted for BFF.
  16. You might be better off just wandering around and introducing yourself. Not everyone is on the forum and you have such specific requirements. Can I ask why they have to be located in Oceania?
  17. I look at profiles like everyone else and one thing that I have noticed is that guys have a lot of Picks of women saying how this person is there BFF or they are their ride or die. Women also do but they include women in that category as well. I have never see a guy put in his picks how "john" is a great friend and BFF. I wonder why that is?
  18. True, but If someone has an opinion on a particular thread I think it should be ok to put yours in. Other threads of course aren't appropriate to resurrect but I think this one is ok. It's interesting to read if the opinions changed over time or stayed relatively the same.
  19. I only read the first few pages as well but I'll put my opinion here. First, I don't there is a law against telling people you are racist as long as you don't act on it. Bad taste? Probably...but they can't arrest you. Now if you make a group that says "only black people allowed" or "white people unite" that might be a violation. I tend to not worry how people act and make sure that I am acting right. As far as deleting something I bought from someone like that? I would not delete it. Half my inventory is more than likely made by someone I wouldn't associate with. I wouldn't be buying anything, seeing any movies, buying food ect. I still listen to Michael Jackson's music even though he had done some questionable things in his life.
  20. Just what I was looking for. I will definitely check it out.
  21. Oh I agree. What you are describing is more like a camping site not a log cabin. 🙂 As I said I do love the homes and the surrounding landscape. I was thinking more like this.
  22. I see your point, but because of how little prims we get I wish we didn't have to use them up to make look like a log home. If you change the color they don't even look like log homes at all, they look like traditional ones. I have bought a couple add-on's that make the house look more authentic. I think the add-on's were made in the spirit of the theme so I am happy about that.
  23. I just got a log home and while I love where I am and it's my favorite theme I can't help but be a bit disappointed with the look of them. The architecture is great and is what a lot of Log homes look like but the siding is just that...siding. I would have liked to see more rounded edges on the outside to look like logs because that's what log homes are made of. *I'm sure some are not but that what I think of when I think log home* I would have liked the inside and outside railings to look more like logs and perhaps some log beams near the ceiling. The inside basically look like a traditional home. When you are inside you have no idea you are in a log home. I hope some of those great builders who do the add on's make an outside shell that looks like a real log home or add on's that add more of that look on the inside. Before anyone says anything I do appreciate what the moles have done and I continue to appreciate it.
  24. I think you read what I said totally wrong. What I said was I find a lot of avatars that use the mesh heads look like plastic or they all look alike. In that context I was telling why I wouldn't get a mesh head. So before you get offended please read what was written especially when you posted a whole paragraph on your opinion.
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