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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Their know they don't have much of a shot, so they just use the shotgun approach. And still probably miss every time, lol. Protip: Don't anyone take them duck hunting, they'll shoot the bottom out of the boat. Also dangerous for the dogs.
  2. Today my SL looks like Hello Kitty Waterpark. XD
  3. The only way to keep disgusting users, mean people, the rude, and the abusive from seeing you is to find that one sim that everyone ends up on when they go looking for people to chat with, the empty one that nobody ever visits. It's a sad fact, but it's true. The worst people in the world are the only ones who get to enjoy it. It almost makes me want to be a horrible person, just so I can enjoy life, too.
  4. I've handed out so many of those it's crazy. It's the best swim HUD on the MP and it doesn't even cost anything. I tried one that cost 400L$ and it was awful. Thor's Oak is the best, hands-down. And I'm not sure about sitting on attachments, but I've seen similar things, like riding equipment that allows a humanoid-ish avi to ride around on non-humanoid-ish avis like dragons. Pretty sure it was free, too. If I find it I'll look at it and see if it's anything close to what you mean.
  5. Я думаю, они тоже прогнали всех вас. Жаль, что умные, вежливые люди - это те, кто расплачивается за тех, кому не хватает таких качеств.
  6. Yeah it's well established because a lot of people did actual research instead of expecting others to do it all for them.
  7. You know, like walk into the water and youre swimming, like when you take off flying and you just fly? Of course they'd have to give it a toggle control so people could still walk underwater if they felt like it.
  8. Кто-нибудь хотел бы провести вежливую, содержательную и веселую дискуссию о Second Life? По какой-то странной причине его трудно найти в англоязычных разделах. Возможно, мы сможем сделать это здесь. Мой русский язык не идеален, но я сделаю все возможное, чтобы избежать искажения языка из уважения к нему.
  9. PEEVE: People who derail threads just to scream "FIRE" in the theater, as if someone is being murdered or maimed because they had to follow me to my own thread just to have something else to post about, because I left a thread to die and made my own. Additional PEEVE: People who contribute absolutely nothing to the forums but their own sourball bullying behavior and talking about how much they'd rather be anywhere but in SL, even though they can't seem to force themselves away from it for even ten minutes. All while trying to get more "likes" by acting that way. I love Second Life. People who hate it should get a clue and find something better to do with their time. Oh, but guess what? They can't~! Oh, darn! And yeah, I'm laughing right now, too. I have a saying, "if you can't laugh at yourself, I can do it for you."
  10. Look, guys, he's giving out free samples of his 1000L$-per-hour lessons, take notes.
  11. I know all about this one, trust me. It's why I often visit new areas as a giant potato before visiting them as my usual self. It's one thing to have a kid show up out of the blue and start running around, but having a naked kid show up and start running around... that could disturb many. Sort of like my early experiences with seeing toddlers who weren't rezzed enough for their modified shapes to deform properly. I assumed they were people who had horribly deformed themselves in order to disturb other residents for their own amusement or something. For a brief moment I even assumed all toddlers were roleplaying aliens who suddenly transformed into toddlers when they realized they were being observed. I don't really feel pink clouding is necessary, though some people do use particle effects for teleporting that sort of have the same result. They step out of the cloud fully rezzed, anyway. And yeah, I'd be all about having a swimming feature built in. It could have default animations, like the system anims for walking and flying etc., and then people could maybe add their own sets via TPV features like Firestorm has. As for unsitting, my rocking goat actually throws people across the sim if they stand up while it's rocking, That's why I made it a goat. I also added a feature that stops that from happening, they can click to sit on it, or click it again to stop it and unsit. They end up standing next to it instead of flying off into the distance. Whether the owner makes guests aware of this safe unseat function is up to them, I mean, it is pretty fun watching the goat butt them across the room, or out of the yard, etc. XD So, I'm kind of torn on this one. I mean, it'd be great for the userbase, but bad for my goat.
  12. Weird. Yeah, it might just be a LL thing. I'd try it again later anyway.
  13. It made Johnny Carson laugh, but these are the SL forums, so YMMV.
  14. You're not able to give your alt added abilities in its group role? Is it your group, I mean do you own it? If you're the group owner and its set to your group, I would think your alt could be given the ability to change the stream at very least. I would think you should be able to add your alt to the Owner role, and it should have the same rights as you do. Or is this one of those things where they gave you a role in a group and you can't change anything in the group's member settings?
  15. Okay, the thread is specifically about two things you mentioned, and not about what anyone else has seen in Opensim and not Second Life. Interesting topic, thanks for making a whole thread to tell everyone about something you like about Opensim, and limiting it to the discussion of the two specific things you saw and liked. Your thread, your rules, see ya~! After all, we can't go saying we like SL better, that would mean we were discussing our own interest in Second Life, on forums which exist for discussing Second Life. Bye.
  16. I just set mine to 6 to see what happened, and my nice building preset now has the same FPS as my 32M-draw-distance combat preset did before. I'm getting over 24 FPS with an extended draw distance now, so thank you for this! I wasn't sure if it would do anything as you had included the phrase "at the time" when you described it, but yeah, this actually makes a difference for me. I'm adding it to my list of things I tell people and that they ignore while they complain about only getting 7 FPS on an empty ocean with transparent water turned off, now. Thanks again~!
  17. Aside from installing a server on my machine once just because I could, and then realizing I had nothing to put in it, I haven't really messed with Opensim. However, I have it on good account that they do in fact have at least one thing in Opensim that I've never seen in Second Life, and they can just keep it there. A few of my friends, one of whom actually migrated to SL from Opensim, have at times remarked upon how Second Life is actually more appealing to them because it doesn't have a bunch of child-avi-specific "adult" activity taking place out in the open, while they had seen plenty of it in Opensim, and had been disgusted by it. Seeing as I have trouble even swimming at the beach or dancing at a club without people trying to get all up on me already (in IMs, of course), I would probably not enjoy Opensim very much at all, if it's that nasty.
  18. I'm sort of glad LL doesn't make sims cheaper, it might tempt me to get a job or something.
  19. The TRS-80 is in color (provided you own a color television set), and you can get a discount of 100 dollars, just in time for the holidays! Just look at all those features! 16 K-byte memory. Dude. You know you need lots of K-byte memory. It only takes minimal tweaking to get it to run Second Life. I only had to replace the motherboard, the GPU, the disk drives, well, pretty much everything, but hey, it was 100 bucks off! Seriously though, just about any modern (say, under 10 years old) computer can run Second Life. Don't get conned into spending loads on a high-end machine that's just going to leave you even more disappointed when SL decides to be a butt anyway, as it does occasionally. People complain all the time about trying to make it work properly, and they probably have better computers than I do. Just make sure you've got the minimum requirements or better, and you should be fine. Right now I'm using a 9-year-old HP laptop with the wrong graphics card, and I have no problems with my SL at all. I don't even have to photoshop my snapshots to make them look good (I'm just usually too lazy to switch to my photography-optimized preset, is all... <-<;). It's probably more important to learn and understand how to configure your viewer than it is to buy another computer. Plus you could save a hundred dollars or more. I've gotten perfectly acceptable results with a laptop that was 13 years old and had 4gigs of RAM and an AMD graphics card with outdated drivers. I've even run SL on a netbook (remember those? *shudder*) running on a thumb drive. Of course, if you just want to buy a new computer, as long as the processor isn't some cheap knockoff or a dusty antique, you should be fine. It's not like you need a monster gaming machine, or anything too extreme to have a good experience (though by all means you shouldn't limit yourself if you've got a decent budget).
  20. I promised myself I'd not do more than three Christmas songs, so I have to stop now. You're welcome. ^-^;
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