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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. They could run. They could also accept my free gift of a machinegun that fires nuclear missiles, and shoot back. Helps if they get some mentoring in combat first. The first lesson, ironically, is how to run. XD First person to offer tankery classes to new people in here will earn the official nickname of Katyusha. Just saying.
  2. Not sure what you're using raycasting for, but I find as far as registering a hit on mesh or prims that a sensor beam usually works quite well. Even a lot of combat systems that say they use raycasting are actually using sensor beams. Anything I've ever considered using raycasting for, I ended up having better success with a sensor, and analyzing the detected object via filtering. Even a flying prim might not register a collision with another prim. SL is a butt about these things sometimes. If you're using it for something specific that only it can do, then hey, I hope you find a solution to make it go. Otherwise, maybe keep an open mind about other options. There's usually at least three ways to do anything, anyway.
  3. Hey, we all do SL, so why talk about SL? Shouldn't we be teaching new residents to act like they're better than everyone else instead? It might be a poor translation, but the original was a bit muffled. Here's a lesson for newbies. Get used to the fact that many users are bitter, have no sense of humor, no desire to actually help anyone at all, and just want everyone in the world to shut up and let them take a dump in peace. In SL.
  4. Myself, because I'm 1.3 meters tall, and can make things that don't sink me into the ground like every other pose or animation I ever bought. As for stuff I bought, most of what I really liked came from Zambooki, but they're all kid poses. As far as actual full-on animations go, some of the best I ever bought were from Tuty. They have a huge array of stuff, and you can try it all out in their store. Tuty's can be a bit expensive if you're putting a whole AO together, but if you're not making your own, they're a really good vendor, IMO. I stubbornly make all of my own stuff now, and I still use Tuty's animations in two of my three AO sets. I still consider them a good investment.
  5. I can understand my Wallachian Stakes of Impalement ending up with an A rating, probably via an automated process, and probably because the listing mentions they are for impaling yourself, which isn't something kids should be looking at or doing, but I also keep finding items with the Maturity rating changed to M when they're basically G-rated things. I mean, I'd consider the stakes to be at least an M, so I'm not too upset that I find myself with an A-rated item when I didn't want any of them, but this other thing is just... weird. I mean, a t-shirt that doesn't even have boobs built into it, and a dress that covers the knee, why would they get flagged as Moderate? Is the system trained to flag items with certain keywords in the listing, and is it just something unavoidable? These aren't tube tops and thongs, and they don't shoot grenades or have switchblades that appear out of nowhere, either. They are in no way even vaguely erotic or violent in nature. I'm actually pretty conservative when it comes to rating an item. Anything like a weapon, or that might not be suitable for an 8-year-old, I set as M. Even my airplane legs, I set them at M because when you fly you might get an upskirt if you're wearing a skirt, you know? I don't understand why a kid's dress and a kid's t-shirt would keep defaulting to a rating I'd give something of a teen-to-adult nature. If anyone can give me an answer to this I'll accept it. It's just weird and makes me wonder why it keeps happening.
  6. The soda jerk hat is the one I'm making. It's a real pain in the wrong end, too. XD Hats are so not easy to make right.
  7. I'd say use smaller textures, but if you want good detail, yeah 1024 is better. Honestly. I know it might seem counterintuitive, but I set my max bandwidth to way lower than I actually have, and it sped things way up. I can download a gigabyte in under a minute, but I set my max to 500 kbps, and got really good results.
  8. You'll find it's a trend. Some people just don't understand that if all they can see is poop, their head might be in the wrong place. Hard to hear them through the buttcheeks, but when you can, it just sounds like so much angry farting. And yeah, some new people can actually be a major hassle to deal with. It taught me a lot of patience when I was helping newcomers on the regular. Some are awesome and relax once you tell them that we all screw up and look silly sometimes, and it's easier to teach them when they aren't freaking out over being a n00b. Some are harder to teach, and end up bitter. I think most of the ones who aren't okay with learning anything really only stick around for the occasional person who doesn't know any better than to date them, and to spew venom at everyone on the forums about how awful SL is and how stupid all of the people in it are. Except themselves, of course.
  9. About to jump off the roof of the opera house, it's the only way to fly. Without Fly Override on, anyway. I'd wear my Wonder Woman Underoos and do a suuuper-heroine jump, but someone might see me. Last time, they laughed at me, and it was embarrassing. Grownups suck sometimes, no imagination. XD Aaanyway, this is for anyone who ever wished I'd just take a flying leap. *leaps* Wheeeeee~!
  10. Seconding this, I want to know where to find an Indian buffet~!
  11. My mom used to do renegade Mentoring, in response to the Mentorship program being done away with. You basically friend a new person (or more) and teach them to SL, by doing things like hiding on a sim and making them find you and TP to you, navigate mountains and other terrain, learn to high-jump, get unstuck from holes and poorly-made builds, etc. Heavy-duty dress-up sessions, shopping trips and demoing things, going to clubs and helper spots, learning to meet people, learning to UN-MEET people, how to deal with various forms of griefing, how to avoid scammers, etc., all of it was part of the training program in my family. I pay it forward by doing this for anyone I meet who thinks they're up for it. I think everyone should mentor at least one other person, at least once. It's like boot camp for SL, and prevents a LOT of frustration and "n00b questions" having to be asked here and elsewhere.
  12. So which is it? A male hot dog, or a fast food vendor? Wait, I don't think I've ever seen a female hot dog, either! You're confusing me! XD I don't have any uniform stuff, but if I can finish my disposable paper hat project, i'll at least send you the hat. The hat is a key piece of the outfit, IMO. Might find some on the MP too, tho Iunno how much they cost or anything. I know there's at least one vendor who sells a hot dog cart, too. If I stumble across anything, I'll post it here for you.
  13. She gets a little crazy every month, but it only lasts a few days. Lunar cycle thing I guess. Best partner I've ever had. Never cheats, always lets me talk, and buys her own kibble. Also very cuddly. She's a high-LI kinda girl, but totally worth every prim. That's right, Roofy, I'm talkin about you~! *puts her away before the sim crashes*
  14. I love you Rolig, you're one of the few people here that I'd recommend as a mentor if they still did the mentorship thing. I don't think anyone even realizes just how incredibly much you give to this community. I hereby change my forum feature request to adding a feature that makes more people like Rolig Loon.
  15. DJ at the Innsmouth Opera House is playing it, I guess that still counts.
  16. Yes, I realize people like hanging out on the forums, and yeah, I realize they're for actual discussions, and yeah, I know they have a read-only button for the mods. They will probably use it on this thread soon, in fact, at least once everyone realizes I wasn't serious in suggesting such an insane feature be added for everyone's use. I wouldn't really mark the forums read-only if I could. It's just that every time I see the "Mark Forums Read" link, I can't help but wonder how cool it would be if there was some sort of feature that would A) stop the relentless spamming of help sections by people who ask the same stuff that's been solved already, B) allow new users a chance to learn about SL itself without coming away with the impression that it's ALL just a bunch of arrogant elitists who bully new people into never wanting to come here again, and C) wasn't just people sitting around bored, complaining about how empty SL is, while they themselves are sitting in the forums instead of actively trying to make inworld fun happen. Someone asks if anyone would like to be their friend and here comes the unwelcome wagon to pick them apart and argue them out of existence. Someone has issues with editing a prim, and the thread becomes twenty pages of people arguing over what their preferred 3rd-party viewer is when they probably haven't even been inworld in over a month. People enter threads with topics they have no real interest in, just to insult those who make the threads, because they're bored, because their SL isn't engaging enough, because they made it that way. It's like two completely different worlds exist. The actual SL and the one everyone talks about on the forums. I see every complaint about SL and realize that most of that stuff is in the Resident's heads, or in their attitudes, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the digital world I inhabit every day, live, work, and play in. This is my commentary on the forums. This is me feeding back what I get here. I wish there was a feature that cut the bulldooky away and made it a better experience for people like you, Rolig, Alwin, and Rowan. And for me. And for anyone else who actually likes Second Life and likes having a place where people can learn and help others learn and meet each other and share Second Life as a common interest.
  17. Because they're all about the money. Same reason Christmas is advertised for like, 3 months in advance. Even the whole "Christmas In July Sale" thing, it's all just to get money. As long as it gets them in on another marketing angle and into the cash flow, they don't care if it makes sense to anybody else. They could tick the whole world off and not care, as long as they can get someone, somewhere, to buy more.
  18. Yup, here I am again, with another one of my giant erections. I never expected to work in construction, but nothing's fallen on anyone so far, so I guess they're all safe for now. One day it will look like an actual working drawbridge. Sooner or later, anyway. If I can ever stop getting distracted and posting selfies and stuff. I swear, I only do this on my coffee break~! XD Oh, and for anyone who thinks this is pornography, this isn't even my human host body. It's my clockwork sailor doll replica of her, that she made so she could be in two places at once. The big wind-up key sticking out of her back is obscured by well, her back. She doesn't even have anything down there. Thanks for understanding, anyone who actually has any understanding.
  19. I would like to request an added forum feature. Mark Forums Read-Only. I believe this would assist the entire moderation team greatly, by reducing the number of new posts to 0 within seconds of its deployment. It would reduce the likelihood of persons seeking knowledge in the Knowledge forums from having to scroll past all of the endless repeats made in order to find relevant threads. It would also allow new members to have a clear shot at actual meaningful content from helpful users who once offered assistance in helping people learn about Second Life and do things inworld, back when there were more than two users who did so. Additionally, the Read-Only feature would pry many of the scale-like growths off of the forums which have accumulated there, distracting Residents from ever actually engaging in inworld activities by diverting them to pretend it's all Facebook instead. I would be willing to stop blowing up n00bs on my home sim for at least a week if you will add this feature. I will also make each of you a teddy bear that looks nothing like me, so nobody will ever have to find out who you got it from. This is something you guys don't see every day, and you know you want one. If it doesn't ever happen, well, at least I tried, I know you guys already have a lot of projects, and the forum software probably doesn't even include a Mark Forums Read-Only module, but perhaps if it's available in the future, we can see it here? And sorry if this is in the wrong section, I tried searching for this in all of the other forum sections but found nothing.
  20. Right now I'm listening to people try to talk through their own butt cheeks in the other forum sections, but I'll share some music if I can hear any over all their muffled farting noises.
  21. Yeah, it kinda blocks every freebie or dollarbie, also. If I want a freebie script for something like a door on a house, and I know it's there, and I have to scroll past listings for everything on the MP except what I'm looking for, it gets really stupid. It's bad enough when I'm looking for shoes and I get hair, but when I look for a door script and get mesh water fountains, pantyhose and tins of DFS kippers, then someone really flunked out of Marketplace Daycare and got a free pass into adulthood. I wish people were that lax about MY developmental disorders. I could probably afford a house if life let me get away with doing business like that.
  22. Yup, just like all those guys with profiles where every pick is of their "queen" and gushing about how much they love them and only them. And are so happily taken forever, owned, etc. And then they creep on me and the toddlers. And the cats. And the mudhole out back of the outhouse.
  23. Okay, bad analogy. It's like expecting Grave of the Fireflies to have a happy ending. It just doesn't happen. People aren't as decent as wolves. I must have been half asleep or something when I made that other post. Well, if anyone needed proof I wasn't actually raised by wolves, there you have it. I was simply raised during the Soviet era, but I'm trying to learn, I swear.
  24. I really, really super-hate it when I look for something specific, and enter the exact search terms, often a single word, and get pages and pages worth of Maitreya clothing demos. My search will have nothing to do with clothes or the Maitreya avatar, and yet, still, I get piles of listings for that stuff. I'm a big enough nerd to know how to search for things and find them, even on something as glutted with reblogs as Google, and still, the Marketplace shoves demos down my throat, even when I tell it not to show demos in the checkbox or the search bar. I try to be conscientious when I list something, so as not to add to the keyword spam, but I guess I'm in the minority. I wonder how anybody manages to sell anything at all when all they do is make people scroll past things they don't want. I'd never buy anything advertised in an unwanted popup ad. Why would I ever want to give a vendor my money if they can't even respect me enough not to force their unrelated listings on me?
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