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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. The "NO DRAMA" thing is hilarious. So is the "Happily Taken, Not Looking, 18+/F Voice And Cam Verified" thing. My late SL mom actually had YES DRAMA in her profile, with a big exposition on why drama was good and healthy, just to be different. And as you can probably guess, she absolutely did not tolerate any drama in her SL. XD Oh, I had a Peeve, too. It's an old one, but an apparently constant one. I cannot go to any party or gathering anywhere outside my own home sim without someone sitting off to the side somewhere IMing me to hit on me. When I ask them to stop, they become abusive. I play a kid. I wish they would stop.
  2. Also once you change it, it stays, even if you let the Premium Membership lapse. Plus you get some extra L$ for what it's worth.
  3. Yeah I realize that, I was just thinking in terms of SL skin compatibility. Good to point it out, though. One could make skins for it that didn't need appliers. That could be another thing to work on... Hmmmm...
  4. The only bleak thing I see about SL's economy is that most users who spend real money are very demanding and require creators to pretty much be on 24/7 to help them with every fart and poot of their experience or risk being negged as a bad vendor. SL wasn't always about people joining and making stuff to sell. The creator/vendor economy is sort of a thing that grew onto it, and fluctuates like any other economy anywhere in the world. To be successful in any competitive business is more work than most are willing to put into anything besides scrolling Facebutt. Lack of easy riches isn't a dying economy, it's a picky and demanding one that most people aren't willing to deal with if they want a soft lifestyle that doesn't feel like work. Also, it's natural that any wise business person would look for new markets and neglect those they're already established in, as the newer markets steal some of their focus. Making only 30% of your sales revenue but selling 50 times more because kids with mom's credit card don't care how much they spend, well, that's enticing for people who like money and sell digital goods. They'd literally be fools not to go there and sell stuff. If people in business did everything exactly the way their customers wanted, they'd all go out of business. They have to please the customer somehow, and still please themselves, or why even bother. I mean, would YOU starve just so people in SL who don't really GAF about you were all happy? Be honest, how many sleepless nights have you had, worrying that the people you buy from have enough to eat? If you've lost any sleep at all, consider sending them some real money as a gift, because a few hundred L$ isn't even enough for a donut and a pint of milk. I don't think the economy is all that bad. I see how much my friends spend, and I see how many people even like my stuff and buy it, and if I can have a SL that pays for itself, then it's not a dying economy, cos my stuff isn't really all that great, I just do what I can. But every time I list something new, I get sales within hours of listing it. I think the main kvetch people have with the SL economy is that like any other venue for selling art, you have to work it hard to succeed at it full-time. Actually, a lot of successful artists aren't even full-time artists. They either have day jobs and just don't talk about it, or like most famous artists in the past, they have outside support from people who want to see them succeed because they have a gift. Or they're a Kardashian. I hope krank is making money, and having fun. I know how much work it can be, and how unrewarding it can be, too. But seeing they're still out there doing what they're best at is encouraging in so many ways.
  5. Aha, it's a lego-style game. Eww. Yeah, someone tried to get me to make stuff for Minecraft already, said I'd make loads of money. I just can't get into the whole 8-bit look. Back when that was all we had, I dreamed of having something like SL instead. Sometimes I even turn on my antialiasing, just to bask in my smooth skin and smooth edges. It's nice having hair that doesn't look like a brick, also. Makes me feel like a fairy-tale princess, not being all jaggedy. Making stuff for a platform like that would be like going back to making internet paper dolls. Sure, it was fun, but it wasn't SL. And yeah, I might just make some stuff for the Avi2.0. I actually dusted mine off last week and updated it, and my old Normie head, and I was able to pretty much get the same look as I have now with an avi and head that cost me almost 8k. My only hangup is the body isn't SLUV compatible, so no BoM for it, but whatever, really. It was my avatar of choice for over a year when I was new, and I only switched to the Kemono for a while because it had more sliders (at that time, anyway). I still consider it to be one of the best avatar choices for newer/less wealthy residents, or even just people who like the look. Give me long enough and I might talk myself into it. And yeah, maybe krank just decided s/he really really liked playing Roblox. I suck at multiplatforming myself, and it's not like I go back and hang out on Gaia or anything since joining SL. No accounting for what a person likes or chooses to do for fun and/or pizza money. And looking at their catalog now, they obviously very much enjoy Roblox. And are doing outstanding work to advance the design arts on that platform just like they did in SL.
  6. At the risk of not being as helpful as one might wish, I must point out that the best help I ever got with anything computer-related came from learning how to specifically word a Google search to find the information I needed without having to cull through a bunch of unrelated results. Any undertaking of this magnitude (and no, I'm not being sarcastic, SL is actually rather complex) requires learning, and most of it can't really be learned by asking others to help you fix things when they go wonky. Especially if you're stressed and feeling very un-fun about the whole thing due to difficulty in making it go. I learned this the hard way when I was learning Photoshop, and the friend who was trying to help me told me I was on my own and never spoke to me again. It took me looking back over our chat to see that the entire time they were helping me, all I was doing was b!tching at them, and didn't even realize it, I was so caught up in trying to make the stupid program work for me. I know it sounds pedantic (I'm an expert on sounding pedantic), but Googling the name of your viewer software, the words Second Life and the exact problem you're having in as few and most concise words as possible will probably get you a lot farther than any amount of asking in here. Also the guilt trip thing doesn't work. These people probably couldn't care less if someone leaves SL. It's kind of like wolves caring if one of their number falls by the wayside, it just doesn't happen. There are kindly and extremely helpful people here and inworld, but they have to be approached with respect, courtesy, and at least the pretense that one isn't raging bitterly over their viewer being b0rked. Don't let it stop you from enjoying SL. At the same time, don't let SL problems ruin your day. Just drop the emotional attachment long enough to resolve the technical issue, and it will go way easier. I had to learn how to do it, myself. My laptop is grateful for not being kicked across the room anymore, and I have a lot less stress when something goes wrong. Deep breaths, calm and serene, and Google, lots and lots of Google.* * Not sponsored by Google. It's like asking someone to get you a Coke from the fridge. Besides, it would look silly if I kept telling someone to DuckDuckGo something, or whatever. Yes, even sillier than telling them to Google it. P.S.: If you ever just feel like you need to get it all out, come find me and we can blow stuff up. It helps. A lot. First things first though, get your viewer working, so you can have fun again.
  7. I've heard sharks have no memory whatsoever. Sharks are cool, maybe you're turning into one of them. Just do me a favor, and if you see a seal that looks like a pool floaty with pale, freckled extremities, don't eat it. It's probably me. Oh, and a bonus Peeve, just because it has happened yet again: People who knowingly try to trigger me because they know I'm autistic and easily triggered by people I can't stand trying to get my attention despite being Ignored. When I ask someone to leave me alone, because they intentionally try to make me irrationally angry, and they won't leave me alone, that's harrassment, AND trolling. Right in front of everyone, too. Pick on the handicapped person, go on, you know you can ruin their day just by spitting on them, so spit. Spit a lot. Spit on them every time you see them, nobody will mind. After all, it's just some developmentally disabled person you're causing discomfort for. Who cares? Be glad this forum has word filters, because I can spell every expletive very well, and be glad this forumite has some manners left, or I'd be playing the same game right back. Only harder, like I used to. Back when I didn't care about people's feelings on the internet, either. I don't have to post on the forums. I do it because I like it. Spit on me enough and I won't be the one going anywhere, either.
  8. Still ignoring people on the forum, though. Not having to actually see my posts quoted in theirs is nice, especially after asking them multiple times to leave me alone. And having them refuse me the basic decency of doing so. If you know someone's allergic to strawberries, and every time you see them you try to stick a strawberry in their mouth, it doesn't matter if you mean well, you're showing how little you care about another human being and disregarding their well-being. I don't just blindly choose to exclude people from my online pastimes. I do it when they go out of their way to show me how little they care about myself and my feelings, and my actual well-being. Picking on the autistic kid is mean, no matter how you pretend around it. And refusing them a decency they've practically begged for makes one no better than a troll. I wish them the best. And I wish they'd Ignore me back.
  9. Peeve of the Year: All those people I blocked and derendered could still see me all that time. *clears the blocklist and busts out the nuke-firing shotgun instead*
  10. EDIT: Overhauled my entire post, based on inworld testing. And yup, you're actually absolutely right. Thanks for pointing this out, now I can simply unblock everyone and not worry about it. I guess all those times I set them on fire and danced around them whooping like I was on the warpath they actually saw me do it. Now I'm slightly embarrassed. I guess they all heard me making fun of them, also. Oh well, no regerts. I wouldn't say anything behind someone's back that I wouldn't say to their face, anyway. Way to go, SL, this is probably why so many trolls are so vehement. They aren't trying to ruin people's SL, they're just trying to get everyone to block them. It's probably the only way they can think of to get any privacy. Get someone to derender you and you can squat in their house without them even knowing it. Awesome, huh? I guess people just block sim staff because they like to offend people who try to greet them, without having to hear any of it. Oh well, live and learn. Thank you Nick, you really opened my eyes this morning. Talk about virtual reality. Even what we know through experience can keep us from seeing things sometimes.
  11. I am quoting this in full because it's (no offense intended, please believe me) the most coherent and well-thought-out and meaningful post I have seen you make so far. And I agree with it wholeheartedly. Yeah, some people end up all old and bitter in SL, but I also like to think that more of us evolve into people who are younger inside, more kind, and more genuine as people. And profiles can be full of lies and bulldooky, too. It's not always a sure indication that a person is friendworthy just because they have a well-filled-out profile. The only way to know anyone at all is to interact with them, and see how they behave, and on more than one occasion. Even then you could still be dealing with someone who's just really good at faking it, but if they're that seamlessly good at faking it, they're practically the real thing, you know? As long as they don't blow their perfect cover, who cares? And yeah, don't be afraid to be kind. Kindness is only weakness if you're stupid. And then it isn't the kindness that's the problem, anyway. It's okay to be nice, and take risks like talking to people who don't have "proof" of their elite, better-than-some-broke-n00b status. Some of the nastiest people I've ever met had payment info used. It means nothing except that you've had a credit card or bank card attached to your account, and have used it. And that has nothing to do with your quality as a potential friend, or as a person. Any kid can sneak a bank card out of Mom's purse and spend twenty bucks and hope she doesn't notice for fifteen years or so. But not just anyone can form and maintain a genuine friendship on an online platform. That takes more than money. It takes effort. And maybe even a little courage at first.
  12. Guess it's time to dust off my old Avi2.0 devkit and start making 50L$ clothes. My only possible competition has gone away and jacked up their prices. The niche market is ALL MINE NOW! Mwahahahahaaaaaa~! Now where did I leave my anime head? I'll need it. XD It's kind of sad to see this, I mean, they had some of the most neato stuff they made for Uti's avatars. It happens though, people either head more in the direction of business over fun and friends, or they just outgrow a scene or fandom entirely. Sad to see them go, they were a gifted creator. Not a lot of what they made was really my style, but it's still really well-made and they have a real eye for design. If anime-style avatars hadn't been popular already, they'd have made them popular. As for the higher prices, maybe it's been done with the knowledge that his work is now more exclusive, and maybe he just doesn't want to log in once a month or so and find he only made a couple of hundred. I mean, if I was going to log into something I left, I'd want it to be worth it. Also you can charge whatever you want if you're never going to respond to customers.They'll either pay it or they won't. It's like selling pot, or anything else, really. If they want it badly enough, they'll pay what you ask. I don't even know what Roblox actually is, go me, huh. I hope they're actually having a better time over there, at least. To each their own. I'll stick with SL, me. But yeah, sucks to see they left.
  13. I'm usually humanoid, short, and the cutest person on the sim. If I am not the cutest person, I simply eject whoever is stopping me from being the cutest, with a stern warning to return in a fuglier condition than previously, or stay gone. Just kidding, I don't really do that. I've never even had to. I'm always the cutest. XD I have several non-human avatars, and use them frequently. One is a Deep One, worshipper of Dagon from The Shadow Over Innsmouth. Another is of the Great Race of Yith (from The Shadow Out Of Time), and another is a ghoul, ala Pickman's Model. Yep, all Lovecraftian creatures. Astute of you to notice~! I often like to look the part depending on which area of the sim I'm in, like the underwater area under the harbor, or the cemeteries, etc. My monster avatars are sort of like work uniforms in a sense, but each is also distictively... well, me, also. If anything, they're just other bodies I wear, and it's all in keeping with my character, so nobody can even dog me for changing my look here and there. I mean, it's not all about scaring people, sometimes I just like to look the part. If it was all about scaring people, I'd just go around as a kid all the time. I roll up on my bike, and they run, because they know true evil when they see it. True evil is short and cute.
  14. As long as he's not another one looking for "frend with prty gurl especialy", and doesn't start asking me if I have a beard or am gay for not dating him, then everything should be fine... Hello new person. Welcome to the game. If you want to make it out alive, you'll need to cooperate with others. You may have to sacrifice something. I'll be videotaping everything, no worries. And the pig mask, that was just to conceal identity, you weren't actually drugged by a big humanoid pig. It's okay.
  15. SL is like the Linux of digital platforms. There's a learning curve, but in the end you wind up with a sort of Swiss Army knife, instead of just a silly corkscrew and tweezers that you can't paint a different color. Congratulations on making the move; if you find it really is your cup of tea, I hope you get many years of enjoyment out of being a part of our little world.
  16. This being in the Forums Feedback area, and being about the Ignore feature on the forums, I fail to see what relevance anything inworld has in relation to this topic. Be that as it may though, I'm pretty sure when you block someone inworld and make them disappear, they do, in fact, stop seeing you, even if you can see their dot. I've stood around talking to people and suddenly had them say something to a person I couldn't see, who turned out to be the person on the sim who had blocked me because he couldn't be in the same room with someone who had embarrassed him in front of a girl for being a d-bag. I don't think anyone has to worry about people they've erased from their SL doing terrible things to them like ninja bogeymen with all the power of a team of trolls and the ability to see people who don't want any further interaction with them, at least not on an account that has been blocked. The hysterical levels of paranoia in our community make me wonder what people are up to that they fear entire groups of strangers ostracizing them for no apparent reason, or being attacked with TOS-violating measures by invisible agents, etc. I'm officially diagnosed as paranoiac, and even I'm not that paranoid, even on a bad day. I also have real enemies, and still, I'm not that worried. Like, if you're going to be AFK for more than a minute or so, you can always just log off, and then nobody can put on their JonBenet or Honey Boo-Boo avatar and jump on that tacky slex trampoline (or whatever you guys are using these days) with you to get you banned when they show LL the 12-hour video they made of you together. My only issue with the current Ignore function on the forums is that when someone I have on ignore quotes me in a thread and reacts to my posts, it annoys me, because it's like being touched by someone I can't stand. If Ignoring someone kept them from seeing my posts, that'd be great. Not going to happen though, so the best anyone in my situation can do is ask to be left alone if they keep trying to interact after being Ignored. In my experience, asking to be left alone is probably the best thing to do, because when people go back and review what happened, all they'll see is you asking repeatedly to be left alone, and the other user not doing so. Pretty straightforward case to put before them, and not much room for confusion. As for inworld, I'm pretty sure blocking doesn't leave you visible to people you've blocked at all, or people wouldn't have rules on sims about blocking staff. The only reason (that I can think of right now, anyway) that a person would have for blocking sim staff would be so they can avoid being seen by those who might ban them for their behavior. The person who had blocked me inworld became aware of my knowledge of his having blocked me, and whaddya know, suddenly I could see his dot again. He'd never gone anywhere, just made himself invisible to me and probably just avoided my greyed-out dot when around others, so nobody could blow his cover by greeting him in local chat in front of me. If anything, there's more of a chance of being nefariously fiddle-diddled without knowing it by someone who has YOU blocked than by someone you yourself have blocked. If anyone really wants to test any of this (I'm too lazy right now to bother), all they really have to do is block their own alt, and then see what it looks like from their alt's perspective to be on the same sim with them. That'd probably be the best way to find out the facts, or at least would be more effective than speculating and getting all excited and frightened and hysterical. But then that would involve an alt, and we know how paranoid people get about those. EDIT & P.S. : In fact, probably the best solution to most fears and paranoiac hysteria in SL would be to lighten up and focus on having fun. Acting paranoid and scared just makes you a target for poopy people, anyway. Bullies are cowards, and who would cowards prefer to mess with, people who brush them off and laugh, or people who act like helpless, frightened prey?
  17. At least when I'm up in the middle of the night in my pajamas in SL doing construction it doesn't wake the neighbors or roomates. Imagine how difficult life was for me before SL. XD EDIT: And yes, I went ahead and bought the derned hair. XP
  18. It got me banned from my first sandbox. I swear, they had no tolerance for inept newbies.
  19. I got banned from my first sandbox, on my first account. I got stuck in a dance animation that horrified me, so I tried taking everything off, and nothing worked, and then I suddenly had RL. When I got back, I was still dancing naked, I was just off in the middle of nowhere, with a notification saying I had been banned from the sandbox. I felt bad about the ban, but I get why they did it. They probably thought I was hoochy-koochy dancing just to be a butt. Live and learn. XD Yeah, if you want to make friends and socialize, try areas made for socializing with friends. Pretty easy to spot them once you see enough places that aren't for making friends and socializing. Or dancing naked.
  20. This is useful enough knowledge that I had to quote it and point it out again just to emphasize how important it is to know it. You can save yourself a lot of grief sometimes by simply making multiple selections and taking them back into inventory as a group instead of linking everything together. A lot of scripted items, especially, and sometimes parts like doors, etc. can go haywire if they're linked to anything else. But taking them along with everything else as a coalesced grouping is as convenient as using a rezzer, without using a rezzer; when you drag the clump of stuff out of your inventory, everything is already in place, instantly. A simple build like a skybox can then be thrown out onto whatever prim you sat on and took up into the sky, and abracadabra, you just saved all that time you'd have spent rezzing out your chairs and stuff and moving them into place. So you have more free time to enjoy hanging out in the house you made before it poofs and gets sent back. Usually when it gets sent back, it's as a coalesced group, also. ^-^
  21. Nice one above mine, so have some Beth as a thank-you. ^-^ I'm as impressed by her ability to get a crowd of Japanese people to clap along with her as I am by her skills with the bouzouki. XD
  22. One more, same album, too good not to share. I grew up listening to this stuff.
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