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Everything posted by PheebyKatz

  1. Agreed. More people need to wear green, it's way underappreciated.
  2. I often disagree with Zal, but sometimes she totally nails it. Sometimes I've even mockingly laughed at Zal. I've been mockingly laughed at right back, too. A certain amount of DILLIGAF energy is required in order to have a pleasant and cheerful forum experience. But then, the same goes for a trip to the corner store. Fortunately, every time we go ACK! at something on the forums, it's an opportunity to gain more DILLIGAF energy. It only makes us stronger. Embrace it, and you will eventually have nothing to ACK! at.
  3. I used to have a fan under my laptop, but it broke. These days I have a better laptop, but it will still overheat sometimes if I don't have it up off of the surface it's on, at least at the corner with the GFX card. I never thought to have to limit the framerate, because I never had much of one anyway, but seeing it's jumped up to absurd digits when I un-minimize the viewer, I decided to go ahead and limit it to 26 (because I really don't need anything more than that, anyway), and, whaddya know? Yet another finesse that's improved it all. Thank you so much for mentioning the FPS thing.
  4. I've had this happen exactly 2 times in 8 years. Both times it was my connection speed. I don't think everything is always SL being wonky. In fact, I've noticed that not only do I not seem to be having anywhere near the issues that people say are happening all over all the time, but a lot of the issues people seem to be having are the same ones I worked my way through when I was new. We've had an increase in new users here and there, and the issues seem to recur in a pattern that might imply some sort of coincidence. Someone has something go wrong and everyone falls on it and declares that it's yet more evidence that LL is some awful monstrosity that doesn't care about anyone or anything. I wonder sometimes if any of it really has anything to do with SL, I mean, it's never really about the cat, and all. Look for flaws in anything and you'll find them, yeah, but then you just end up looking in one direction, and it's always towards the ugly end. Conditioning is a thing, and what we condition ourselves to see is what we tend to see; a bunch of flawed stuff "out there", that "most certainly is someone else, and not us". I wonder how many people have had bad experiences in getting support because SL simply couldn't fix problems between the chair and the keyboard.
  5. It could still be relevant as a new episode today, just use deepfake AI software to update all the avatars to EvoX, and run it again. Dub in a few Meta references, nobody would know any better.
  6. And when you came back down, you were still seeing some of it, am I right? That was my experience, anyway. For the Poop list: Any form of meaningful discussion on a Friday.
  7. Rowan Knows.® One day I'm going to make a shirt with that on it. Don't worry though, I'll split the proceeds with you, Rowan. I'd have to, because if I didn't, you'd know. XD
  8. What? You don't tell everyone you're 21 again when your b-day hits? I thought everyone did that. And here I thought I was the only one who didn't. I just tell people, "yeeeeah... I'm old."
  9. Kinda why it's so handy to be able to just grab their username and avoid display names, though it throws some people off when they see the usernames and don't recognize anyone, because display names, lol. For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure what I tend to use was crafted out of the very one that you made, and it's never given me any problems at all since I worked the few itsy kinks it had out of it. Pretty sure Rolig's example of a menu somewhere helped, also. At least it works for my purposes well enough that it's my go-to menu making module for anything involving "targeting" people on the sim.
  10. I have to agree that it should be optional, it's like having a social class sticker on your forehead. Some people might really really like having such a thing visible, but some might prefer not to stick out like a sore thumb in certain company, as well. Protip: Whenever possible, do not look like a wealthy tourist when travelling abroad. And BilliJo is right. Empty profile? Go on, be invisible, see if I care. Not gonna message ya, either way. It's not "mysterious", it's ughhh.
  11. Digging this hair again, for the first time in forever, kinda. I should put it back in my Favorite Hair folder, no idea why I had it in the All The Rest Of My Hair folder.
  12. I just detect everyone around and use it to populate a dialog menu. Somewhere in this forum there's even at least a few examples of how to do this (probably posted by Rolig and/or Innula). You can also click on their name in the menu dialog to have it do something else with their name in a script, like speak to them in local chat, or even send an instant message. I used this approach when I made my rabid, flying, attack bunny swarm summoner. Even as far as using their name in a llSay() message to tell the bunnies who to swarm.
  13. Oh, dear. You guys posted all of this where I could see it on purpose, didn't you? You all know I'm in Pranky Brat rehab, right? *copies the script anyway* <-<; >->;
  14. Wow, that's really neat! I always just cut stuff out and edit the UVs by hand to fit the SL map, but that looks super cool and worth investigating!
  15. Orwar, Orwar, Orwar... I thought you'd have caught what she was asking, I saw you answered her and was like yeah, Orwar will know! Son, I am disappoint. She wants a lip biting animation that loops. Because she's Babygirl Bae, like THE Babygirl Bae, and she needs that. She got THE Babygirl name, she needs THE babygirl lipbiting anim, if it's even a thing yet. I suck at making facial animations, or I would make it and give it to her right now, because dude, the name. She got THE name to go with Bae. I was freaking waiting to see when someone took the name, ever since the thread about it. People, do something, she needs this. I'm not kidding or messing around either, I mean it. We need to do this. *sounds the community support klaxon* EDIT: We need Rowan, she might know who makes this. She's got a knack.
  16. For the record, I never said that, I said "it looks almost as good!" As for all the likes, well, people dig my personality, I guess.
  17. She might have gotten too many replies too fast, lol. Hope she didn't run away~!
  18. And, I must add, don't feel bad if you screw up your avatar. Even people with years of practice do it. I've had pretty much the same face for 8 years and I broke my face shape the other day. Did I have a backup copy, of course not. I had to mod a copy of my grownup lady shape and recreate my own face. Do not feel bad, just keep calm and carry on. SL teaches us a special kind of patience, which, once you have it, is beyond what mere mortals IRL could ever expect. Stick with it, be one of us. We are the champions.
  19. Aaaaand, why not. I got to see VNV Live, it was awesome. Skinny Puppy hijacked the show, and everything. I hadn't seen my friends dance like that in almost 20 years, lol.
  20. I met her once, and she was super nice, like ordinary people. I had no idea who it was, even when people told me. Them: "That was TAYLOR SWIFT!" Me: "Okay, well, she was nice." Them: "BUT THAT WAS TAYLOR SWIFT!!" Me: "Oooookayyyy..."
  21. Which actually makes it quite ideal for anyone looking for fashion modeling gigs. If you have the bodies they're making stuff for, you'll have more opportunities modeling for them. This is, of course, assuming that you weren't applying for work as a mesh modeler in Blender, and just happened to apply at a place that insists you look all glamorous while uploading meshes. If it's that, well, someone else will probably have a better answer than I could offer.
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