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Amina Sopwith

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Everything posted by Amina Sopwith

  1. How have I missed that? I'd rehome them all. Incidentally, even if you hate the stuff, a teaspoon in your pot of vegetarian French onion soup is amazing. I didn't think it would work, but it really does and doesn't taste Marmitey at all. I think it adds the kick that beef stock would normally give it.
  2. Mmm, Marmite. Vegemite is good too, if you're not hard enough for the real thing.
  3. Here in the UK, Matt Hancock decided we needed more. I say social media is worth it if only for the memes and responses we get when stuff like this happens. Without Twitter, I wouldn't have seen this. Have you seen it, @Rat Luv??
  4. Throughout my life, I've generally learned most new words from reading rather than hearing them. As a result, before the online talking dictionaries, I had a reputation for mispronouncing things - still have, actually, as people won't let me forget it. I've known the term "deus ex machina" for a long time but I only discovered last year that I've been pronouncing it incorrectly. (Never learned Latin at school and I've known the term so long, it never occurred to me to run it through the talking dictionary.) For this reason, while I might laugh at something being mispronounced, I never mean it unkindly and I certainly never think I'm any better; one reason it makes me laugh is because I do it myself so much and it could so easily be me. "Percy-phone" reads and sounds so much like a toddler's toy that I really can't help it. I imagine the beautiful young maiden being captured and taken away to the underworld, with a name that sounds like a Fisher Price singing telephone. Or Hades muffing up the entire operation and spiriting away the green train in Thomas the Tank Engine by mistake. (Percy...) It's just very incongruous with the character and the tone of the story, and that's what makes me laugh, plus recognising myself in there too.
  5. I'm sorry it peeved you, but this made me properly laugh out loud. Woke the cat and everything. It doesn't help that "Percy-phone", written down, looks like some sort of Fisher Price toy for two year olds. Percy-phone. This has obviously ruined any telling of the Persephone story that I might ever experience in the future, but it was worth it for the lol.
  6. Forum seems very quiet to me lately, but I've not been active much either. I don't know if it's "reopening anxiety" or what, but I've found my mood low and stressed lately and I know others are feeling the same. I've been spending less time on the Internet as a result. And when I do, I'm at places where swearing is allowed (not at other people).
  7. I'd destroy my RL car if it meant getting rid of that POS "song" and its gurning, flappy-tongued, flea-brained performer as well. Never has anyone had such an apt surname since Ed Balls.
  8. Goodness. I wonder why they didn't make much money. If they want to charge for requests, they should just be honest that it's not a tip, but a fee. (It's not a bad idea, actually.) The entire point of a tip is that you don't have to give it and don't get anything extra for it; it just shows your appreciation.
  9. It's amazing how little The Thick of It has dated. There are a few PG rated Tucker lines. "Scruples? Scruples? What are they? Those low fat kettle chips?" "You were like a sweaty octopus trying to unhook a bra. It was like watching John Nobhead at work." (Ok, might have been Leslie rather than Nobhead, but my version works even better.) "This is like a clown running across a minefield." (Actually, how many of these were probably inspired by Gor and Nobhead?) Oh, I love Armando Ianucci. I haven't even started on Alan Partridge.
  10. Ooh, do people still say that? I haven't heard it since 2008. It's like when some pillock sends you an insulting message on any platform as an opener. An actual negger, in the wild! They're supposed to have been extinct since 2003! So exciting. I almost feel a need to have them stuffed for posterity. They're never much to look at, but getting stuffed is the only thing they should be doing. They're certainly not getting "f-ed"...
  11. Cor blimey, what a load of old cobblers. You will if you use yer loaf. If nothing else, have a butcher's online, or even coat and badge a brown bread tree dictionary from a china plate and it'll all be there. Any old iron, any old iron, any any any old iron...
  12. I sometimes hear a soft "wur" for the first syllable. I have a southern standard accent, for whatever it's worth. And now I can't remember how I usually say it!
  13. I sometimes have a monologue and I sometimes don't articulate my thoughts, just experience them in abstract concepts. I've often wondered how the inner monologue works, since I know what words I'm going to use before I've used them. I often think of myself in the third person as a character in a story that I'm living through. I've been doing that since I was about four and met a friendly cat in the garden. In my head I was thinking: "Amina thought what a lovely cat it was, with such shiny black fur. It began to purr and rub against her..." I've experienced what seem to me to be high levels of dissociation at times, eg during BDSM scenes or at school when being told off...don't know how common it is. I'm both a writer and a maladaptive daydreamer, which might be relevant.
  14. Finally got my first shot! Earlier than expected. A bit ill for a couple of days (and I don't know if it's my imagination or not, but it felt like a new kind of illness I hadn't experienced before; not like a normal cold or virus) and very tired, and my arm was sore for a bit longer than that, but now fine. Second jab booked for July. I made a bit of a twit of myself in the vaccination station. I was just so overcome that out of all the pandemics in human history, I'm in this one, where a vaccine was developed very quickly and then rolled out efficiently, thanks to the wonderful NHS that we are so lucky to have. I felt so grateful that I actually started crying a little bit. The nurse was very nice about it.
  15. I know I've got no right to complain, because I also left for years and am hardly ever inworld these days, but yes, when I do get in nowadays there are generally very few people around. I'm part of the problem, of course. I guess that, like many others, my life has changed and I simply don't have the time or indeed the inclination to spend as long there as I used to. The lack of inclination is partly to do with the lack of people, so a bit of a vicious circle going on there. I see no evidence that SL is dying but it's certainly changed. Couldn't expect otherwise, of course, in all that time. Still, as I've said before, the biggest change that I see is cultural, and there seems nowadays to be more of a focus on aesthetics, to the detriment of whimsy, friendliness and adventurousness. I know not everyone sees it this way, but I also know I'm not the only one who does. Personally I would take slightly less sophisticated (and complicated) graphics/av customisation as a price worth paying for a bit more of the old culture back, but again, I know lots of people disagree, and obviously it's not something I can change. Just my feelings, for whatever they're worth.
  16. Yes, the World Scout Jamboree. I'm told that doesn't count, though. (I was just terrified because I had to borrow a uniform from someone who had a first aid badge I hadn't earned. Spent the whole time thinking "please nobody keel over, I will be screwed!!")
  17. It looks to me like a clumsy reference to Avatar...
  18. Imagine having someone just materialise inside your house while you're there, doing anything at all. Yikes.
  19. FaceApp does some funny things to skin tone. When I used it to turn myself into a man or to gain weight, it changed my ethnicity.
  20. Oh heck, I don't want people seeing what I'm doing with my face in reality. I've been known to moon at the screen when talking to certain people.
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