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Everything posted by BelindaN

  1. You have a very distinctive look! Lovely!
  2. Me too shopping and taking pictures are way up there. Way up! Pop culture, yeah but going right back. I'm a Spotify junkie.
  3. BelindaN


    I found this place after about three weeks and can't live without it. I wouldn't be the avi I am without the support and advice of the inmates here. Welcome
  4. I've never had that. I've encountered strange guys for sure, by the bucketload, but none have pressed my buttons like you suggest. Alts are about, I have two, but I don't hide it, I celebrate it!
  5. You like the sound of lapping water that much??????
  6. Makes a note never to interrupt Selene in a sandbox ..........
  7. OH.....OH.....OH......OH.......I would love all that......... Now you tell me its a crock of gold? Pffft!
  8. If its like my bedside table it will never get cleared.
  9. Thanks Maddy. I think I get it, but its a bit confusing. I'll dye my hair brunette and look again.....
  10. I posted one onto flickr this morning (12 hours ago) and it was ok, but login sometimes takes a bit of messing, even with the correct pw.
  11. Just been over to Bella Moda in world store...……….. Group Gift for Easter is...………… a bunny outfit! Just saying
  12. I took Ellie to the Blueberry store earlier so she could join the Group and get some Group gifts. After that, Agent Smith took her to Lutz and stayed in the library for some photos...… Of course Ellie always knows best so they had words...……..
  13. Having read all this, I think that "Peacemaker" may be my next Superhero. Even if she bears a passing resemblance to "Hawkgirl"
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