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Ipecac Burnham

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Everything posted by Ipecac Burnham

  1. With so few places in our grid left to learn LSL and the experience functions wiki articles being so woefully obscure in most cases 5~ years later... "properly scripted" doesn't mean a lot, and this may be quite common. The obfuscated listen relay using Vehicle perms in my Rigged Arm warmers for persistence (note, this script is in 75% of all current clothing) that people paid USD by the hour for, yet it throws Control errors every second time I wear it means I will take all experiences with a pinch of salt. Based on nothing more or less than my experience of SL, and the people calling themselves Scripters.
  2. I'd rather not think it's the experiences people do not trust sadly. I trust LSL, I spent time learning it's limits and how it can be used, there's a mountain I'll never know, but I know enough to make an educated guess as to my safety in using and being a user of LSL. Residents don't trust Residents, and some will say rightly so, we've all seen our fair share of bad apples and actors over the years to be at a point when most every venue of worth has a scripted "under 30days, boot home in under 30seconds" kicker. This is also a very good point, you can always log out and log back in to Ahern... I'm not worried about someones prim parts, I'm not worried about shocks and jump scares... I'm worried about being put into things I simply don't want in my head, Things I do not want residing in the cache on my computer, things entirely possible in SL because we as Residents put them there and have been ARing each other for, for a decade, because some of it really isn't fun... and when you're in an experience and hitting "Stand" but getting a popup saying "Object will not allow you to stand at this time" many will not be in a very pleasant state of mind thinking of the best course of action.
  3. this is in essence, the point. We're all here making our own experience, before LSL experience code even factors in. If your build absolutely requires the participation of a well documented, scripted experience, then sure, people have the choice to either enter or not... If it's a transparent enough venture people can see and gauge quickly for the decision, many will join and enjoy the experience. If everyone adds an experience simply for the sake of it, we're now weighing up the pro's and con's of it every single time we go anywhere... then it becomes even harder to place trust in the few because we're forced to research... Who is X? Why is X needed? What is being done with X? Does having X help me get to point B any easier than sitting on a prim did? Is it worth the risk? Am I willing to send in the AR's when it's not? Am I willing to be AR'd when it's not? If I'm doing this every time I try and buy shoes I stop buying shoes. Perhaps there can be a cleaner way for smaller things that simply don't need a full experience to grab my perms maybe, specific ones as Callum mentions, for each function, so then sure, your store can TP me to kitchenware but no, you don't need attach and anim rights to do it.
  4. I'm so glad it's not just me, not being able to see 50~% of the zoom levels on the map is infuriating. ?
  5. I could, yes. But that then costs us all. That throw away alt has to be stored on a server, space has to be allocated for it's contents, a web profile generated and another useless UUID in search that's flooding the results. I usually just find a different store.
  6. I can understand this. I use and enjoy LSL, I made a little experience for my house for my coffee cups and "fake doors" through solid walls, but I won't accept an experience in a furniture store just to be able to teleport to the Kitchenware section. I know most of LSL's limits in that it can never really be too unfriendly, but giving someone blanket perms for something as simple as a WarpPos teleporter, or a LM teleporter even seems like too much, unless I willingly click a prim saying... "I trust you enough not to Animate me in compromising positions while taking photos and staging events" because let's face it, Residents will be Residents. I join the LL experiences because I trust them. I Made my own experience because I can trust myself. Don't get me wrong, I love experiences, they can make things so much more intuitive, more immersive, they can make things easier and more fun, but they have a time and a place like everything, and if I'm not going to accept your "pyramid scheme x" HUD spamming me, I'm not going to accept your Experience that lets you do it without a second prompt as I gave up my animation permissions, because I don't know Joey X from "Super Fantastic Furniture Store No.1" or what his motives are other than profit.
  7. Bored, testing AO bakes and procedural rings
  8. In an effort to nudge this back on track, I use Firestorm from predominantly 3 features... Better mouse steering (I can control my Avatar on Firestorm exactly the same as I do on... every other game for 25 years!!). Area Search. 'search+term' wildcard inventory searching. If LL added these 3 features I'd swap back in no time (2... can lose Area search even, I can LSL that), as while FS gives me by and large better performance, I can set my VRAM and have more control over options, the LL viewer has always made things look prettier to me, maybe it's a placebo... not sure, but there's no real deciding factors that stop me from using it... other than personal usability. I love FS, and the team making it for making it FOR us, but I'd also love to be using the LL viewer instead so I can be 100% certain without auditing someone's code that the mesh uploader is "working as intended" for example. But... each to their own, a few of my friends only use the LL viewer, some use others, some are just clinging to old UI's and refusing to relearn, and of course we're very lucky to even have the option.
  9. I think it's great!. Looks great, Sounds great and the quests are kinda fun... the goggles were a neat idea!. There's even some Easter eggs and throw backs to the old realms scattered around for the adventurous to stumble into, some familiar perils from the glytches, and the story line had a fun little twist at the end, I'm sure a few things here and there are gonna change over time as it's such a huge change from the last realms, but it's also a great example of what we can do in SL while not blowing the performance and keeping the theme and content appealing. I play my SL in 4k, 3840x2160, the new realms give me much better frame rates and performance. (OMG thank you for setting the grass to MASK and not Blend!) In in Australia playing on ADSL2+. The only real lag and loss of performance in there was loading all the Catwa heads and Maitreya Bodies and Sking... We can't blame LL for that, They didn't crush the LOD's on my head to cheat LI and upload fee's, and... I'd rather see that than piece meal panda prims who are just alts farming free tier without even PIOF because are too ashamed to bring their actual avatar and be seen getting free money. I was never so much interested in the $L's, sure, they rock and help but I'd happily use an explorer mode in there for no crystals like Horizons just to enjoy the themes, though I've already been asked by a few people how to add PIOF so maybe that's working too. Either way, I had a load of fun seeing new stuff, Thanks LL and LDPW!
  10. Today, I TP'd into Portal Park... Was a "family" of 3... Using the "child" avatar as a lure to attack random 1 day old avatars and accuse them of soliciting minors as they test the free finds they got on the MP. I watched noone help him for far FAR too long. I watched them swearing in a G sim with no regard for anyone and not even their so called "Child". I stood up for him, and AR'd the "family" and they turned on me, of course. 1 person helped. But there wont be a thread for a nicer people in SL, because this is what we've all been seeing for 15 years.
  11. I found one of Aii's Dragons at the park!
  12. Lately I keep drifting back to the Particle Lab. I learnt more about SL sitting in the one place than anywhere on our grid, but I'm not sure why anymore.
  13. At a glance you're using the names of links in a linkset, as the contents of the prim you are giving?. default { touch_start(integer total_number) { string rezName=llGetLinkName(llDetectedLinkNumber(0)); if(rezName == "box") { llSay(0, "Nothing is here"); } else { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), rezName); } } } would check the string stored in rezName and "box" for equality.
  14. I always demo in store. If no unpacker script, I wear the box, edit it, yank the yes copy from contents, set my alpha to hide everything... put on the new bit, fill in the gaps would take me longer to TP in and out of the region some days than it would to try it on and no one can see anything if there's not a thing to see. Though if I like the demo enough I'll walk out wearing the full version without ever needing a changing room!. if not? hit the saved outfit you had on, demo falls off, and you can restore a saved alpha/use a copy of your body with an alpha already set. My only gripe is the not-so-smart auto alpha's getting around lately, that leave you completely naked when you take off the demo and it restores all the bits of the alpha it thinks it should... not all the bits of the alpha it needed to set, then you get stuck in panic mode.
  15. 2LI working, scripted youtube locked MOAP with 3 layered screens for effects in "off" mode, and the mesh has full LOD's so never crumble or vanish! It's 1LI at regular TV sizes, and barely 4LI~ when bigger than 2 entire floors of my house, next is to script the smartphone HUD/Remote control for it, bake prettier textures and maybe a link to the wiki somewhere using llDetectedTouchST/UV!.
  16. I get it with the handling, that was purely me trying to find out what's actually going on in the scripts for experiences as there's so few actual examples or informational info on them. As it stands, in my scenario... If 10 people are in my parcel, who can use the experience, it's not disabled region wide so runs... If I have 40 props... Food, drinks, books, toys, gadgets, furniture, all scripted using experience permissions for animations, attaches, whatever. if all 10 people leave my parcel, weather I'm handling them or not, 400 events are going to run through my parcel if we all clicked each item once, that doesn't feel right, at all, to the point I don't feel comfortable using the scripts any more.
  17. Say I'm in my house, I tp upstairs, Works, I then bump the parcel borders for a second, because they are so tightly fitting on the LL homes and I'm no longer in my parcel, so scripts are off, and the errors kick as the agent who is now outside lost "perms" maybe. But why is crossing a parcel boundary triggering a request for perms, at all?. How would I mitigate it, I could use all kinds of laggy sensors to ensure the agent is in the parcel, but if they decide to walk out between sweeps... Experience perms denied is instantly triggered, making it entirely useless, as it's triggered by a thing that's not scripted, not interactable, is in noway a controllable event unless I put in walls all the way to the ceiling of the region to stop them, but they can simply double click the minimap, TP outside the parcel, and trips exp.perms denied on every item they have used, so I can't use it for anything legitimately, as it's being tripped by the "every day action" of leaving a parcel. I can filter out all errors that == 17, but what if it's a legitimate error, say, LL disabled experiences region wide I'll miss my own needed errors...
  18. It's a LL home, so on My parcel scripts are on, and working, fine, leaving the parcel, is triggering experience_permissions_denied on every asset that has been used, on every agent who has used the asset.
  19. Today, my LL home region was switched to No Scripts, and now all my experience enabled scripts throw errors wen crossing the parcel boundaries, back into the region proper. Said scripts have been in place and working for over 2 weeks. for example, my roof TP, is a super super simple... string gsErrorMessage = ""; default { state_entry() { } collision_start(integer detected) { llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0), ""); } experience_permissions( key agent_id ) { llTeleportAgent(agent_id, "The Hubgrub Experience - Second Floor", ZERO_VECTOR, ZERO_VECTOR); } experience_permissions_denied( key agent_id, integer reason ) { gsErrorMessage = "Teleport Denied: " + llGetExperienceErrorMessage(reason) + ". "; if (reason == 1) gsErrorMessage += "The call failed due to too many recent calls."; else if (reason == 2) gsErrorMessage += "The region currently has experiences disabled."; else if (reason == 3) gsErrorMessage += "One of the string arguments was too big to fit in the key-value store."; else if (reason == 4) gsErrorMessage += "Experience permissions were denied by the user."; else if (reason == 5) gsErrorMessage += "This script is not associated with an experience."; else if (reason == 6) gsErrorMessage += "The sim was unable to verify the validity of the experience. Retrying after a short wait is advised."; else if (reason == 7) gsErrorMessage += "The script is associated with an experience that no longer exists."; else if (reason == 8) gsErrorMessage += "The experience owner has temporarily disabled the experience."; else if (reason == 9) gsErrorMessage += "The experience has been suspended by Linden Lab customer support."; else if (reason == 10) gsErrorMessage += "An unknown error not covered by any of the other predetermined error states."; else if (reason == 11) gsErrorMessage += "An attempt to write data to the key-value store failed due to the data quota being met."; else if (reason == 12) gsErrorMessage += "The key-value store is currently disabled on this region."; else if (reason == 13) gsErrorMessage += "Unable to communicate with the key-value store."; else if (reason == 14) gsErrorMessage += "The requested key does not exist."; else if (reason == 15) gsErrorMessage += "A checked update failed due to an out of date request."; else if (reason == 16) gsErrorMessage += "The content rating of the experience exceeds that of the region."; else if (reason == 17) gsErrorMessage += "The experience is blocked or not enabled for this land."; else if (reason == 18) gsErrorMessage += "The request for experience permissions was ignored."; llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, gsErrorMessage); llRegionSayTo( agent_id, PUBLIC_CHANNEL, gsErrorMessage ); } } since my region got switched to no scripts, every time I leave my borders I now push "else if (reason == 17) gsErrorMessage += "The experience is blocked or not enabled for this land.";" "Teleport Denied: not allowed to run in current location. The experience is blocked or not enabled for this land." Doesn't matter when the user used the asset, or what, the second they leave, I now get error returns... This is for everything experience enabled, I have Coffee cups and a Cookie, that rez/attach/clean up, today, they error too if I leave my parcel. This stands to make grid wide experiences a lot of hassle, as anyone neighboring anyone can turn scripts off, but leaving a parcel should never call llRequestExperiencePermissions(llDetectedKey(0), ""); to be receiving a perms/perms failed event... I have to think it's a listen, the original perms grab is done by a dialog, so it must be heard... but every single subsequent call, or check of the perms on an agent opens that listen too, and leaving the script enabled land, closes it, forcing the error... maybe. I've tried using llAgentInExperience(); instead, so... if yes, we have perms. but I can't TP the agent without the request for perms, which opens "something" and causes errors on leaving my parcel now that surrounding land has scripts disabled. Is this normal, and expected? The Edit : Erwin Solo is the writer of the error if tree, which I copy pasta'd from these forums, so TY Erwin, for sharing!
  20. These are also on the counter at Mole Mart @ http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Leafminer/191/156/35
  21. Re-purposing my mesh phone/tablet things into animated wall displays!
  22. I've also been wondering, as my beta grid inventory hasn't updated since around Halloween. Searching around it seems maybe the "Reset password to force update" method was removed when they automated it, but the automation is no longer happening, or, maybe backed up too far?. If you find an answer, animats, I'd love to hear it!.
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